What do you think Cat Lovers?


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I can see Boris and Katya on the map now. It is quite funny to look at the other cats' pictures and read about them. There isn't a moderator I don't think as I have read a couple of risque ones. Love the names people have chosen for their cats.
On the left hand side there is a link there is a recommendations box it says Cat Survey - a map of London cats. You do not go onto Facebook or anything so don't worry about the bit about logging in. You can then see the map.Click on 'add your cat to the survey.In the banner at the top of the page is a blue box 'add your cat'- ignore the bit on this page on the left hand side about find a cat. Complete the details on the right hand side for your cat. When you have submitted your form you will get an e-mail with a link to your cat. To find Boris and Katya use the find your cat on the left handside and put Boris's name in. At the moment this will bring up 2 cats called Boris - the picture I have posted is of both of them so you can see which is my Boris. You can simply click on other cats on the map to find out about them. Hope this helps! If you get stuck , let me know.
Yeah! finally got there today, their website is unbelievably slow for me. Found Boris and Katya, his markings are really showing now.

Obviously Boris is a fairly unusual name, only two so far in the UK, couple in South America - poor puddies living in Iceland!
Tried to register His Nibs FP but gave up after five attempts - never even got as far as his colouring.
It's supposed to be London, but it's all over the world Barbs.Not many in Ireland yet - Kringle and Star from Dublin, Sparta from Tullamore there's Mushu from Swaziland, Mia Litla from Iceland. There are cats from Canada, Japan, South America, New Zealand, all over Europe, Saudi Arabia, South America to name but a few. It will take me a while to look at them all! It's fantastic, I absolutely love it , it's so crazy!
Ooops! Seems I was doing something horribly wrong - no surprise there.....

His Nibs is now on the Cat Map.

Life of Pi.From Los Angeles I have found Richard Parker-
'Bengal tiger, that was brought to life by the love, dedication and hard work of lots of artists. '
i must be being thick because i can see the article but not a link to the map - and i'm not going back there because having scanned the page looking, i saw things i'd rather not see :(
thanks FP :)

louis is added but it wouldn't accept the photo. will keep trying.
i haven't looked FP - other than checking out the other louis'. i've been keeping on trying to edit but it just tries for ages, then times out, every time.

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