Titanic Coin

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Twitter is full of tweets from people who have only just realised that Titanic was real and not just a film.
Hey I can shout just as loud as any of the others on this site. Just because I only log in occasionally doesn't mean my opinions are any the less valid. You may be regulars but that doesn't make you right.

I shall take a rest though because to be honest, I am sickened.
I never saw the Leo/Kate version because I remember as a child watching "A night To Remember" and its stayed with me all my life. The way it depicted people clinging to the stern railings singing a hymn as it went down shocked me and really upset me. Still does.
I totally agree with those of you who have expressed dismay/distaste at the idea of making money out of such a tragedy.Surely that's what this jewellery collection which has been selling fast tonight is all about?I can't imagine wanting to wear 'charms' fashioned from a Titanic boarding pass.We are all different as the apparent success of the of this jewellery 'show' has proved It is just not something I am easy with.
Although I don't remember objections to Tek Sing and no doubt plenty went down with that ship. Is it just a time thing, and 100 years isn't enough?
Twitter is full of tweets from people who have only just realised that Titanic was real and not just a film.

That beggars belief ! These same 'persons' are probably unaware there was a world war from 1939 to 1945 as well - ah well, if "a Pal" didn't mention it in The Sun, then they wouldn't know would they.

As for not knowing about most of the crew coming from Southampton, I suppose its not something you consciously think about or are taught about. I come from Ramsgate, and it was only in the last 10 years that I learned that the artist Turner actually did most of his work around the area - yet I was never taught that in school back in the 60's.
I felt is was all in very bad taste and quite disrespectful. AK was acting all excited about the stuff that had come out of the ship, that the jewellery was modelled on but in reality I feel that it is akin to grave robbing. People lost their lives and pawing over their possessions seems quite macabre to me and I wouldn't want to have copies of their stuff.
Just unbelievable that people on Twitter do not realise that Titanic was an actual event.Do they think the same about 9/11 ? I have very mixed feelings about Q selling Titanic jewellery. Making money on the back of such a terrible tragedy just dosen't seem right somehow. I have a distant relative on my Mother's side ( her third cousin ) who was a steward on that ship. Needless to say he did not survive.
I have never watched the film "Titanic" and would never want to own mementoes or replica jewellery items for the same reasons expressed by other posters. I agree with remembering the event and the suffering it caused but making money from it is beneath contempt. I think that you only have to think of more recent disasters to see how tasteless doing this is. However this is my opinion and other people will make their own minds up.
Come back GG it matters not if you are a regular or not. Your opinions are valid. I am only on here as much as I am because I am on maternity leave and awake at all hours. When I return to work I will just pop in from time to time, so long as it is still fun.
I loved both titanic films mentioned above, for different reasons. But the James Cameron one was quite a while ago now. Maybe the re-release will actually prompt some younger people to learn some history.
Although I don't remember objections to Tek Sing and no doubt plenty went down with that ship. Is it just a time thing, and 100 years isn't enough?

I've never heard of that BB, so I did some research this time!

It sank in 1822, roughly the same amount of victims as Titanic, wasn't discovered till 1999 so no chance of living close relatives. Don't know if that makes a difference or not, it wasn't a maiden voyage or the vessel promoted as unsinkable?

Titanic souvenirs were on sale not that much longer after the wreck was found, still seems distasteful to me.
QVC sold replica Titanic years ago (possibly at the time the film was first released. It seemed pretty naff then but the anniversary of all those deaths leaves an uncomfortable feeling.

Jude xx
I quite like the Titanic necklace Lunn's came up with but living only 10 miles away from the Titanic Quarter it's currently a bit hard to escape the stuff. We have an Titanic exhibition at work at the moment so I have classes in all the time and honestly had a group of girls that told me they couldn't possibly answer all the questions on their sheet because they had never seen the film. I'm not sure they realized it was a real event.

I do enjoy James Cameron's film and find the history fascinating but some of the things sold supposedly to 'commemorate' are just nauseating.
Researching shipping logs for ancestry info brought up heartbreaking stories about passengers who gave up their lives for others on the Titanic. The safety features introduced after the Titanic sank were implemented immediately, the only good thing to come out of such devastation. There is talk of cleaning and painting the wreck with a magnetic paint to prevent further deterioration, due to the time it has been underwater and thanks to the submarines landing on her. I personally don't think she should be preserved, and all visits to her should stop. The shoes on the bottom of the sea, mothers and babies together, is hard to accept. Just because we have the technology to visit her doesn't mean we should.
Re an earlier post of mine looking forward to the jewellery show, I did not realise the jewellery was inspired by recovered items, I thought they were from family records. I decided not to watch the show. Very naive of me.

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