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Jun 26, 2008
I will need a good "one application" sunscreen for the summer. I'm working at the Olympic Park as a volunteer and worried about being out in the sun all day with no time to reapply every couple of hours.

Is Ultrasun one of the best or does anyone recommend another brand, not necesarily from QVC ?


Linda xx
Regardless of the lotion that you decide to buy if I was wearing a t-shirt, I would wear a scarf around the neck. I suggest that you try out whichever lotion you buy prior to the day just to make sure that you are not allergic to it. don't forget the back of your hands as well.

Of course the British weather is unpredictable and rain gear would be more appropriate! My big tip is always put thermal underwear in the your handbag including socks. I was caught out in summer clothes at Wimbledon one year and was so thankful for the white socks in my handbag though the rest of me was freezing.
Oooh, that will be great fun EM!

I started using the Ultrasun 30 face in January (my only purchase from QVC this year) and have used it every day as a moisturiser. I have had no problems with it making my skin more congested than it was before, so it seems to suit me. Obviously I can't speak for its sun protection yet as we have not had any sun since I bought it. Some reviews say the range is brilliant as once a day protection, others say in extreme heat, it is not enough. Trial and error i suppose.
I like the Ultrasun 30 face but that is all. We used the Sports gel Factor 20 last year & it was utter rubbish & both DH & I burnt. Landed up going to the supermarket to buy suncream. I think P20 knocks spots off Ultrasun personally & will go back to using that when we go away this year. Have never burnt with that & have used it in fierce Florida & LA sun.
Hubby uses P20 and Ultrasun 20 but I much prefer the Ultrasun Glimmer as I find hubby's too chemically.

There are many more brands now doing once a day applications, but I haven't tried any of those.
Would be interested in views on any others.
I would say its worth a try particularly if we get a repeat of the previous few summers although I am praying thats not the case! :rain: I tan fairly easily and find Ultrasun fine for use in the UK sun but do need something stronger when travelling abroad. Personally like a lotion that smells of coconut when I'm on holiday and prefer to keep reapplying something if I'm in constant sun for the moisturising properties alone. I burnt quite badly in South Africa this year using Ultrasun 30 ... but it was bloomin' hot! :sweat:

I'm not keen on the Ultrasun facial cream myself but do quite like their Aftersun.
I use ultrasun everyday and it suits my skin.Sun protection wise I find it ok in the UK but not abroad.Like someone has said,I guess its trial and error.
i was on the boots site the other day and they have their own once a day version of the soltan stuff. they were also on BOGOF so you could try a few different ones. i was very tempted to get the insect repellent aftersun
I burn if not careful and I used Ultrasun 50 in Penang and Singapore with no problems, I prefer the lotion formulas to gel.
thank you all, very useful comments. I didn't realise that other once-a-day sunscreens were available. Also hadn't thought about insect repellent, silly because bites turn nasty on me. Will have a look in Boots when I'm in town next week (although more accurately we are a city now !)

Linda xx
We had a disaster in Barbados with Ultrasun 30, believed the hype, used as instructed but my son got burnt. Never again. I've used Piz Buin all day long one in this country though and that has been good.
I think it really depends on your skin, I wouldn't dare go out and about somewhere really hot with anything below 50 if I knew I was going to the beach. For shopping or a quick trip to a cafe 30 would be enough but if you're going to be outside I really wouldn't chance it. The UltraSun glimmer stuff is perfect for being out and about here - but then it's the first day of spring sun and I am covered in SPF 30, I have ridiculously sensitive skin.
The thing about Ultrasun is that each of the formulas has a different base. The Gel/Sports 20 is very alcoholic and stinky and the smell is off-putting. The Sensitive Family lotion 30 is great and doesn't smell at all, and I use it all year round in the UK, but it has a matt base that some people won't like as it does give a slightly white-grey tinge (calms down my rosacea a bit). The 50 lotion is great when abroad, doesn't have the white-grey tinge effect and doesn't smell, but it does leave you looking shiny.

All of them work effectively provided you follow the instructions: you have to put them on clean dry skin before any other products and allow them to dry before adding any other creams or moisturisers. You must leave 15-20 minutes before going into the sun for the product to bind properly to the skin.

If you do that, they work - and last for about 8 hours.

If you just rub them on and head off, perspiring into the sun, or add other creams before Ultrasun is dry then they won't.
I find Garnier clear (highest factor possible) very good. Both OH and I use it on holiday in Italy each year and never burn, and believe me we have had some whopper of sun burn in our time. It might seem as if it is going to be a bit oily but it dries in very quickly and does not go that dreaded white.

Usually can get good deals on this if you shop around.
I used Ultrasun in South Africa last year (40+ degree heat) and it was fine. I burn horribly so I was a little anxious. P20 has let me down here in the UK before, so I avoid that one now. I also use Ultrasun when we are travelling for work, I'm not out sunbathing but sometimes the job is outside and I haven't burnt.

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