I lost a bit of respect for Pipa when she was trailing this trio - she was going on about how amazing it is and how it's going to solve sleep problems (with many years of complete insomnia and helping others with such issues I know a pillow spray is going to do little except perhaps make one feel a little more relaxed). She said she'd had already bought one for herself, one for her 7 year old son (?!) and one for her best friend.
That's £27 a pop plus pandp - that's not living in reality to me
[Neither is finding THIRTEEN different lip glosses at the bottom of her handbag (a confession made during a Philosophy show!]
I dare say a few drops of lavender oil and or sweet basil would work just as well and be just as comforting...
Sorry don't know why it annoyed me so much, it just seemed such a rip off and all about the marketing. I would also question the name 'it works' as can't imagine it's going to do anything for anyone with sleep disturbance... But hey I must be wrong because according to the link above it's on advanced orders so other people obviously thought it was £30 well spent...!
Ps. I think it just winds me up when they stand there spouting all this stuff about products often completely disregarding hugely negative reviews about it etc. The NoNo (noooooooooooo!) being a great case in point. I know they're there to sell things but I don't like some of their methods is all!