TSV/Click Free Lee - Wiggy


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I see he has his old hairstyle back this morning - not surprised as he has just replied to my facebook comment and it looks like he has also seen this thread too as he refers to it and i made no mention of it.

Here is Lee's reply:

Lee Hohbein Qvc
Lee Hohbein Qvc12:19pm May 21st
Re: Great TSV shame about the hair!
Thanks so much for your message Simon. So glad you're enjoying the TSV.

Thanks also for the insightful comment regarding my hair. I did ask my hairdresser for 'something different' so I'm glad it's become a talking point for you and your fellow community members. I am truly honoured that you have taken time out of your (I assume) very busy day to contact me.

Anyhoo, I was thinking maybe you could pop into London and we could perhaps grab lunch and a show, and you can furnish me with all of your wisdom in respect to fashion and culture? Its clear from your photo and interests that your quite the man-about-town and I would hate to think that I'm missing out on vital fashion & style tips whilst I move between my homes in London and LA.

Right - I'd better be off now. I really could chat all day but the hot studio lights are melting the glue on my hairpiece so I'd better go and apply some more!

Finally, it would appear that you are desperately in need of a life so I'll let you know when we're due to air one. It might even be on easy pay? Please don't thank me: it's all part of the service :)

Much love from Lee xxx

You obviously touched a very raw nerve there Simon. He clearly loves himself and probably thinks the viewing public fancy him.
bensmum, I dont agree - Simon sends him a message on Facebook regarding his appearence - what do you expect the guy to reply with.. 'thanks, love and hugs?'!! I think Lee's reply was pretty damned good, sharp and honest!

If someone said to you 'christ on a bike you look rough today love' how would you reply??? :rock:

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Simon didn't say his message was cruel, he said that laughing at him was cruel but he couldn't help it :blush:

Oopss thanks Lottie you are right, I misread it... but my point still stands! :happy: PS I edited my original post! I rock! :devil:

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bensmum, I dont agree - Simon sends him a message on Facebook regarding his appearence - what do you expect the guy to reply with.. 'thanks, love and hugs?'!! I think Lee's reply was pretty damned good, sharp and honest!

If someone said to you 'christ on a bike you look rough today love' how would you reply??? :rock:


"Thanks for noticing"? :wonder:

I wonder if this guy would have been so caustic if it had been a thread complimenting him on his appearance, or is it only where he doesn't like people's opinions that ruffles his feathers?
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"Thanks for noticing"? :wonder:

I wonder if this guy would have been so caustic if it had been a thread complimenting him on his appearance, or is it only where he doesn't like people's opinions that ruffles his feathers?

Just out of morbid curiosity, what exactly did you say to him?
This has made me have a peek at the video! Sorry, but to me, that's not a hairpiece! It just looks like his hair has been cut a lot shorter (or shaved) at the sides, leaving a longer portion on the top. Can see how some might think this gives the appearance of a toupe, but I'm fairly certain it isn't!

And good on Lee for that Facebook reply! If I'd formed a negative opinion on someone's hair, I seriously doubt I would actually bother take time to send them a personal message to let them know. After all, it'd be downright rude to do so to someone's face, so why do it from behind a computer?!
Lee said he was going to put more glue on his head so it must be true

Hey Lee,
just watched you present the TSV on QVC and couldn't stop laughing at your hairpiece.
Looks absolutely ridiculous! lol lol lol
I thought his hair didn't look quite right last night. I thought it was a bad dye job but didn't really think more to it.
bensmum, I dont agree - Simon sends him a message on Facebook regarding his appearence - what do you expect the guy to reply with.. 'thanks, love and hugs?'!! I think Lee's reply was pretty damned good, sharp and honest!

If someone said to you 'christ on a bike you look rough today love' how would you reply??? :rock:


If I had a job which involved me appearing on national television I would be ready for negative comments about my appearance, particularly if I was sporting a rather dodgy looking wig. Right or wrong, it's part of the job I'm afraid. As long as I'm happy with the way I look, that's all that matters to me.
So if you were on TV and someone messaged you on a public forum and said you looked like you were sporting a few spare tyres and had the skin of a beached whale, you are telling me you really wouldn't care less and would take it on the chin? If thats the case then Christ, you are a better man than me!! :handshake:


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