Tiffany here again!


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I realise I'm very naive! I never think about people having 'work' done and only since I've read threads like this do I know what to look out for !

TIFF looks lovely even with her work, but she's pretty so probably would look good, in a different way, if she were au naturel.

Natalia's hair is amazing - is it all hers do you think, is there a Revita- hair product, or am I being naive again ? Lol
If all these extremely, outrageously over priced lotions and potions worked, then no model, guest or presenter would have any lines or wrinkles, but they do, proving 100% guaranteed that these beauty products don't work.
If all these extremely, outrageously over priced lotions and potions worked, then no model, guest or presenter would have any lines or wrinkles, but they do, proving 100% guaranteed that these beauty products don't work.
I agree to an extent and think that 'beauty sleep' is an integral part of the beauty routine and some of the presenters and models cannot afford this luxury. I do agree some of them look dreadful, especially JF, the other day I was watching her and wondering if she uses any skincare.
I agree to an extent and think that 'beauty sleep' is an integral part of the beauty routine and some of the presenters and models cannot afford this luxury. I do agree some of them look dreadful, especially JF, the other day I was watching her and wondering if she uses any skincare.

You should have turned the sound up and listened too. She uses it all, don't you know?

She does work antisocial hours quite often so you may be on to something with the beauty sleep comment. It can't help can it?
I wish I knew Tiffanys age, (I'd guess it begins with a 7). I'm really reluctant to comment because it may very well be very cruel. It's very hard to judge if she has had work. She has a cracking figure but I bet she'd look a whole lot better if she was a natural beauty.
I think QVC audition prospective guests all the time... and then the ones who they don't have an immediate fit for are then put on reserve.

Some guests are directly employed by the brand, but many are not. Marie Françoise Wolff has been in adverts for the Vitabiotics range of vitamins. Natalia used to do one of the hampers (Parks maybe). Other guests like Jess who does the Lilibeth also do other products on QVC. It seems like a number of the guest presenters are "in house": Beverley Cressman, Ann Dorrington, Gill Gauntlett, Jilly Jones, Simon Brown, Carla Laszlo (and possibly now also Caroline Sandry) so they get trotted out for more than one brand show. There are others who ply their trade outside of QVC (the umpteen stylists they have for fashion brands). Some of the renta-guests seem to do only one brand with varying degrees of success - like Sarah Jagger - and I think the brand has a say in who is retained for the shows.

The bottom line for any of them - brand-employed or QVC-employed - they must do their best to sell the brand and be so "at home" with the brand that they are convincingly part of that brand on QVC.

Thanks for the info. It does give a better insight into the 'workings' of brand ambassadors; and I could myself a good slap for falling for all that.. 'we' ... business when they start the sales spiel on their current working brand. It will make me spend less tbh because now they can 'act' til the cows come home, and I shan't believe them !! job done. (please don't tell me that Gorgeous Hunk from Aurora - is just window dressing ??)
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Well my balloon's been popped !

I know for a lot of brands the same 'ambassador' is used e.g. Carla wottsername; but there are many that only use 'just the one'. I never gave any real thought to how these people actually got the job. But I always liked to think that they had some affinity with the product, like perhaps Alex with L'Occitane, and Marie Francoise with Kipling.

Then I heard the Re'lash woman say she got a phone call from Q to say they had the perfect product for her to be involved with. Whaaaaat ! that was a REAL illusion spoiler for me - realistically I guess these things happen, but it was a balloon popper for me.

Yes that was a big surprise to me too I always got the impression from what was said that Natalia came with the product to QVC Perhaps you just register your interest in fronting a brand I always wondered how it came about ... or do you need to know someone at Q ?
Yes that was a big surprise to me too I always got the impression from what was said that Natalia came with the product to QVC Perhaps you just register your interest in fronting a brand I always wondered how it came about ... or do you need to know someone at Q ?

