Tony Diniz - Lack of Credibility


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Would any gemstone buyer worth his/her credibility tout this as:-

"Top neon blue"
"This is IT in terms of Paraiba Tourmaline"

I really must look up the definition of "neon" because Tony Diniz and I seem to differ on what it must mean.

Sorry for the rant guys but selling this pathetic attempt of "paraiba" is just embarassing. I feel so sorry for the customers paying over inflated prices for rubbish gemstones. Quite frankly this jewellery channel are extracting the urine at the expense of their customers.

Oh and he's just sold a windowed cluster pink sapphire ring (heated/treated) saying how special the sapphires are (whilst selling the ring for £129!). No Tony. Unheated/untreated sapphires are NOT special. They're faked up rubbish.


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I haven't been to Brazil, but I will be interested to see what colours the "neon" signs are there...... nothing like we know them in the rest of the world, it seems!
I remember Judy Mayfield selling PT a few years ago on IW,they were from Brazil and were Neon,I haven't seen one since on a shopping channel,I believe the African variety don't have the Neon brightness and I also agree that Diniz is an American salesman misleading people into parting with hard earned cash for what they may think is the Best.We all know that insurance valuations don't mean a thing,ask a jeweller what he will pay you for it and then I think you will get the real value.
NannieA - the Mozambique Paraiba rivals in terms of "neon-ness" if that's a word! lol I've got both Brazilian and Mozambique PT and there's no difference for great quality pieces. I'll post up some photos (sorry for all those who have seen them before) so you can see! Totally agree about Tony Diniz being a glorified salesman.

TONY DINIZ again - is now saying that the Emerald in the screen grab below is a top quality Emerald and if you had it appraised, it would be valued between £6,000 and £8,000 PER CARAT. No no no no no. Sooooo wrong!

At least he said that the lack of inclusions is what you want but this was a pale minty green and he said it was "top colour". OMG what? No it's not! Tony, perhaps you should look at the 2nd photo attached below - this is a top quality Emerald. Perhaps on your next buying trip you should take it for reference purposes?


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I am no expert but that paraiba in the 1st shot looks more like aquamarine to fact put them side by side you'd be hard pushed to tell the difference I reckon!
Have you seen the 20 plus carat ring they are selling later tonight? Clear as a bell.... a glass bell! I will try to watch though, in spite of myself: there is a strange fascination in hearing what nonsense they will spout next.
Watching doesn't mean buying though!!
Here we go .......... the glass paraiba!

I believe it's 20+ carat? Just proves size isn't everything!!! :)

Mine is 18.34ct and whilst it's pretty it's no way a top class specimen. It's nicer IRL and has good brightness and colour for its size.


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Here we go .......... the glass paraiba!

I believe it's 20+ carat? Just proves size isn't everything!!! :)
Well, only in boxes of chocolate and tubs of ice-cream.... "in my opinion" :blush:

If Tony is going to waffle, I wish he would at least waffle consistently.... one minute the price he has seen stones at in a fancy store is 8k dollars a carat, then $15k ......... or...he has been offered $1200 a carat for this, then, twenty seconds later, $5000....... if any of this were true the amounts would be the same each time of telling :headbang:
Personally, if I had been offered x thousand dollars a carat for a stone I would have sold it for that price, rather than the tens of pounds they are flogging them for ! What sort of business man makes that kind of deal?
"I have contracted to bring them to you" he says, all the while complaining he wouldn't sell for so little......:taphead: I know ten year old kids who can cut a better deal than that..... witness the prices they charge for chores!! :doh:
I remember Judy Mayfield selling PT a few years ago on IW,they were from Brazil and were Neon,I haven't seen one since on a shopping channel,I believe the African variety don't have the Neon brightness and I also agree that Diniz is an American salesman misleading people into parting with hard earned cash for what they may think is the Best.We all know that insurance valuations don't mean a thing,ask a jeweller what he will pay you for it and then I think you will get the real value.

I have a Judy Mayfeild PT and i adore it! it is very neon although these pics don't really show it, never seen anything close on Rocks and Co! maybe Tony would benefit from a look at Meeshoos collection! love the Paraiba ring Meeshoo now thats Neon Tony take note!


