What do YOU like about these channels?


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Pony club

Registered Shopper
Jun 18, 2012
Hi everyone!

I've been reading these forums for years but recently decided to join the conversations.

I've noticed that although this is an online forum to voice our views and opinions both negatively and positively about shopping television, it seems that more and more people just come on here to be negative about the channels or to b*tch about the presenters...

Im just wondering if there are any redeeming features about these channels any more?

What DO you like about the channels?

Are there any shopping channels you DO like?

And if you had it all do much, why do you watch and even more do spend your time writing on these boards everyday just to be mean to presenters and offer negative thoughts?

I'm just really interested to hear your responses


Pony Club
Pretty much the only thing I like or person should I say is Mike and he is going. Old Mikey M but not new Mike Spiv M. Oh and the JML at close down
I like these channels (sit ups) because of the variety, however, they are starting to "theme" shows a bit more these days...and believe it or not, even with the extortionate P&P charges, there are still some bargains to be had.

The best thing about shopping channels for me is to see all the gadgets before they become widespread...George Foreman, magic bullet, breadmaker...all mine bought from a shopping channel in the early days and still being used.

Innovations in fashion, things you can't usually buy in this country...and I also find shopping channels entertaining viewing!
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I like to see the unbelievable tat that some people buy. They hardly ever seem to sell any quality goods these days.
I like the kicthen stuff and love Wayne the 'chef' who either burns everything, cuts into not quite done food and covers the evidence with runny icing, or makes simple foods look totally inedible :tongue:

I like how you can multibuy items, which they tell you frequently on air but find out from this forum that you are charged P&P for each item.

I like not only this, not only that and not only the other :up:

I am sad Charlie has gone but I like Adam and Mark Ryes.
Ever since stumbling onto Bid.tv by chance I am addicted to how they conduct presentations when selling items. Don't ask me why it just interests me!

I do have quite a bit of negativity about Bid due to some of their sales tactics and strategy.

Saying that though I must admit a handful of the presenters are open and honest about the products they sell.

I've never bought from them and probably never will!
I like QVC and I.W. and started watching situps a few years ago when we got a freeview TV. I love the way they sell the most tatty rubbish item, you could buy cheaper at a market, as if it is the best thing since sliced bread. I like the way they spout about precious stones, watches and electric or techno stuff as if they are experts and I adore the way they completely ignore the exorbitant cost of the phone call and p&p.... 'Where else would you get this for a tenner?' 'This is cheaper than we paid for it' Not with the hidden extras added on pal!
hi pony club.... what i can say is going back a few years ago bid tv imo was very entertaining, especially the 'old' st.peter simon, he was very funny whilst selling his stuff, a lot of which was reasonable quality believe it or not, but unfortuanately he has tured into an un-funny tat selling monster, preying seemingly on the poor older generation who cannot it seems see thru all the ******** and hard sell, and ******** seems to be the order of the day now with him and james russell and that caroline woman saying anything for a sale, i obviously cant talk for anyone else on here but i cant come on here and say how wonderful sit-up is when i can see how bad it has become... i think paul evers is a pretty good presenter but as for the rest of em like screeching sally and far (my parents in their surry home and my kensington flat) and bloody paul beque (mrs earwig like him tho) and as for marina (the ordinary people at home) berry well id better stop now and take a tablet... :headbang:

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