Thomas Earnshaw watch? Quality?


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There is nothing wrong with a cheap copy watch so why don't they be honest and call them what they are.

True, as long as it really is cheap! I bought my ex a fake Rolex once, and for what I paid for it £40 (not that cheap!) it was alright in the fact that he could use it to tell the time, battery didn't last long, looked tatty fairly quickly but for a work watch, fine...then I thought to myself I'd have been better off just buying him a Seconda from Argos and have a proper guarantee with it, and it probably would have worn, and worked better, and I could tell he didn't really like it much as he felt it a little too "flashy" to wear driving his cab! Eventually "Rolex" clasp broke and that was it, wasn't worth repairing.

Even at £59.99 (and the £7.99 of course) I think I'd rather buy a stalwart high street name. If I really wanted a posh watch, I'd save like mad, or bung it on plastic, and most certainly it would be a household name, and I'd want to have a look at it first!

I do totally agree that the presenters are told what they've got to say to a large extent, so all the BS isn't entirely their fault, however, some presenters do seem to relish it, more than others...having said that, they'd like us to believe that they (the presenter) is in total control of the sale. I'm sure you've heard "I'm going to put my job on the line here, but what the hell, you can have it for....x amount, or they have a "fake" conversation with a member of management who allow them to drop the price. FFS, they know how exactly how much they're prepared to let each item for from the outset, it's not a spot decision made by the presenter/gallery on the day!
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I think this could be one for the ASA ...
Re: James Russell and the Christin Lars claim, well he might try to wiggle out of it by saying that they're produced in the same factory as certain other major brands (that wouldn't surprise me one bit) but that's not the same thing at all. I'm sure that the ASA would have at least one major deception claim to deal with amongst the dozens of half-truths and poorly-remembered 'facts' heard each time James Russell is on-air, and it speaks volumes for Bid Shopping that all the decent presenters have vanished (Adam Heppenstall's still around though, I think?) and we're left with car crashes instead.
He's not the only offender. I heard Peter Simon say that "Christin Lars watches are sold worldwide in over 40 countries" It's just lie after lie! Perhaps he should have said 40 counties.

Tossers one and all!!
He's not the only offender. I heard Peter Simon say that "Christin Lars watches are sold worldwide in over 40 countries" It's just lie after lie! Perhaps he should have said 40 counties.

Tossers one and all!!

Probably means on eBay so I guess technically he is right but still grrrrr

Just watched MacDonald sell another Earnshaw watch. He said it was very high end. The graphics as well has he, described the watch as being a Toubillon. We all know that the watches are not anywhere near high end, but neither was it a Tourbillon! To sell a piece of crap chinese watch as a Tourbillon and charge £98.70 for it is nothing short of being downright dishonest! I know, nothing new there! Maybe one day these damn people will learn to tell the truth about what they sell. Well, we can all live in hopes!
Couldn't find a website for this so called quality "Thomas Earnshaw" watch. Mike Mason trying to associate this unqualified timepiece with the horologist although he has nothing to do with it. For all we know these watches are worth a tenner. There is no provenance of this product to justify the £150 price-tag.

You're a spiv, Mike. Del Boy would be proud of you! You have gone right down in my estimation.

Mike said this evening an Earnshaw INSPIRED piece. Hope this pleases you all.
Thomas Earnshaw watch? Quality?

A little research reveals that the Thomas Earnshaw watch is made by the Chinese company Solar Time Ltd.
The name was registered last year and neither the watch nor the manufacturer have any connection with the historical figure Thomas Earnshaw-they just decided to use his name.
A bit like like you or I marketing a cheap telescope , calling it The Galileo and claiming that it has a wonderful historic heritage.
A little research reveals that the Thomas Earnshaw watch is made by the Chinese company Solar Time Ltd.
The name was registered last year and neither the watch nor the manufacturer have any connection with the historical figure Thomas Earnshaw-they just decided to use his name.
A bit like like you or I marketing a cheap telescope , calling it The Galileo and claiming that it has a wonderful historic heritage.

Interesting stuff. Thanks for finding it out. Sorry I clicked on dislike by accident, corrected now but just letting you know in case you saw!


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