Uncomfortable watching QVC


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Registered Shopper
Dec 27, 2009
I dont mean I need a new sofa either!

I find watching Glen on the fashion shows, a very uncomfortable experience. It not just because his a guy lifting girls dresses ( that would be enough) but becasue he doesnt have a clue what he is talking about and has no real love for style.

I watched GOK WAN the other day on another channel, and thought he was just brilliant. He was styling a lady around my age (fiftysomthing) and he was amazing.

And what happend to Genevieve?, she is really good and has some fashion pedigree behind her.

I wish head office at QVC would listent to the people who are spending the money.
There is no place for Glen on QVC in my opinion.
He insults our intelligenge with his inane ramblings
However I do think his job must be quite dfficult though, because to be perfectly frank most of QVC fashion is awful and I'm sure he must look at some of the "fashion" and wring his hands in despair.
I think Glen is in the twilight of his stylist career and QVC pays the bills thats all...I doubt he gets much job satisfaction other than mauling the models!
Gok Wan would struggle with most of the stuff they peddle on QVC.

Sometimes Glen does say useful things its all the padding with "on trend", "dress up/down" etc. that gets on my nerves but then you cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear as the saying goes so I guess blathering on talking rubbish fills the air time.

I do wonder if he was given free rein to choose some halfway decent ranges to flog he would be less annoying
There is no place for Glen on QVC in my opinion.
He insults our intelligenge with his inane ramblings
However I do think his job must be quite dfficult though, because to be perfectly frank most of QVC fashion is awful and I'm sure he must look at some of the "fashion" and wring his hands in despair.
I think Glen is in the twilight of his stylist career and QVC pays the bills thats all...I doubt he gets much job satisfaction other than mauling the models!

My thoughts exactly. I know there's "something for everyone" out there, but I'd struggle to find something nice to say about some of the tosh they sell, too.
I cringed when he said the kipling bag "Will look great when going out to play with friends" Someone get the tw*t off my screen before I do some serious damage to my telly.
I cringed when he said the kipling bag "Will look great when going out to play with friends" Someone get the tw*t off my screen before I do some serious damage to my telly.

I yelled at the telly when the 'out to play' travesty happened. NO NO NO - I haven't been 'out to play with the girls' since I was 7! And even now I don't do it enough for it to be a 'special bag-worthy' event. Out to slog round the supermarket; out to face another day in the office; out to run any one of a million errands? Show me a bag perfect for all of that and I'll listen. DO NOT add 'frolicking with friends' to my list of things-to-do.

Right, rant over and off to bed. Got to get up early for a game of hopskotch . . .
According to Julia, as he is an independent expert he can give his honest opinion about all the ranges they sell - hardly! Doubt he would be kept on the payroll for very long if he expressed his real opinion on the stuff they flog :wait:
Ha ha - on Glen again. How many times recently has a thread been started about his stupid ramblings of dressing up/down wear with birkies and a little cardi etc. Just switched on the repeat of the Kipling midnight hour and he is on. Why oh why do they drag him on. QVC please note women are not morons we know how to accessorise. Most women have quite a few bags. On a different note I thought Julia was looking good. Like her jeans with dress combo. Bet her outfit doesn't come from their "fashion" range. she could have done with wearing higher heels though instead of those shoes she always seems to wear! Does anyone else find that marie-francoise really irritating!
I yelled at the telly when the 'out to play' travesty happened. NO NO NO - I haven't been 'out to play with the girls' since I was 7! And even now I don't do it enough for it to be a 'special bag-worthy' event. Out to slog round the supermarket; out to face another day in the office; out to run any one of a million errands? Show me a bag perfect for all of that and I'll listen. DO NOT add 'frolicking with friends' to my list of things-to-do.

Right, rant over and off to bed. Got to get up early for a game of hopskotch . . .

Exactly SweetCheeks! that is just how i feel. I have a busy life as we all do and any bag I use has to suit where I am going and what I have to do. I do not scamper, skip or climb, well that's the image that comes to mind when Glen is rambling his nonsense. The man is so irrittating! Really what man truly understands the functions of a bag anyway?
You're right, there are so many posts started about Glen and one would think that QVC may pick up on it and do something about the situation. They really need to have a long hard look at his "expertise" and realise that it's not making customers rush to the phones and buy stuff, they'll come here first and express their astonishment at how someone is being paid good money to talk an utter lot of cr*p that frankly ANYONE could come up with...ie you could wear this belted or unbelted!

Like I've said before, his speil is straight out of Just Seventeen, or Mizz mag for girlies who care about being "On trend" "fashion foward" by throwing on a "little tea dress and an a little pump" and creating that "story" that is all over the teen mags, and the likes of topshop, new look and Primark right now, until next month when something else is "in" and we should be consigning the aforementioned "kooky" little outfit to the dustbin! (though Glen would never say that)

I think Glen does half realise that he isn't addressing an audience of fashion hungry teens, by the amount of "timeless classics" "beach to bars" and "crisp white shirts" he comes out with, which again is nothing short of "useless information". I'm sure most of the viewers will see something, decide by simply looking at the items being worn whether or not they like the look of them and want to buy them, furthermore will know what other stuff they have in their wardrobe that they'll wear it with, or what shoes would go nicely, to belt or not to belt etc.

