Uh oh !


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I know she has gone on a lot about her wedding but I don't mind. She's been through sooooooooooo much and frankly she deserves every second of her happiness. She said she was asked to design the jewellery - who wouldn't in her position?

She touched my heart when she said when she put her wedding dress on and looked in the mirror she felt "like me" again. It's giving me goosebumps just typing it.

Hubble and I just celebrated our silver wedding anniversary and had a huge party and second honeymoon - we're probably just as boring as we slowly come back to earth.
I'd understand if she had waited all these years to meet the man of her dreams but how many times has she been married? three isn't it? I don't mind how much she goes on about it if I'm honest, I wouldn't know because I don't watch QVC much nowadays or AK, she talks way too fast for me. The dress looked awful, i thought it made her legs look short, and white? ahem!................I'm saying nothing, obviously this is just my opinion, and I wish her, any bride and groom good health an happiness.
My wedding ring is special. Duplicating it and selling it for profit, no matter what I may or may not have been through or will go through, is inconceivable, so I hope her own wedding and engagement rings and other jewellery aren't in the show.

But I suppose since she's been through three weddings, she's got the experience they need to design and flog the jewellery.
Wonder what its like to have three (or more) husbands. My late husband was my only marriage, and despite opportunities since, I wouldn't want to live with anyone else again. Have got used to too much freedom, tv and bed to myself, I don't have to cook if I dont want to, and nobody else's mucky washing to do . Of course it has its downsides - no one to do nothing with - friends to do everything else, no one to moan to when your sick, no one to share your experiences with - ; so I've settled that, I got a dog !
I agree with you Brissles a dog doesn't hog the TV remote and channel hop when you are getting interested in a good programme. Who else would be jumping up and down with excitment when you arrive home and doesn't turn their nose up when you give them their dinner. Yes, being on your own wins everytime.:mysmilie_7:
Quite saddened by the backlash for AK. She has a big following on her blog and answers everybody, thanks them for their support and feels deeply their hardships. I feel the "overexposure" is for them to make them feel, and be, included. She looked beautiful on her wedding day, dressed and looked exactly how she wanted.
I sense an undercurrent of feeling about 'multiple' marriages.

Well, I'm a third wife and every person's experiences are different. My OH's background and reasons for marrying before are as individual as he is. Who are we to judge?

Much as I dislike all the 'gushing' and wedding hype she's entitled to the event she wants and I wish them every happiness.
Sorry, I didn't mean to start an 'undercurrent' of feeling, I do truly wonder why people bother with all the hassle of multiple marriages that's all, and not live together instead. Of course I realise that when you marry you don't expect it not to work or end for whatever reason, and second marriages are near enough the norm these days, but any more than that and l'm just curious as to why people feel the need to go through it all again.
I sense an undercurrent of feeling about 'multiple' marriages.

Well, I'm a third wife and every person's experiences are different. My OH's background and reasons for marrying before are as individual as he is. Who are we to judge?

Much as I dislike all the 'gushing' and wedding hype she's entitled to the event she wants and I wish them every happiness.

She can gush away to her hearts content, I'm not judging just stating and observation...........I really wish people wouldn't over react and take simple tongue in cheek comments to heart. I do don't like the dress and I'm allowed to say so, it's not a "backlash" or slur on her nature, just a simple fact.
Hmmmmmm, I hope any comments that's deemed by some as 'negative' and don't agree with their 'positive' observations, will be seen as 'unacceptable' or 'offensive' before long !
Some people are quick to slate others if they thinking others are slating people, ironic really when you think about it. Some people are just too sensitive and don't realise that in the real world, it doesn't make you an evil or bad person just because you have a negative comment or opinion.
She can gush away to her hearts content, I'm not judging just stating and observation...........I really wish people wouldn't over react and take simple tongue in cheek comments to heart. I do don't like the dress and I'm allowed to say so, it's not a "backlash" or slur on her nature, just a simple fact.

That's right you tell 'em not to godamn overreact about little things that people say when meant in good spirits Hoppersholick!
I'd far rather hear about her wedding than have a presenter plugging their 'book' at every opportunity or begging for tweets.
That's right you tell 'em not to godamn overreact about little things that people say when meant in good spirits Hoppersholick!

Yeah, had to get that off me chesticles, you should be allowed to say you don't like something without being made to feel eeeevil!..............oh and there shouldn't be a "do" in there ooooooops :mysmilie_14: it's just don't, as in do not like the dress.
I'd far rather hear about her wedding than have a presenter plugging their 'book' at every opportunity or begging for tweets.

Well I'm lucky I don't hear either, that's one of the perks when you hardly watch........result!
Well I'm lucky I don't hear either, that's one of the perks when you hardly watch........result!

I no longer watch the 'novelist' who is welded to her iPad, or the presenter who jabbers non-stop and orders goods on air. When I see them on air I quickly change channels. They've saved me a fortune. :mysmilie_14:
Oh I remember being shot to pieces ( not on here though ) for saying I didn`t like the name Charlotte when Kate and William had their daughter. It`s a name I`ve never liked nor ever will like and funnily enough of all of the people who shot me down, I think only one had actually named their own child Charlotte so I guess they didn`t like it either !
Back on subject, I never liked Princess Di`s dress, loved Kate Middleton`s, absolutely hated Sarah Ferguson`s, liked the style of Ali K`s dress but I think it would have looked better in a different colour, not because I have objections to 2nd or 3rd time brides wearing white but because I genuinely thought a blush pink or apricot colour would have suited her better.
Weddings and wedding dresses are like Marmite, you love them or you don`t love them and women have been eyeballng and commenting on other womens wedding dresses for centuries and always will do. As long as the bride loves it then that`s all which matters, it is`t up to the rest of us to get upset on her behalf.
It reminds me of a friend of mine who married for the 2nd time in her 40`s and her parents hadn`t seen her dress before the day. She arrived wearing a white short length halter neck dress trimmed with white faux fur and white knee length boots. her Mother actually cried, not with joy but because she hated the dress so much. My friend laughed, she simply didn`t care, hugged her Mum better, she realised her 70 odd year old Mum`s taste would never match her own and just accepted that her alternative style of outfit plus her chest, arms, back completely covered in tattoos ( hence the halter neck to show off the artwork ) and her biker husband equally as tattooed and wearing an equally unusual outfit would probably be disliked by half the guests at least.
Giving a negative opinion about something always stirs the self-righteous (same ones every time) into action here. Would we all really be happier if nobody ever expressed a negative opinion? Would we all be happier if there were only positive comments?

Sorry, folks. It doesn't work like that on an open forum so live with it. Every presenter has chosen to be in the public eye for financial gain because they're paid for what they sell on air. Because they've chosen to make money by being in the public eye, they're open to public scrutiny and as such, are fair game for both positive and negative comments.

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