I think the 'youngsters' in charge at QVC appear to have lost sight of their core audience. Which are mainly women over a certain age who are far less technology minded than those who design the on-screen graphics.
Certainly we are not all into 'pressing the App', sending Tweets, using 'androids' (?) etc. and lets get real, hold your hands up those who ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND all the technical info that is given when the computers, cameras, tvs and phones are demonstrated ? not many women I'll bet, - and I reckon only a few of the chaps that watch actually 'get it' either. No, unless you are in those industries, or under 45, then chances are you have absolutely no idea what it all means. 8 mega supa mega gargantuan gigabites, yeah AND ??? Lets have idiot proof presentation please.
QVC need to re-group and quickly. If loads of us on here have curtailed their viewing, then how many overall have done the same ? More and more items are being advertised as on "Advanced Orders" only, and to me, that speaks volumes as to the state of things at Q.