All channels need a USP, and even though bid were losing money around 2009 onwards, by changing to 'shop at bid' they lost their whole USP. I understand that they needed to adapt the channels to try and go back into profit, but by copying channels such as QVC and IW when presenters used to contrast their business model saying how bid was better, meant that they would have needed a whole new target audience, as people watched bid for entertainment and end up buying products without intending to most of the time, and this worked to some extent. - Even though a dramatic change was necessary, copying that of close rivals was completely misjudged.
Bid's debts were wiped through the CVA, but as they would have lost so many sales in the last month accumulating more debt, I see it that by cutting their losses as it were now, they could pay their manageable debt back through selling assets such as props, bought products, machinery etc. and have more chance of getting some wages to their freelances. Yes, they could easily have carried on another 6 months accumulating more debt, but in the end, I personally think the owners done the moral and ethical thing by closing when they did so workers had a higher chance of getting back what they were owed.