:mysmilie_348: I'm not one to get excited over footcare but if this baby can deal with my heels without me having to break out the cotton wool and cling film then I wanna try it.
Deathly dull if you're not locked in a constant battle with cheese rind heels though I imagine!
And just to make it more 'citing and mysterious both the website and The Beauty Channel had it as Sold Out about 3 am and now it's in stock! Ooo it must be Magic!
WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the all mightly Microplane is actually the greatest foot tool ever. Others try to copy it and make cheaper versions. :mysmilie_61::mysmilie_61: Dream on baby.
isn't this just a ped egg but with a different name
sholl footfile £2.79. very nice product does the job!:mysmilie_701:
Glad it works for you,boffy, but I tried it and into the bin it went.
Not a product to be compared to microplane.
i use it twice a month and have had it for 3 years. i think magaret dabbs said that we should only file every fortnight as you end up with more callouses.
and i use l'occitane footcream every day for 7 years so i dont really suffer from cracked feet my poor friend does but shes diebetic.
:mysmilie_348: I'm not one to get excited over footcare but if this baby can deal with my heels without me having to break out the cotton wool and cling film then I wanna try it.
Deathly dull if you're not locked in a constant battle with cheese rind heels though I imagine!
And just to make it more 'citing and mysterious both the website and The Beauty Channel had it as Sold Out about 3 am and now it's in stock! Ooo it must be Magic!
:mysmilie_17: I was contemplating having cheese on toast for my elevenses - think I will give it a pass - as all i can imagine now is great piles of grated heel, toe and sole skin - a bit like parmesan cheese! :mysmilie_61: xxx
No, my tootsies were always well cared for to the extent it was said they look as if they were never used but they were still massively improved by the microplane and some Jessica heel cream :mysmilie_698:
Sorry chick! If it's any consolation you've made me fancy cheese on toast! (Those hobbits had the right idea about second breakfasts!)
That's one TSV made me renounce TSV FARTing, LH!!! :mysmilie_697: