Watch watch - i have ordered a Watch!!!


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Mar 3, 2009
In the middle of nowhere!!
I have just ordered a watch, not a ceramic this time, but a watch i saw presented on gems quite sometime ago, it had 3 straps, and a little cat dangling from the watch, fell in love with it, dont ask me why, it just spoke to me! lol, and i never saw it on the tv again, and was really surprised and happy to see it on their website, so i snatched it up!!!!

Its due to arrive tomorrow - i cannot wait!! :flower: Just thought i would share that with you all xxxxxx
Are you by any chance excited? lol its always great when something comes along that you love but never thought you'd be able to buy again well done hope you love it when it arrives tomorrow x
Any Chance of a link or item number so we can have a peek?
Are you by any chance excited? lol its always great when something comes along that you love but never thought you'd be able to buy again well done hope you love it when it arrives tomorrow x
Any Chance of a link or item number so we can have a peek?

132030.jpg hope that this turns out right - just did it all by myself (im a big girl me!!! lol) i am the UKs No.1 Technophobe xxx any way that should be the picture of the cat watch - it is quite sweet, and seeing as i am not allowed a cat at the moment, i will have to make do with that (we cant have a cat, as we have a dawg, well a chihuahua at any rate!!)xxxxxxxxxx
View attachment 4137 hope that this turns out right - just did it all by myself (im a big girl me!!! lol) i am the UKs No.1 Technophobe xxx any way that should be the picture of the cat watch - it is quite sweet, and seeing as i am not allowed a cat at the moment, i will have to make do with that (we cant have a cat, as we have a dawg, well a chihuahua at any rate!!)xxxxxxxxxx

actually quite chuffed with myself, first time i have managed to do something like this - i mean the attachment!!! :clapping::happy::wink2::giggle:
Are you by any chance excited? lol its always great when something comes along that you love but never thought you'd be able to buy again well done hope you love it when it arrives tomorrow x
Any Chance of a link or item number so we can have a peek?

now i have discovered how to attach things - i am going to being attaching for Britain !!! lol xxx
Awwww PG that's really cute. Well done on the pic too.

Don't mean to put a damper on things but it's quite ironic really as my 17 year old cat had to be put to sleep this afternoon. I haven't posted about her before now as really didn't feel up to talking about her illness but we've been giving her pallative care for the last 5/6 weeks. Sadly the time came today when she was beginning to suffer. Won't be the same without her.
Awwww PG that's really cute. Well done on the pic too.

Don't mean to put a damper on things but it's quite ironic really as my 17 year old cat had to be put to sleep this afternoon. I haven't posted about her before now as really didn't feel up to talking about her illness but we've been giving her pallative care for the last 5/6 weeks. Sadly the time came today when she was beginning to suffer. Won't be the same without her.

So sorry Klosblue. xxxxx
Awwww PG that's really cute. Well done on the pic too.

Don't mean to put a damper on things but it's quite ironic really as my 17 year old cat had to be put to sleep this afternoon. I haven't posted about her before now as really didn't feel up to talking about her illness but we've been giving her pallative care for the last 5/6 weeks. Sadly the time came today when she was beginning to suffer. Won't be the same without her.

Klosblue, that is really sad news. Please accept my sincerest condolescences. I do understand how you feel, 2 years ago, our pet ferret was very ill, and the vets did all they could for her, but in the end we had to have her put down, i still havent really got over her going, (she was my boys pet, but as with all pets it ends up being left to mum to sort out!) yes she was bitey, but armed with gauntlets and steel toe capped boots, with cycle clips around my ankles, with struck up a rapport, and i loved that ferret like my own family - it hurts when you have to say goodbye to a pet. I am thinking of you, xxxxxx :flower::flower::flower:
Sorry to hear your news KB. Not good.

Persianglitter - I have a very similar watch from Gems and it's great! You'll love it. The straps are very very easy to interchange (they just slip through the back) and the watch face is the perfect size for me. I'm sure I've posted piccies before so if you search on my name you should be able to find it.

Edit: Here you go, post no.2
Hope you love your watch PG, it looks very nice, Gems watches have always been good 'uns...I've never been
disappointed and they are reliable.

