What a con!


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Jun 24, 2008
On the phone/not the web!
Last night Peter Simon was selling a mans necklace. He started off by saying that Les Dawson used to have a big chunky gold necklace and bracelet and he, Peter, has one but much lighter in weight. The only information he gave was that it was 2oz and 20". He mentioned gold many times. There were no graphics, the phones were locked. Then the countdown clock started. The phones opened and only then were the graphics put up. I forget whether it was 18 or 24ct but the graphics said.......... gold finish.

He never ever mentioned anything other than gold. So what was under the 'gold finish' crikey knows.

So he got people clambering to the phones and only when they were dialling were the true details of what they were phoning in for displayed.

I think he said fifty were on the phonelines immediately they opened.

The necklace went for £49.99 and I think they had over 200.
Bid tv sinking lower and lower! Cowboys. Someone get the beans out...and the air freshener. :bandit:
Sounds like the downright deceptive "mystery item in the box" trick revisited, whereby the item description didn't appear until a set number of 'buyers' had bought the item (this didn't last long for obvious reasons).
Sounds like the downright deceptive "mystery item in the box" trick revisited, whereby the item description didn't appear until a set number of 'buyers' had bought the item (this didn't last long for obvious reasons).

Ah, thanks for reminding me about that selling tactic - straight out from the Derek Trotter Selling Manual. :taphead:
Last night James Russell was flogging a "Christian (as he calls it) Lars watch which was 18 carat gold plated. The written description clearly said it was plated, however, not once did I hear him say this, but at least three times I heard him call it an 18 carat gold watch....it isn't and this shouldn't be allowed, even if they do mention the word plated somewhere else in the presentation. I don't know how they get away with it....... if someone had been off their guard they might have hastily put in a bid. This is so wrong!
Absolutely disgraceful! I don't know how they get away with it. I feel so sorry for the vulnerable people who get sucked into buying all this crap. I'm constantly amazed there doesn't seem to any depths to which they'll not sink to. How do they sleep at night???
Absolutely disgraceful! I don't know how they get away with it. I feel so sorry for the vulnerable people who get sucked into buying all this crap. I'm constantly amazed there doesn't seem to any depths to which they'll not sink to. How do they sleep at night???

Indeed! Imagine the poor people opening up that pile of junk after outlaying almost £60!

I've watched it again and Peter Simon actually gives out the phone number while the countdown clock is ticking down, without graphics/description!

One of the last things he says is 'we really struggle to get gold, we are a live discount channel......'

And is 'gold finish' even less gold than plated?
Peter Simon: "We really struggle to get gold". Give the man credit, he's being really honest for once :mysmilie_15:
What more can you say about this bunch of con men (and women)?!! £50 for a gold plated piece of crap!!!!

I've seen more honesty in a mock auction. They should have the plug pulled on them as soon as possible!!!
What more can you say about this bunch of con men (and women)?!! £50 for a gold plated piece of crap!!!!

I've seen more honesty in a mock auction. They should have the plug pulled on them as soon as possible!!!

Personally I'd hate it if we lost all the bid channels, cause I quite like buying from them, there is some really good stuff amongst the rubbish and tat. I would just like them to be told by the powers that be, that they must no longer try and mislead their viewers

For example they wouldn't be able to tell us that the likes of Christin Lars and Thomas Earnshaw are world famous designer brands made with quality and precision in places like Switzerland, they have to say the designs are inspired by Swiss design and are a cheap n cheerful alternative

A gold plated bracelet is a gold plated bracelet....if it's plated to a high standard by all means say so,but it is NOT a gold bracelet!

Be upfront about the p&p charges which ARE higher than most other channels/online retailers. Mention it when an item goes for a quid, say something along the lines of "look this is only going to cost you £8 to get this home, which isn't a bad price!" Not as I most recently heard....."Go and look down the back of the sofa...you'll find yourself a quid,and then you can have this"....No you can't! This is downright lying and they should be banned from saying such things!

For heaven's sake, they do free p&p on all orders over £50 and for some reason, they never bother to mention it....WHY? Also that if you buy online you avoid the phonecall charges..why can't they be upfront about these....how about "Well if you miss this offer, try your luck online, ok, you might not get it, but it'll cost you nothing to try!

It's not as if the presenters can't inject a bit of their old BS into their presentations, they could still tell us that they bought a bog roll and a newspaper for more than the diamond ring they're selling,we're not going to believe them, but at least it's pretty harmless compared with the blatant mis- selling of products that they've been getting away with for far too long, especially with some of the "latest" technology they're trying to flog us.

Like I said, I'd hate them to go, but I'd love to see them be made to clean up their act!
Watchdog helped close Auction World so why don't we all write to them about bid? Maybe to Despatches on Four too. Bid are far worse than Poundland which they covered


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Nah. Let them rip off the pensioners and and internet ignorant.
The reason why I wouldn't complain about them is because whatever bs they come up with it would never tempt me to buy anything, I never have fallen for their bs. If I saw something unique and I couldn't find it cheaper online however, I would buy from them. I do feel they can be very dodgy but over the last few weeks they have cut out a lot of bs - maybe they have been reading this forum.

Whatever you say about them some of the presenters are entertaining and quite funny. I do feel for the gullible and vulnerable and if anyone has been ripped off it is for them to complain to watchdog, trading standards etc.

Also they haven't sold the Thomas Earnshaw watches in a while now - maybe they have been given a telling off by the authorities.
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Bid do this all the time - refer to an item as 'gold' and heavily imply that is a genuine gold (This is a heavy weight, the price of gold is through the roof, we struggle to get gold) and then the description describes it as 'gold plated' or 'gold finished'.

It really is such a low selling tactic - I have no doubt that the majority of buyers think they're buying genuine gold. I hope Ofcom are on the case.
There's only ONE man who should investigate Bid.tv

Roger Cook!!


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