TSV glasses


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Jul 26, 2010
Is it right to wear a 2 strength when you are a 1.75 as guest stated she does? Notice they don't have a 1.75 strength! Wouldn't mess around with my eyesight.
I was told recently by the optometrist that I would need reading glasses in a couple of years. I tried some of the off the shelf ones on and, as I have quite bad sight in my left eye, I tried a stronger pair, and you would have thought I was looking through a magnifying glass. I tried on the lowest magnification - I think it was 1.25 - and it was still too strong. If she is usually 1.75 but wears a 2.00, I don't know how she sees through them. Or is it just me?
If you need reading glasses get your eyes tested and buy a cheap pair from the opticians.
Not sure i approve of QVCs selling of these. Eyes are important and giving bad advice can only harm your eyesight.
I even hear someone say give as gifts but how can you know the strength for those you are gifting to?
If you need reading glasses get your eyes tested and buy a cheap pair from the opticians.
Not sure i approve of QVCs selling of these. Eyes are important and giving bad advice can only harm your eyesight.
I even hear someone say give as gifts but how can you know the strength for those you are gifting to?

I wear reading glasses but could never buy these because my right eye needs a different strength from my left eye. I agree, stick with a cheap pair from the opticians that are made for your specific needs.
I buy "off the shelf" reading glasses but I do have regular eye tests for my contact lenses and diabetes so I know I'm OK buying them. IMO there's a big jump from one "size" to the next and not something you'd suggest to strangers, some of whom will hang on your every word.

My concern is that some people will buy them instead of "sight" glasses for driving etc which could be a disaster. I've not really been paying attention to their presentations, not sure if they make it clear that these are not for short or long sighted eyes ?
last night she said she was +1.5 but preferred to wear +2.0. like that makes sense? she needs to remember her spiel.
last night she said she was +1.5 but preferred to wear +2.0. like that makes sense? she needs to remember her spiel.
The amount of light in a room also affects how clearly you see - often older people will go to a window to see more clearly. If the presenter is in a poorly lit room ie evening ambiance lighting then she may prefer the stronger reading glasses.
The amount of light in a room also affects how clearly you see - often older people will go to a window to see more clearly. If the presenter is in a poorly lit room ie evening ambiance lighting then she may prefer the stronger reading glasses.

i agree and i'm one of those older people who does just that. a good light makes a huge difference. i don't care what wrong strength she chooses to wear or why, my point is she needs to remember whether she's "really" 1.5 or 1.75 to make her spiel remotely believeable. i think it's pretty obvious she was just trying to sell more by telling people to get the wrong magnification, because they don't do them in 1.75.
i agree and i'm one of those older people who does just that. a good light makes a huge difference. i don't care what wrong strength she chooses to wear or why, my point is she needs to remember whether she's "really" 1.5 or 1.75 to make her spiel remotely believeable. i think it's pretty obvious she was just trying to sell more by telling people to get the wrong magnification, because they don't do them in 1.75.

Its the same with clothes, foundation shades etc. The minute something sells out suddenly the next size up will be perfect or the next shade of foundation won't be too dark. They're shameless.
Spied reading glasses in TK MAXX yesterday. 2 pairs for £7.99 with cases in various strengths. The glasses looked decent quality in terms of strength and the designs were contemporary. Nice zipped cases too.

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I bought these last time they were on, and although i have my eyes tested regularly, i only need reading glasses, and I do have a good pair which if im doing a lot of reading or computer work I use them, but these are super, as I seem to have glasses everywhere, in the car in my bag, by the bed, near the computer, in the kitchen for reading the labels, they are perfect for just popping on for a quick read, and they havent done my eyes any harm.

They are all really nice designs as well, and times one of my family come and pick up something to read and theyve forgot their glasses, and I dont mind lending them these.
Im more than happy I bought them.
I got a pair of these magnification glasses from poundland , they do the job for reading as i need bi focal's really
I had an eye test and was told I needed 1.75 for reading now apart from buying a pair at the opticians which worked out quite expensive the only place I could find 1.75 was at M&S they even done sunglasses in this strength which was a godsend in the summer for reading in the garden but you never find 1.75 in the chemists or on the reading glasses racks but I dont know why as you can get all the other strengths unless any of you can tell me where you have got them from cause I've been looking for ages.
Mine have just arrived. I have mixed feelings, the sunglasses are gorgeous and just perfect but although the glasses are all lovely they are so wide, i look like I have wing mirrors on the side of my face. So do i keep it just for the sunglasses or send the lot back. Decisions Decisions.
Mine arrived today and they are perfect for the reason I ordered them - to stop me swearing, crying, shrieking, mainly swearing, because I don't know where I last put my glasses down! :headbang:

Now have pair everywhere, including the car. Of course it's only going to work if I remember the place I've put them which was where I thought I would remember where I put them!

The bifocal sunglasses are definitely worth keeping them IMO?

(I've added these to my "Where did I put it" spreadsheet for next summer lol!)
Mine have just arrived. I have mixed feelings, the sunglasses are gorgeous and just perfect but although the glasses are all lovely they are so wide, i look like I have wing mirrors on the side of my face. So do i keep it just for the sunglasses or send the lot back. Decisions Decisions.

I saw these on eBay after I bought mine last time they were on and sold out quickly as I was trying to track some down for a friend. Might be worth checking if you can just get the tinted ones - the manufacturer is Hummingbird.
Just received mine! Perfect for using the computer. My reading glasses are ok for reading but if I use them for the computer I find myself craning my neck forward and am getting a bad neck. Bought the 1.5 are they are perfect for computer distance so really pleased. Nice colours, comfy on the nose and good quality. I think they look nice on. Going to give the plain pair to my OH as xmas tree pressie! I can never find my reading glasses, usually because OH has pinched them, so having loads all over the place will be great.
I wish they did these in ones for men as well, my oh is always either losing his or breaking them

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