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OMG Meeshoo, your rings and stones are beautiful. If they ever need a good home then they tell me Dunfermline in Scotland's nice :Happy1:

As for that Rocks Colombian Emerald - when I looked at the screen shot I thought it was a Siberian Emerald until I read the graphics!! It doesn't look any better than the $28 Siberian Emerald pictured below!! Even their Photoshopped picture looks nothing like a Colombian Emerald!

They were trying to sell a multi stone Paraiba ring today for £999. I think it was 12 stones totalling 1.64 carats or thereabouts. My hubby happened to come in when it was on and his exact words were "that's a hell of a price for White Topaz"!! He then went on to ask why it had different coloured bits in the middle of the stones - that's a window to you and me lol! I wouldn't have given 99p for it!

As far as Tony Diniz is concerned - for someone who is supposed to have been in the business of gem hunting for 12 years he has a severe lack of knowledge to say the least! Anyone who can sit on national tv and sing the praises of a poor coloured, highly treated, badly cut gemstone obviously has no pride in their job! Either that or they just don't really have a clue what they're talking about! Mind you, he could just be deliberately talking sh*te like the rest of them because they all think we're a bunch of numpties who know nothing and believe every word they say!!

Gemcherub love your ring it's a beautiful colour, lucky you!



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How about "neonicity" for a good way of saying "that which shows a good display of neon colouration" ? Got a certain ring to it, dontcha think?

Quite agree with you, Klosblue : no no, not that Dunfermline is nice.... though, of course, it is!! ..... no, I meant that Tony doesn't show much expertise..... after all, given that most of us here have been " into gems " for dozens of years, not just a dozen years .... he'd have to get up early to impress most of us!:wink2:
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wow meeshoo your rings and stones are stunning and seriously i think you should be doing tony's job as you are doing a much better job than he is, i feel sorry for the poor people who are buying any of it.

gemcherub that ring is lovely
Well said, SCW: only need to look at the pix of the gems these "Gals" have to see they know how many carats make rare!!
Well said, SCW: only need to look at the pix of the gems these "Gals" have to see they know how many carats make rare!!

well i`ve learnt so much since i`ve been here and meeshoo knowledge is incredible really and the rest of the "Gals" on here have some real incredible pieces and its amazing having all this infomation on such a personal level
For those of you who didn't see it ......... here's the 29.24ct Paraiba plus 1.5ct of diamonds and some rather clever studio lighting (did anybody else notice that?).

A rather understated look on the hand (not)!

Start price was something like £380,000 and dropped to £30k and stayed there for ages and then inched down to £19,999. After 5 years it dropped to a modest £17,499 and then to £16,999 then £15,799 within about 1 minute (getting desperate), Vicki starts saying "all you have to do is phone if you want to register your interest" then "because we're running out of time for Freeview viewers we're going to drop this below £15,000. It drops to......

£13,999. I'm losing the will to live. £13,479. £12,999. My husband's grown a full beard in the time this has been on air. £12,479. The polar expedition documentary has finished and we've turned over for Alan Carr's chat show. £11,999. Please somebody phone and buy the thing or I'm going to. £11,479. Do you think if I wait another few hours it'll be free? £10,995. Desperation setting in now in earnest with mumbles that it'll have to go back to the vault. £9,999 and "this is it now" - OMG it's been on air for over 40 minutes. 40 loonnnngggggggggg minutes. SOLD! Thank God!

Credit crunch anybody?


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For those of you who didn't see it ......... here's the 29.24ct Paraiba plus 1.5ct of diamonds and some rather clever studio lighting (did anybody else notice that?).

A rather understated look on the hand (not)!

Start price was something like £380,000 and dropped to £30k and stayed there for ages and then inched down to £19,999. After 5 years it dropped to a modest £17,499 and then to £16,999 then £15,799 within about 1 minute (getting desperate), Vicki starts saying "all you have to do is phone if you want to register your interest" then "because we're running out of time for Freeview viewers we're going to drop this below £15,000. It drops to......