Perhaps it would be better to have him present the hours on his own, but then I suppose it's probably better to have a female presenter doing women's clothing 'cause they can demonstrate them better, maybe he could do it in "drag"...er maybe not lol!

Seriousy QVC, if you're listening Glen really is an extraneous entity, but to be fair to him so would any "fashion expert" be on a shopping channel 'cause it's not as though they can scour all the shops and markets to find outfits and accessories, suggest hair and make up styles that will suit certain people. ...they've got a set collection of goods they've got to sell, a couple of models on which to parade them, and apart from being able to see what they look like on non-models ie the presenters, they're ain't much more you can do!

I find watching Glen on the fashion shows, a very uncomfortable experience. It not just because his a guy lifting girls dresses ( that would be enough) ...

... I watched GOK WAN the other day on another channel, and thought he was just brilliant. He was styling a lady around my age (fiftysomthing) and he was amazing.

Can't stand either of them myself. Something about Gok really creeps me out.

I dont mean I need a new sofa either!

I find watching Glen on the fashion shows, a very uncomfortable experience. It not just because his a guy lifting girls dresses ( that would be enough) but becasue he doesnt have a clue what he is talking about and has no real love for style.

I watched GOK WAN the other day on another channel, and thought he was just brilliant. He was styling a lady around my age (fiftysomthing) and he was amazing.

And what happend to Genevieve?, she is really good and has some fashion pedigree behind her.

I wish head office at QVC would listent to the people who are spending the money.

You hit the nail on the head.QVC headoffice DON'T listen to the views of people.They read these forums.They know what Ps people off etc.They persist with the same boring products and guests, swarmy presenters for the most part (Franklin and Roberts stand out but aren't alone) and al together it's just not enjoyable to watch anymore.
I'm interested in technology and gadgets mainly.I was told by someone who knows that they don't show anything new a because of their budgets in this economic downturn But they find the money to revamp a logo ( who gives a damn) and produce ridiculous new program trailers and music ,and this whole thing with ITV and two presenters.What the hellis that all about?
It used to be enjoyable to watch but now it's like Groundhog Day.Just boring repetivness every single time I have a look.Same faces ,same products,same speil.. and on and on.
The station not only has stood still,it's moved backwards and I think they think that they can fool people into thinking they've moved forward with new logos and trailers.Mutton dressed as lamb
I guess as long as it keeps selling they will carry on as they are, but in the end I think the combination of complacency and being patronising will be their undoing.
Can't stand either of them myself. Something about Gok really creeps me out.


glad it's not just me, i find gok wan repulsive to look at, like some repugnant girl/boy/pixie/anime character and impossible to listen to without thinking he is taking the p*ss. he speaks in that fashion presenter patois which was started by jeff banks on the clothes show, picked up on by caryn franklin and has been done by pretty much every tv fashionista since e.g
"let your guard down, because hemlines are going up this season...." and other equally stupid puns. it's trite, cliched and totally ridiculous, and you only find it in fashion presenters.

i also wonder whether Gok's success with "his girls" is because is so camp. he can jiggle their knockers and say pathetic things like "lets get those puppies back in their kennels" without any sexual frisson whatsoever. its like pre-teen girls always fancying the most feminine one in the boy band. they want a boy but one thats as like them as possible. non-thretening. i cant stand him.

glenn campbell couldnt do that (thank god) becuase he is married man with grown up kids. he was doing fashion programmes on yorkshire tv way back in the early 80's and has been popping in the media ever since. he may be annoying but i dont think you can deny his experience which is certainly greater than upstart gok wan. as others have said he has a crap product to work with and has to make the best of it. i'd probably spout a load of rubbish myself, all the presenters talk cobblers if you analyse whet theyre actually saying. keenan talks ten to the dozen and sounds very proficient but actually says nothing of any interest. its just "white noise". and lets also remember that if the sales figures didnt increase on the shows he presents on then they wouldnt have him on. its all about the bottom line. plenty of people have been dropped in the past so he must be making an impact.

that peach/pink jumper he had on yesterday was an abomination though.:wait:

i tell you who'd be good... john scott who did beat the stylist on This Morning. he has some shopping telly background now and i think he's appeal to the QVC demographic. he probably wouldnt do it though - if he had any sense!
I guess as long as it keeps selling they will carry on as they are, but in the end I think the combination of complacency and being patronising will be their undoing.

I think you've hit the nail on the head and all they are bothered about is sales figures. I think Glen is an absolute waste of space but if QVC got a different "expert" presenting the current product range I still wouldn't buy so he's not actually losing my custom.
According to GC your Kipling bag will always do your work for you.

