Unwashed for twelve weeks!


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Do you really believe that that's true or is it just an excuse for why they found petrol on him and his clothes?
Everything about them is unbelievable, it is like a horror story....
I don't normally like to make assumptions about events, we get very limited information which is usually one sided, coupled with the fact that the media sensationalise everything and put their own spin on it because that's what sells papers so what we are actually told is normally half tuths and guesswork so I take most of it with a pinch of salt, but from the very first this incident has smelt extremely fishy to me
I suspected the parents from the moment i saw the mother at the news conference. There was s omething about her that didn't ring true, probably lots of sobbing facial expressions without one tear.
The whole situation is so sad and horrific. If guilty i hope they are get what they deserve.
The media/press appeals by the family after such an event are carefully co-ordinated by the police who analyse every word they say and study their emotions and body language, for me theirs was very telling and didn't ring true
The media/press appeals by the family after such an event are carefully co-ordinated by the police who analyse every word they say and study their emotions and body language, for me theirs was very telling and didn't ring true

I studied psychology and one of our modules was on criminal/forensic psychology. We looked at how the press conferences are engineered and what signs the police, body language experts and psychologists are looking for. It was so interesting
I don't usually make assumptions until the he trial verdict but I have to make an exception here & say they both appear totally guilty to me. They just repulse me. Not heard much from the mistress yet but she seems to be a liability. 11 kids in 1 house, 10 fathered by the same man & only the mistress out of the adults working part time I read?! The adults in this scenario just seem typical of the grab everything you possibly can off the state by what ever means section of society.

I work in a large organisation. I've seen people coming into work days after loosing a brother, sister, spouse or child. I've seen people coming into work straight after aggrssive cancer treatment having sometimes fought to get it in the 1st place. People who from the off expect the state to pay for everything they want doesn't bode well with me I'm afraid. I feel very sorry for those children, god bless them. They didn't ask to be born into that squalid turmoil of parents that are on trial for taking their lives, so sad. Hopefully the children who had already left with the mistress will make something of their lives & come to terms with the grief & devastation of loosing their brothers & sisters in time.
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I don't usually make assumptions until the he trial verdict but I have to make an exception here & say they both appear totally guilty to me. They just repulse me. Not heard much from the mistress yet but she seems to be a liability. 11 kids in 1 house, 10 fathered by the same man & only the mistress out of the adults working part time I read?! The adults in this scenario just seem typical of the grab everything you possibly can off the state by what ever means section of society.

I work in a large organisation. I've seen people coming into work days after loosing a brother, sister, spouse or child. I've seen people coming into work straight after aggrssive cancer treatment having sometimes fought to get it in the 1st place. People who from the off expect the state to pay for everything they want doesn't bode well with me I'm afraid. I feel very sorry for those children, god bless them. They didn't ask to be born into that squalid turmoil of parents that are on trial for taking their lives, so sad. Hopefully the children who had already left with the mistress will make something of their lives & come to terms with the grief & devastation of loosing their brothers & sisters in time.

Me too! Their "performance" at the press conference was absymal and I daren't post what I think about the horrendous suffering they inflicted on those poor children. I hope they both rot in hell along with those who may have helped along the way! Unfortunately, they'll probably end up with a better lifestyle inside than they had when walking free.......:mad:
Wish I had been following this more closely. The police and CPS obviously have sufficient evidence to think they are guilty of this most appalling crime. But just what was his motive I wonder and what is his defence? I dont believe for a minute that he had not washed for 3 months! I'm like the rest of you, I dont like to pre-judge BUT I have to say he is not believable to me.
Wish I had been following this more closely. The police and CPS obviously have sufficient evidence to think they are guilty of this most appalling crime. But just what was his motive I wonder and what is his defence? I dont believe for a minute that he had not washed for 3 months! I'm like the rest of you, I dont like to pre-judge BUT I have to say he is not believable to me.

According to the press they are alleged to have deliberately started a fire in their house because the mistress left with her 5 children. The man on trial was apparently furious that she'd left him & taken his other kids & had intended to blame her for the fire. It was also intimated that they thought this would get them a much larger council house. Tragically, the fire resulted in the deaths of his other 6 children he had with his wife. That's essentially what was reported in the press anyway.

The police charged the couple with the deaths of their 6 children following discussions they had taped secretly between the pair after the fire. The taped conversations, what's been relayed to the press & TV seem pretty damming to me.
Thanks Nikki, I was aware of the bare bones of the case but hadn't caught the bit about the taped conversations or that he thought he could get a bigger council house! It beggars belief that a human being could come up with such a bizarre and horrendous scheme for, essentially, revenge with the added benefit of gaining a bigger house. If they are guilty, I hope the jury finds them so.

Whenever there is a press conference where the victims are appealing for, say, their lost child etc, I always think that the police have suggested they do it so that they can see how they react. I remember seeing a programme about it years ago and it aways intrigues me, as it makes me think that the police think they may have something to do with the crime. On quite a number of ocassions it has turned out that those making the appeal are the guilty party.
& Here are the trio...(mistress was bridesmaid at their wedding apparently).
This epitomoses why shows like Jeremy Kyle souldn't be given air time, sorry if that offends, but it's precisely this type of show that gives these people delusions of their own importance and the consequences invariably end in disaster...


It seems that he had fathered at least 17 children, as it says 15 on the screen and both mistress and wife were pregnant at the same time. How do people afford it on the dole I wonder? Oh yes, silly me, WE PAY!
So dreadfully sad that we now know the child Miraid was carrying at the time is now dead along with their siblings :(.
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This story beggars belief. Everything about their behaviour is weird.
I know that if I had lost my children in a house fire, the last thing on my mind would be getting their names a tattooed on my arm less than a month later.
Judgemental, that's me, but as soon as the story broke on the local news my thoughts were, seeing the aerial view of the house, that they'd planned it themselves so that the Council would have to re-house them and give them somewhere bigger - it seems that he wanted "his" kids back because of the income they would generate in handouts. God give me strength...
This story beggars belief. Everything about their behaviour is weird.
I know that if I had lost my children in a house fire, the last thing on my mind would be getting their names a tattooed on my arm less than a month later.

& in the press conference surely any normal, loving, innocent parents would have begged people who may have suspicions about who started the fire to come forward perhaps?! Rather than doing a roll call of thanking people like the oscars!
Judgemental, that's me, but as soon as the story broke on the local news my thoughts were, seeing the aerial view of the house, that they'd planned it themselves so that the Council would have to re-house them and give them somewhere bigger - it seems that he wanted "his" kids back because of the income they would generate in handouts. God give me strength...

This something for nothing culture makes me sick. Do sod all, have loads of kids and expect everyone else to foot the bill.
This something for nothing culture makes me sick. Do sod all, have loads of kids and expect everyone else to foot the bill.

oh don't even get me started on that........!!! You get penalised for being respectable & responsible in this sodding country!

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