Tree peonies


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Nov 5, 2008
Has anyone else noticed that the white one really doesn't like the sun, mine has 5 big buds on but during the day they hang right down untill it gets cooler. RJ said they were fine in the sun . The only sheltered spots in my garden are in the afternoon sun, so it's a toss up between sheltering it or loosing the petals when they open.
Are they this years ones? You must be doing well - I don't have any flowers on the white one. Do have buds on the red one though.
If you were thinking of moving it babytoes, I'd probably be inclined to leave it be - peonies usually hate being moved & it can sometimes take years for them to re-establish themselves if you do move them!
Peonies usually like the sun so they should be ok but as I say, they are fickle things at the best of times!
They like the 5 star room treatment though, good fertile, well-drained soil is pretty essential for happy peonies! :)
hi rosey, yes they are this years they are only buds but very big, no petals yet and one of them has no buds yet.
Thanks KWC, I am loath to move it although it is in a large tub not in the ground. I did move one that I had had for years and that is beautiful, but another that I moved is still sulking and not giving any flowers.
3 plants with one bud between them. I had to make a choice between the sun and the wind as well, though they do get sun in the afternoon.
You should see my tree hollyhocks. Brown and dried up looking. Not a leaf on any of them and it looks like a flowerbed of twigs in my garden.
I thought RJ said that those tree peonies grew on mountains in China so they should be okay in the UK surely? I'm going off QVC's plants big-time.
I've got two of the white tree buds opening, they look lovely, white petals yellow stamens and the centre is red. Looking foreward to seeing them fully open. I looked on the net and it said they don't like too much feed but do like a slow release food such as bone meal.
My tree peonies are barely in leaf. Either you lot are much further south than me or I've got a duff lot!

And as for the tuber things, nothing has appeared yet though I live in hope!

I bought two lots and gave away one set as three birthday gifts. I had a promising start on on - now leaves all droopy but one bud. One has a bud and nothing else and the third was separate twigs. I planted as a bunch but it has done nothing. So I have phoned and they will replace that one. They are all in pots - all kept as near as can to instructions re sun etc. Funny thing - I did not keep one of each colour. I kept a whit and twoo pinks. There is no was that two of these are the same variety.
How are your peonies doing ladies? any flowers yet?

2 of mine still have the buds, no flowers as of yet...

Bought a smallish plastic covered greenhouse and have all the bogonia tubers in there, they seem to be doing well, the butterfly hanging baskets are in there too and are looking good, maybe get them out and hung at the weekend. :)
I have a couple of buds on the white one - and 4-5 buds on the red one which is a pot. Nothing yet on the pink one but that is is a more sheltered positiion which does not get as much sun.

I put all my hanging baskets and babylon bowls out yesterday - I could not get in the greenhouse as they were all up the middle. They look so nice - hope it is not too windy and rainy in the next few days now.
How are your peonies doing ladies? any flowers yet?

2 of mine still have the buds, no flowers as of yet...

Bought a smallish plastic covered greenhouse and have all the bogonia tubers in there, they seem to be doing well, the butterfly hanging baskets are in there too and are looking good, maybe get them out and hung at the weekend. :)

I have one flower Toadette! Apart fom that - zilch. No buds on the rest and my white flower is a bit small too. Definitely not plate sized. More like a saucer. From a skip.
I've planted some Begonias in pots this year too. I've never grown them before so haven't a clue what to expect.
My 5 tree peonies have one bud between them and some leaves. The expensive tree peony I bought from T&M last year seems to have died whereas the special offer one I got at the same time is doing OK. The three from the QVC TSV are doing the best but I was careful to put them in a protected sunny position.

I am not really expecting many flowers this year. My herbaceous peonies I put in 6-7 years come up every year religiously but never seem to get more than 4 or 5 flowers each. The blooms are spectacular but tend to droop due to the weight. They just don't look as nice with stakes supporting them.

I have 5 flowers on the white one, not big but didn't expect them to be this year. 2 buds on the red one. My white one kept drooping in the afternoon so I moved it so that it got a little shade from a tree in the really hot sun, as it is in a pot I could do this and it has certainly done the trick.
Any advancement on your peonies ladies??

My white one is almost ready to burst into bloom and the pink one is not that far behind, having a bbq on saturday for my sons 18th maybe they'll be blooming by then xx :)
Mine are still about the same - a couple of buds which have got a bit bigger on the white and red - but nothing on the pink.

You must have done something special with yours Toadette???

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