Well mine is sitting on my coffee table & so far it hasn't done the dusting or the hoovering :giggle::giggle::giggle:

Getting silly now.
You hit the nail on the head.QVC headoffice DON'T listen to the views of people.They read these forums.They know what Ps people off etc.They persist with the same boring products and guests, swarmy presenters for the most part (Franklin and Roberts stand out but aren't alone) and al together it's just not enjoyable to watch anymore.
I'm interested in technology and gadgets mainly.I was told by someone who knows that they don't show anything new a because of their budgets in this economic downturn But they find the money to revamp a logo ( who gives a damn) and produce ridiculous new program trailers and music ,and this whole thing with ITV and two presenters.What the hellis that all about?
It used to be enjoyable to watch but now it's like Groundhog Day.Just boring repetivness every single time I have a look.Same faces ,same products,same speil.. and on and on.
The station not only has stood still,it's moved backwards and I think they think that they can fool people into thinking they've moved forward with new logos and trailers.Mutton dressed as lamb

youre completely overlooking the fact that despite our criticisms of the personalities its still a successful business. i'm sure they do read these forums but if you think that they are going to formulate policy based on the views of a very small number of shoppingtelly obsessives (us!) then youre going to be disappointed i'm afraid. of course they make all the right noises about customer feedback blah blah but the single most important factor in any person or products presence on the channel is the ability to sell.

i think we also forget that most normal people (not us!) dont watch the channel in the same way as we do. people surf and stop for a few minutes if something interests them. most people dont tune in to watch a show on QVC like they tune in to coronation street. its all about impulse purchasing. the presenter's style, verbal ticks, fashion sense, hair tossing, shoes, little-finger pointing only get annoying when youve sat and watched it for an hour... or 3. thats why they make a big play of so many new customer's joining all and the fact that 1 in 5 houselholds in the UK have made a purchase from QVC. what they dont say is how many times those casual shoppers repeat purchase, because most of them probably dont.

and for those of us who are obsessive and loyal, they throw us a few crumbs to pacify us every now and again. if youre a big beauty spender you may be lucky to get an invite to the beauty event, or a nothern nights event, or craft stuff. you might be invited to appear in an advert if youre a real nutcase (what do those people have to DO to get asked to be in a Q-Cut advert with dale franklin?). it's just lip service in the greater scheme of things but at least they do it. ive spent plenty of money at M&S in my lifetime but theyve never invite me to a food tasting.

QVC is a business, they do what works. when it doesnt work any more they'll change it.
youre completely overlooking the fact that despite our criticisms of the personalities its still a successful business. i'm sure they do read these forums but if you think that they are going to formulate policy based on the views of a very small number of shoppingtelly obsessives (us!) then youre going to be disappointed i'm afraid. of course they make all the right noises about customer feedback blah blah but the single most important factor in any person or products presence on the channel is the ability to sell.

i think we also forget that most normal people (not us!) dont watch the channel in the same way as we do. people surf and stop for a few minutes if something interests them. most people dont tune in to watch a show on QVC like they tune in to coronation street. its all about impulse purchasing. the presenter's style, verbal ticks, fashion sense, hair tossing, shoes, little-finger pointing only get annoying when youve sat and watched it for an hour... or 3. thats why they make a big play of so many new customer's joining all and the fact that 1 in 5 houselholds in the UK have made a purchase from QVC. what they dont say is how many times those casual shoppers repeat purchase, because most of them probably dont.

and for those of us who are obsessive and loyal, they throw us a few crumbs to pacify us every now and again. if youre a big beauty spender you may be lucky to get an invite to the beauty event, or a nothern nights event, or craft stuff. you might be invited to appear in an advert if youre a real nutcase (what do those people have to DO to get asked to be in a Q-Cut advert with dale franklin?). it's just lip service in the greater scheme of things but at least they do it. ive spent plenty of money at M&S in my lifetime but theyve never invite me to a food tasting.

QVC is a business, they do what works. when it doesnt work any more they'll change it.

I agree Burly Bear. We are the voice of a very small minority considering the millions that watch QVC

I think the chances of any of us getting an invite to any of their events is very low. I know I certainly won't because |I have kicked up to CS too often ( for very justified reasons I might add ) And how do I know this ? Years back I asked to be put through to the studios. I was told NO they would never allow me to go through because I had complained bitterly in the past & they could not take the risk of what I might come out with on air:sad: I'm a marked woman I'm afraid as far as QVC is concerned. Can't have anyone making negative comments can they ?

And I think the Qcut advert with Dale are paid actresses.
I agree Burly Bear. We are the voice of a very small minority considering the millions that watch QVC

I think the chances of any of us getting an invite to any of their events is very low. I know I certainly won't because |I have kicked up to CS too often ( for very justified reasons I might add ) And how do I know this ? Years back I asked to be put through to the studios. I was told NO they would never allow me to go through because I had complained bitterly in the past & they could not take the risk of what I might come out with on air:sad: I'm a marked woman I'm afraid as far as QVC is concerned. Can't have anyone making negative comments can they ?

And I think the Qcut advert with Dale are paid actresses.

almost worth creating a new account in a fake name, and after a couple of purchases ring up as the "new you" and give 'em what for! :phone: God i'm evil :happy:

paid???? not very much i hope!

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