Today's TSV - Love it or hate it??


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I have this cosmetics organizer - 754017. £29.45 + £5.45 p+p. Just noticed this: 828971 - looks amazingly the same - for £33.22 + £5.45 p+p.

I was looking at those. Very odd. Are they the same? They look it, yet there are only dimensions on one of them. Those organisers appeal to me much more.

Wouldn't want the TSV. The jewellery one I wouldn't need, as I don't wear a great deal of if. The cosmetic one would be pointless too, as I'd have nowhere to stand it. Plus I think they both look a bit naff!
I'm watching live now. If I hadn't already sorted out my cosmetics (I found two really good divider trays in TKMaxx for £5 each) and my jewellery (again TKMaxx) then the portable organiser would be for me.
According to CS and the airing, the portable cosmetics boxes are exactly the same, with the exception that the new number has a choice of colours. :54: Oh, and the old number is on waitlist and won't be reordered. :rolleyes:

I would still like to know how they can get 300 pieces in that jewellery cabinet. By their own count: 66 earrings, 32 rings, 16 necklaces, 16 bracelets. That makes 130. Does that mean that 170 pieces go in those drawers/shelves? Hmmmm....
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They are the same, identical just new colours which they had on qvc US ages ago, just the tip of the iceberg as QVC prices are going up, up and away!!!
I for one can't remember when they have had a great deal, they don't seem to care anymore, practically everything lately can easily be found cheaper elsewhere with about 2 seconds on the net. GHD's and the netbook being prime examples. I mean for heavens sake the GHD'S were cheaper on their own website !!! Its just the easy pay and thought of trying it that draws us in, I predict their warehouses will have stuff coming out the door mid january when we all return the things we will now be thinking we shouldn't of gone for. No doubt it will take even longer to get our money back if thats possible!
RE: The weekend bag - I bought it when it was a tsv it was great but sent it back as it was soo big you would not be able to take it onboard a plane - especially as they are soo strict now. One of my colleagues went the other day and if your case did not fit inside the metal frame you HAD to check it in. Nearly kept it just for weekends in uk but couldnt justify it as need one that I could do both with.
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thanks for that info, really useful. I'm now planning a shopping trip to Shrewsbury sometime in January to see all these goodes when they've been returned. :32:
I think I will go at the end January/early February - they should have loads of returned stock then.
According to CS and the airing, the portable cosmetics boxes are exactly the same, with the exception that the new number has a choice of colours. :54: Oh, and the old number is on waitlist and won't be reordered. :rolleyes:


Thanks for finding that out.

Interestingly the cheaper box wasn't on waitlist when I checked a while ago. The cynical part of me wonders if it was there by mistake and it's suddenly been made unavailable in favour of the pricier ones...!!

I'd really like that blue box. It'd match my newly done blue and white bedroom too. But I suppose I'd better resist. Nearly £40 is a lot to pay I suppose, when I can survive with all my makeup chucked in a basket like it is now....:33:
I've just bought the cosmetic one. I have the standing mirror one and its great - and the cosmetic should sit well on the deep windowsill in my bathroom - and get rid of a number of storage basket things - also if I can fit a reasonable amount in and put the rest away it will stop the cleaner tidying everything! She lines them up by height and bottle type - nothing to do with frequency of use so you reach for something on the back row and all the little stuff falls over or off the sill - drives me potty every time!!
Fingers crossed that they have made it toWarrington in the new year...then I can get one of each for the bathoom and one for the bedroom...or matching statue effects at either end of the drssing table. Wow this birthday money sure looks like it has got to stretch a long way this year!!!
I've got my cosmetic one - not as impressed as I was by the jewellery mirror. It doesn't hold as much as I expected - if you've loads of lipsticks then it would be fine - however I don't. I've lip glosses and these are too tall. Don't use nail polish although these shelves hold LG compacts - however only 1 large per slot.

All the wood is quite substantial so it should last a while - however it means the actual spaces to put things is smaller than I'd expected.

Also to enable it to turn means it doesn't fit into a corner so has to sit about 4cm from anything else.

Still thinking about it so if you're contemplating raiding Warrington or Shrewsbury you may find loads - but not want one!!

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