What action should QVC bosses take re the "slapping" incident?


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What action should QVC bosses take regarding Alison Young and the slapping incident?

  • No action, it was lighthearted fun.

    Votes: 31 26.1%
  • A quiet word, its not the first time this has happened...

    Votes: 23 19.3%
  • A formal reprimand for unacceptable behaviour... we have our eye on you Alison

    Votes: 49 41.2%
  • Dismissal. Touve done it once too often love, get your cards.

    Votes: 16 13.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
but hang on-they haven't actually removed it, have they? ANY product with a video always has the most RECENT airing of the product on show. As the product was shown again AFTER the incident, then that showing would always take precedence on the video system. sorry to be a "jobsworth", but if we are going to criticise her (and I didn't see it, so can't vote really), then we can't assume that the QVC bosses are so annoyed that they have removed all evidence. Let's be a little bit logical about this, as it weakens our position if we make assumptions.
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I thought violent conduct was grounds for instant dismissal due to gross misconduct ?

I look into it and then vote.
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Ok think for a minute.. if it's ok for AY to slap someone on the face during horse-play,then would it be ok for Dale to slap Ralph, or for Charlie to playfully slap the backside of one the models he flirts with on air?
I personally doubt Ali Young meant any offence, but as a serial on air happy slapper she has over stepped the mark and needs to be told so.
She is out of control and is what I would call a "show off".
I wonder if Tova or Lulu might be her next victims..hmmm!!!!
Ok think for a minute.. if it's ok for AY to slap someone on the face during horse-play,then would it be ok for Dale to slap Ralph, or for Charlie to playfully slap the backside of one the models he flirts with on air?
I personally doubt Ali Young meant any offence, but as a serial on air happy slapper she has over stepped the mark and needs to be told so.
She is out of control and is what I would call a "show off".
I wonder if Tova or Lulu might be her next victims..hmmm!!!!

Well if she does it to Lulu she will soon know what it feels like to get a "Glasgow Kiss"!!! :giggle:
judging by lulu's appearance the other day she's been smacked in the gob more than a few times. fat lip!
judging by lulu's appearance the other day she's been smacked in the gob more than a few times. fat lip!

I think the word you're looking for is "injected".

Though that sounds positively disgusting.

had to laugh the other day when lulu was on flogging her "award winning handcream"

the award was from that well known and respected beauty bible "psychologies magazine"

yes... quite.
had to laugh the other day when lulu was on flogging her "award winning handcream"

the award was from that well known and respected beauty bible "psychologies magazine"

yes... quite.

Erm, why would psychologists be giving out handcream awards?

I'm completely bamboozled.
cant/ wont comment as the incident was deleted. not in the habit of voting if i dont know what for.

Doesn't that tell you something? It was a very recent show and usually the videos are kept until the next show. By saying that surely it implies her guilt?:confused:
Pathetic poll!!! Get over it, there are far worse things happening, if Lee is bothered by it then it is up to her to complain, not everyone else.
Sorry, only just read the other replies - still it's good to know great minds think alike.
I would like to add though, that when AY did it and Lee said "Ouch that hurt" Alison told her "No it didn't". Maybe Lee should have punched AY one and then when Alison dragged herself off the floor and complained about it hurting Lee could turn round and say "No, IT DIDN'T":muscle::giggle:
I also think AY should be put through the same torture she puts everyone else through - no wait - None of us are that cruel are we?:grin:
It's interesting to see that as it stands atm (midnight) 22% of the voters think that it was in fun, but almost noone (except me lol) will write a post to that effect:muscle:
Pathetic poll!!! Get over it, there are far worse things happening, if Lee is bothered by it then it is up to her to complain, not everyone else.

Hasn't Sazza already said (about 500 times) that people shouldn't be attacked for expressing their opinions?

Fine, you disagree with the poll: is there any reason WHY you have to be so insulting about it?

Speaking for myself, I don't know whether Lee is bothered by it or not, but seeing her get slapped by AY DID bother me. And according to the forum rules I am allowed to express my opinion, without being told to "Get over it".

So, if your only reason for being here is to mock and undermine other posters, I'm sure I'm not the only one who would rather you found somewhere else to troll around.
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Pathetic poll!!! Get over it, there are far worse things happening, if Lee is bothered by it then it is up to her to complain, not everyone else.

as things stand over 60 people have voted so clearly don't think its pathetic. so why dont you just get stuffed.
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The thing about AY and many other presenters, they are in their "comfort zone". They believe they can do what they like and no one will take any action as they have been working at QVC for so long. I am sure the management hierachy at QVC towers would love to get shot of some of the presenters and replace them with younger models.

They don't really need AY anymore. All the major beauty brands come with their own expert and I would rather listen to them than her constantly interrupting. By constantly behaving the way she does AY is just making it easier for them to get rid of her. I would like to think that her behaviour would get her a verbal warning. I know she has been poorly, but sometimes she isn't exactly a good advert for the goods she is trying to sell.

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