Very Inapporpriate things guest presenters say


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I don't know her at all, Shopper, however I cannot imagine anyone advocating a shopping telly presenter (or anyone for that matter) is worthy of worship by dint of the day on which they were born! It's just utterly ridiculous and people taking offence to that absolutely SHOULD lighten up! I understand that some people have devout religious beliefs - fine by me - but this doesn't mean that they have to take offence when absolutely none was intended. I'm sure if Jesus Christ existed he might look at matters with some humility and possibly a little chuckle from up there in the sky or wherever he happens to be. It wouldn't say much for his status as "perfect" if he didn't. We get all sorts of problems when people take religion too seriously - whatever religion that may be. People like to belong to a "club" and feel under threat when their chosen ideology is criticised, mocked or called into question. I sometimes wish there were no religions, then perhaps humankind might stop killing each other over what is no more than an unproven, basal, personal belief. In my view being extremely religious is like a schoolkid having an imaginary friend in the playground, asserting: "My imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend!" It's all about one-upmanship and is really quite silly! Of course I don't know whether God / Allah / whoever/ exists or not, but then neither do you or does anybody else! I don't see much to support the existence of any supreme being / deity. I think the world is amazing and interesting but not evidence in itself of the existence of God, whether it be "a" god or "the" God - the real one, the definite article, in whose omnipotence we are meant to trust. I guess people would rather have their imaginary friend than suffer the realisation of a cold, fleeting and transient existence on Earth with absolutely nobody up there watching over.

This is a forum about shopping and perhaps we should steer clear of insulting people's faith regardless of what that faith might be (and yes Julius I found your post offensive).
Me too! I'm watching all the Christmas films on Freeview and have been for a good few weeks. Now I'm on a two week break I'm hoping to catch the one Peter Falk is in as an angel! :mysmilie_8:

My all time favourite is "It's A Wonderful Life" I love that film. :mysmilie_14:
I doubt there is anyone who would believe that she literally meant we should all get on our knees and worship Dale!

Then why would some people get so upset over it? Sweet Jesus! I didn't realise I had to pander to peoples' over-zealous sensibilities!
Shouldn't the point be that it's a shopping channel and should be family viewable. If filling in with waffle then there should be an agenda to stick to. Religion should be top of the list to avoid.
Shouldn't the point be that it's a shopping channel and should be family viewable. If filling in with waffle then there should be an agenda to stick to. Religion should be top of the list to avoid.

Well said. We are not taking up positions on which religion, or none, is best. We are simply commenting that someone was showing off on telly and saying daft things, without engaging brain first.
Shouldn't the point be that it's a shopping channel and should be family viewable. If filling in with waffle then there should be an agenda to stick to. Religion should be top of the list to avoid.

I agree - discussions about religion and politics are always best avoided as they nearly always end in a disagreement.

What upsets me though is that it now seems more acceptable to knock Christianity than any other religion... all should be afforded the same respect.

That said, I think sometimes people just open their mouths before engaging their brains and don't actually realise what they've said.... I doubt she meant to offend and would probably be mortified if she knew she had upset someone.
I agree - discussions about religion and politics are always best avoided as they nearly always end in a disagreement.

What upsets me though is that it now seems more acceptable to knock Christianity than any other religion... all should be afforded the same respect.

That said, I think sometimes people just open their mouths before engaging their brains and don't actually realise what they've said.... I doubt she meant to offend and would probably be mortified if she knew she had upset someone.

I don't see a problem with people having / believing in a religion, it's when they defend the religion as though they are fighting for their life that I find it a bit strange. If someone's religion is really so good and true, it should surely stand up to close examination and fare well when called into question. It is ignorant and silly to believe in someone just for the sake of it.
I've absolutely no idea were this thread is wandering off to, my point was more to do with Julius telling the OP to "lighten up" because of something she believed was offensive, nothing at all to do with religion and everything to do with respect.
I'm really not going to rise to that you know, it really is too funny :mysmilie_14: :mysmilie_17::mysmilie_15::mysmilie_19:
I cant believe what I've read on these past 4 pages !! We're living in a world where there is bound to be someone who is 'offended' by something, or considers something 'inappropriate'. 40 odd years ago these 2 words wouldn't have seen light of day and why ? because we knew the meaning of MANNERS then. If you are of the generation who feels slighted at the drop of a hat, then do you respect the police or anyone in authority ? do you remember to say please and thank you ? do your children ask for something without saying please (like they do on the tele)? I bet you don't answer YES to all three questions. You rarely find anyone over 60 using the words 'offended or inappropriate', because they were brought up in an age to be polite and know their manners. Ask yourself, who's to blame ?
I cant believe what I've read on these past 4 pages !! We're living in a world where there is bound to be someone who is 'offended' by something, or considers something 'inappropriate'. 40 odd years ago these 2 words wouldn't have seen light of day and why ? because we knew the meaning of MANNERS then. If you are of the generation who feels slighted at the drop of a hat, then do you respect the police or anyone in authority ? do you remember to say please and thank you ? do your children ask for something without saying please (like they do on the tele)? I bet you don't answer YES to all three questions. You rarely find anyone over 60 using the words 'offended or inappropriate', because they were brought up in an age to be polite and know their manners. Ask yourself, who's to blame ?

My fault I know but I do not understand your point (sorry!) I find Julius comments offensive and will continue to do so and find them totally inappropriate on a forum about shopping.
Re: the original post.

Oh come onnnnn, that is a crazy comment to get offended by. I am not religious, but even if I was I would see that the Emu lady's comment was not meant literally.

We all say things on the spur of the moment that perhaps on reflection we might not say again, but that is because we are all only human.
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Ellaaa that's your opinion, after all we're all different and can't tell people what comment they should or shouldn't get offended by, I thought telling her "to lightern up" was rude where as someone else mightn't think that it is, so swings and roundabouts.
Being a 'forum' all posts are valid no matter how disagreeable we may feel they are. It is a shopping channel that this post refers to so the posts are relevant. I just wish people would be more tolerant and not so offended by comments. Why people choose to be offended is interesting, for my part I choose not to be offended as we are all entitled to say what we want. Freedom of speech is a basic right afforded to every person in this country and if a QVC guest presenter says an off the cuff comment about a religious festival (although Christmas Day was originally a pagan festival celebrating mid-winter and hijacked by the Christian cult) that presenter has every right to say that. If you are offended by that comment, I am sorry but that is your problem not hers. People really do need to lighten up especially over religion when it has caused nothing but trouble...keep it to yourself.
I've absolutely no idea were this thread is wandering off to, my point was more to do with Julius telling the OP to "lighten up" because of something she believed was offensive, nothing at all to do with religion and everything to do with respect.

Me neither, maybe Sazza should close it .

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