£13,999. I'm losing the will to live. £13,479. £12,999. My husband's grown a full beard in the time this has been on air. £12,479. The polar expedition documentary has finished and we've turned over for Alan Carr's chat show. £11,999. Please somebody phone and buy the thing or I'm going to. £11,479. Do you think if I wait another few hours it'll be free? £10,995. Desperation setting in now in earnest with mumbles that it'll have to go back to the vault. £9,999 and "this is it now" - OMG it's been on air for over 40 minutes. 40 loonnnngggggggggg minutes. SOLD! Thank God!

Credit crunch anybody?

Ah Meeshoo and i thought you did so well waiting 40 minutes before you gave in:cheeky: Honestly tho...for Paraiba so rare and coveted...40 minutes? I ask you!!
Crumbs! I nearly fell asleep. Can it possibly be cost effective to spend nearly three quarters of an hour flogging a ring for 10k? I expect it was bought by the happy collector who bought the 52 ct pendant the other night for ......£17k was it? Always nice to have a set, eh? !!

Because I was watching on a freeview box, I went to see the close of the saga, sorry, auction, on Sky.......showed dearest husband the "do not insure this for less than £15 k" ring ... hmm, says he.... "I wouldn't like that colour if it were a close-out aquamarine, never mind a paraiba" ....... bless that man, he understands me perfectly!

Earlier in the evening, I got so annoyed about V.B's complete neglect of showing the clasps of bracelets ( and of earrings, half the time) that I emailed the studio to plead fo these to be shown.
Later, up comes a quite nice multi sapphire bracelet, 40 odd carats, circa 15 gms gold.....drops to £999.... I was interested, even though the colours were a bit odd.... but I wouldn't have bought it for £99 because I had no idea what type of clasp it had.... these details MATTER to me .....they really do.... I'm sure I'm not the only one?
How long does it take to show the clasp? Seconds, but long minutes are spend talking about a large price that will soon disappear in the ether, yet we are not shown the very details of the piece which may well be the clincher to a bid. I can only suppose that some people are prepared to buy stuff that they have no notion how it will fasten..... seems crazy to me!

This evening's moan is now over !
This evening's moan is now over !
No, it's not.... I lied! Did you see the 7ct Colombian emerald ring which we were told was just the highest possible quality.... equal to that seen in the best jewellers in the world? Utter twaddle...... the best jewellers in my city wouldn't even stock such a pale , washed out effort!
I had no idea I had such a masochistic streak as to watch this programme and put myself through this torture......must be a version of car-crash television, I suppose!??!! There, I've finished now! Off to calm down by looking through my own collection!
Too Right!

Would any gemstone buyer worth his/her credibility tout this as:-

"Top neon blue"
"This is IT in terms of Paraiba Tourmaline"

I really must look up the definition of "neon" because Tony Diniz and I seem to differ on what it must mean.

Sorry for the rant guys but selling this pathetic attempt of "paraiba" is just embarassing. I feel so sorry for the customers paying over inflated prices for rubbish gemstones. Quite frankly this jewellery channel are extracting the urine at the expense of their customers.

Oh and he's just sold a windowed cluster pink sapphire ring (heated/treated) saying how special the sapphires are (whilst selling the ring for £129!). No Tony. Unheated/untreated sapphires are NOT special. They're faked up rubbish.

hi Meesh,

I saw this auction as well and thought exactly whaat you have written. He gets on my nerves, he talks rubbish in the extreme - when he isn't whining and complaining about the selling prices that is. I turned over when I saw this one go to air, so missed the "fabulous sapphires" you mention.

My little rant also over! :giggle:

Inge xx
Well I never watched the Paraiba Palaver thank the lord!! My blood pressure problems are bad enough just now without that adding to them!
Meeshoo, loved your running commentary which made me laugh - unusual for anything connected with Rocks & Co to make me laugh! So will we see it on again or did some sucker really buy it??

So for those of you patient enough, brave enough and interested enough to have sat through that 40 minute ordeal I award you with this:-

You deserve it!

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