What is about some guests?


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Dec 14, 2008
That turn what I presume are normally sensible people into fanatics - good or bad?

I have noticed that some guests seem to inspire such strong followings that they are almost treated as saints by some. Dont get me wrong I dont have a problem with people being what I see as boderline obsessive, they are not harming anyone and if it brings them some pleasure well good luck to them. But over on facebook both on the qvc page and the guests personal pages there is sometimes an air of almost religous zeal where there favourite is concerned and to a lesser extent on here at times, when you add in the t callers it appears to me that some guests do inspire this type of following.
Now I quite like some of the guests and some of the presenters but I just dont get the zealousness ( not sure if that is a real word:grin: ) anyone got an explaination? Anyone who feels like this about any of the guests, or presenters that could explain to me.

I am not having a go at anyone I'm all for different views I would just like to try and get some sort of understanding of it, peoples behaviour has alwys fascinated me.
I have no explanation Delh but perhaps someone could also explain why some people absolutely hate and detest some presenters so much they feel the need to comment on every aspect of ther lives and every utterance they make.
I don't get it either, it's the same with the music and film industry too, while I have favourite singers and actors it is their work I admire rather than being blindly devoted to their image and thinking that as a human being they are beyond reproach. .For examaple I never understood the fanatacism that Michael Jackon inspired in some. The word fan is actually an abbreviation of fanatic. As for the guests and presenters, I find some far more easy on the ear and the eye than others and there is always the mute button and failing that the off switch.

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