Also posting to pass on my sincere condolences to Klos, I know exactly how you must be feeling. Our little
Sacha was 15 when he was taken poorly, seven years ago now, but still sorely missed.
Sorry to hear your news KB. Not good.

Persianglitter - I have a very similar watch from Gems and it's great! You'll love it. The straps are very very easy to interchange (they just slip through the back) and the watch face is the perfect size for me. I'm sure I've posted piccies before so if you search on my name you should be able to find it.

Edit: Here you go, post no.2

Meeshoo, thanks, checked your pic out, i do like the colour choice in the straps for the watch. My watch is meant to come today, but i have checked on gems website (my checkout) and it says order still in progress - though i note yesterday the money was held from my card - I do get so impatient waiting for jewellery orders! lol, i will pace up and down all day! lol good job i am waiting a new mattress for my bed to be delivered today, too!! lol and my youngest son is home tonight, hes been away to the Peak District with his 6th form - so i am expecting, one tired, grumpy teenager with a huge bag of dirty washing - which is ok, only the process will be repeated, when his elder brother comes home for weekend leave tomorrow!! I feel like a laundrette! lol - and it doesnt help that i have a frozen shoulder at the moment! I cant type nearly as fast, as it jars, and its ouchy!! lol I will keep you posted on the watch, as and when it comes - xxxxxx
Now that is what i call service! 8.30am on the button - knock at the door - its, wait for it the mattress!!! Well we are going to sleep well tonight! lol - such a comfy cosy mattress - beats the heck out of the old wirey springy thing that we had to put up with!! I cant wait to go to bed now!! only another 14 hours to push!! lol now to keep a vigile on the delivery of the watch lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Congrats on the piccies,if I have a couple of weeks to spare and can get Valium I may try myself.
Klos,so sorry about your cat,losing a pet is hard and takes a lot of getting over,I still can't think about the ones who have "passed on".
PG and Klosblue

Well done PG on the watch..looks fun! Hope by now its arrived and you can resume your launderette and general housemaid services! Teenagers..don't get me sixteen yr old looked at her plate of dinner last night and asked me 'do I like this?'

Klosblue, I am so sorry about the sad loss of your pet, it must be an awful time and I want to send you a virtual hug and give you one of these :coffee: x x
Well done PG on the watch..looks fun! Hope by now its arrived and you can resume your launderette and general housemaid services! Teenagers..don't get me sixteen yr old looked at her plate of dinner last night and asked me 'do I like this?'

Klosblue, I am so sorry about the sad loss of your pet, it must be an awful time and I want to send you a virtual hug and give you one of these :coffee: x x

Briolette - what was your answer? I find meal times a real pain! I got one who will eat tuna, mayo, coleslaw, salad and every vegetable you can mention, and any variety of food (chinese, Indian etc) except for Mexican! and the other wont eat tuna, but will eat fish, Cucumber, hates coleslaw, mayo and salad - will eat any vegetable going, loves all foreign food including mexican - and sushi to boot ! the only joint food item they will not eat is Kidney! and Tripe! and then i have a husband who wont eat lasagne! but then I can talk, as i cant eat spaghetti - love bolognese etc, its just the long spaghetti i cant eat it! lol and i love brussel sprouts! lol xxxxxx
The watch arrived this morning at 9am. After wrestling with packaging, opening the box, i was pleasantly surprised, and have to admit, yes i like it very much! the little cat mascot isnt as huge as i was expecting it to be, which is good, as it doesnt look out of place, it is wee, and cute! The watch, well this does go beyond my expectations, it has a a black agate dial, and you can see the numerals clearly, the watch is edged with white topaz, the watch itself is not too heavy, its a comfortable weight on the wrist. The choice of straps, is difficult, as all three colours are really nice, i have opted for the yellow, as it goes really well with the black, but equally all the straps look really nice with the watch, a lot of thought has actually gone into this watch, it is really nice, makes a lovely gift for women of all ages, it has my seal of approval and two :up2::up2: i would not hesitate to recommend this to anyone, as either a gift or a treatette to ones self - i am very impressed. XXXX :happy::wave2:

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