I think there is a lot of networking in the media. It's not really any different in most places you work, to be honest. I don't work in the media and even in my industry have been approached by agencies asking me for recommendations for positions they are trying to fill... I've known colleagues who when they go to new employers one of the things they are asked about is who in their old company they might recommend for positions in their new companies. At certain levels in an organisation, you might actually take your team (whole teams or just partial ones) with you when you make a move.

Given that there is a very specific skillset QVC, Ideal World and others in selly telly are looking for, it's not enough to be able to do the sales patter - it's being able to do that and follow direction from your earpiece (not always just the presenters get talk-back from what I have observed) and hold a conversation with the presenter. Plus there is the whole business of how you come across on camera. Ultimately everyone there is to shift product. If the person doesn't have a "likeability factor" they are going to do less well. Also, there are undoubtedly guests who are more believable doing certain product categories.

Some of the presenters can be spotted doing product demonstrations for the brand at all sorts of places - you can spot that kind of guest a mile off. The morphy richards lady - a couple of weekends ago I spotted her demonstrating a steam iron in a department store. They are very slick but have very little warmth to them as they can do their demo in their sleep (and probably bore themselves silly).
I flipped to Q last night, just in time to hear Tiffany saying that whatever the lash product she was using didn't cause clumping. She appeared to be plastering on blue mascara and as the camera came in for a close shot I nearly fell off the sofa. I've never seen such a mess in all my life! The lashes were clumped together and she had blue bits on her skin. I quickly changed channels.
I flipped to Q last night, just in time to hear Tiffany saying that whatever the lash product she was using didn't cause clumping. She appeared to be plastering on blue mascara and as the camera came in for a close shot I nearly fell off the sofa. I've never seen such a mess in all my life! The lashes were clumped together and she had blue bits on her skin. I quickly changed channels.

When I see a close up of Tiffany, her little cheeks remind me of a well fed chipmunk. mysmilie_845:
I think one of the worst representatives is Fiona from Decleor-granted she's good at her job and has great product knowledge,but I think her image is dreadful and always puts me in mind of Anne (frosty knickers from "The Chase") Heggarty!!

Her skin doesn't look great either-the fringe may well hide a multitude of sins!

As for Tiffany-good on her, her face is everywhere from Debenhams to stair lifts to Saga adverts and I'm sure she must be mid 70's and earning a good whack! I must confess to giggling at her chosen name of "Tiffany Suchard" goodness knows where she got that from!!
Her skin doesn't look great either-the fringe may well hide a multitude of sins!
Fiona, JF, CH, AY (!!!!) and the new Fillerina guest all have something to hide.
Fiona is not only hiding her forehead but her yes too and AY is not far behind.
I think there is a lot of networking in the media. It's not really any different in most places you work, to be honest. I don't work in the media and even in my industry have been approached by agencies asking me for recommendations for positions they are trying to fill... I've known colleagues who when they go to new employers one of the things they are asked about is who in their old company they might recommend for positions in their new companies. At certain levels in an organisation, you might actually take your team (whole teams or just partial ones) with you when you make a move.

Given that there is a very specific skillset QVC, Ideal World and others in selly telly are looking for, it's not enough to be able to do the sales patter - it's being able to do that and follow direction from your earpiece (not always just the presenters get talk-back from what I have observed) and hold a conversation with the presenter. Plus there is the whole business of how you come across on camera. Ultimately everyone there is to shift product. If the person doesn't have a "likeability factor" they are going to do less well. Also, there are undoubtedly guests who are more believable doing certain product categories.

Some of the presenters can be spotted doing product demonstrations for the brand at all sorts of places - you can spot that kind of guest a mile off. The morphy richards lady - a couple of weekends ago I spotted her demonstrating a steam iron in a department store. They are very slick but have very little warmth to them as they can do their demo in their sleep (and probably bore themselves silly).

Agree, I've often seen Janie - the slim'n'lift woman at craft fairs flogging pareos (sarongs), and no doubt anything else she can get her hands on at the wholesale cheapie warehouse. (poor woman has the most awful acne scarring)

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