Threads look a little strange


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I know the site needs to generate revenue but this becoming REALLY annoying now.

Also I am getting ads in the middle of posts ie Anthony thread has an F&F add under the thread heading but before the text.

I am finding the ads becoming more and more intrusive. Sorry

Anyone affected by the issue, please post a screenshot of the issue, this will help Graham try to find the cause.
image.jpgnot sure how to do this. but tried this file upload.
Well done! I can't do it at all. I get that! Sometimes when a poster has included a quote it is even thinner than that, like 5-6 characters per line in a quotation box which goes on for about six inches.
Thanks BettyBoo that's exactly what it looks like for me too, but I'm techy useless so didn't know how to do clever stuff like that. hopefully it can be sorted as it makes reading the forum a bit awkward although I know adverts are needed to help support the running of the site, it has become quite intrusive IMO.
Snazzy I am looking at your last post and it is a good example of the problem but I don't know how to send it to Graham.
I doubt there will be more than one TSV as Alexis from L'Occitane said she will be on with two special collections.
Not sure if this will work either but here goes as this thread was about a foot long with only one word per line.
How did you manage to insert that???? I have managed a screen shot but do not seem able to insert it in reply box!

You just click on the icon in the row above the text box, where there are buttons to format text, add smiley faces and weblinks, etc. It's the third icon from the right and when you hover over it, it says "Insert image". Click on that and then select the "From Computer" tab. You should find the screen shot as a file quite easily and upload it by clicking on the button at the bottom. I have made it sound complicated but it's not - hope you can follow that!
As soon as there is a thanks or like it suddenly reverts back to normal.

The previous post usually goes back to normal as soon as a new one is posted.
By the way, if you expand the size of the browser window, the problem with the narrow column of text where the ad has inserted itself is not as bad. I think this is why it's worse on a tablet where you cannot expand the browser window on a wider 'desktop'. See this, where I have narrowed the browser window on my desktop and the message has appeared as a long, thin column as others are describing, with words continue over two lines in some cases.

Picture 1.jpg

When I then drag the corner of the window out to expand the width of the box, it's not so bad because the column of text also widens.
I can do all of that in post 32 as described but once I have selected it and it shows as 1 file in the box, if I hit Upload nothing happens!!! As I have been fiddling with this for about 15 minutes now I give up! Thank you Andi for your input but I guess either my settings are wrong or my competence is below par. I think I can guess which.
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Oh Andi well done, in post 34, that was the type of column effect I wanted to show!!! That ends this current nightmare of trying to do an upload!
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Oh Andi well done, in post 34, that was the type of column effect I wanted to show!!! That ends this current nightmare of trying to do an upload!

No problem. Weird you could not upload your screen shot though. It doesn't sound like you are lacking in competence as you seem to be pressing the right buttons.

Anyway, let's hope the people running this site, who are going to be far more tech savvy than either of us, can fix the long, thin column problem (LTCP!).
I haven't had any problem with threads looking like the one in the screen shot, thank goodness. It would have driven me mad.

I do get a lot of adverts on each page. They're usually between some of the posts but I try to ignore them as I know that they help towards the running of the site. I did install an Adblocker, which helped, but I uninstalled it when I realised that that was the reason that purchases via TCB weren't being tracked. Luckily all those have been resolved ........... so it's back to adverts all the time now. :wink:

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