This is doing my head in...........


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Registered Shopper
Apr 17, 2009
Sorry if this has all been said before, but all this sales malarky is doing my head completely in. Hours and hours of relentless sales goods, and I would think that most of it is stuff that hasn't sold that well, the fashion is terrible and poor presenters living Groundhog Day.

This is what shopping channels do really badly; piling it all on in one go. So much so that we all get bored. How much Quacker and Kim and Co. can they sell? I just think it seems really dated and very '80's... also a bit desperate.

Maybe it's just me, but with all this on I've turned to Ebay. Sorry QVC.
to be honest some of the savings are really pitifull as low as £3 off and the offerings are poor..
take kipling bags in the stores up to 50 % off still full price at qvc so much for sale time.. only the real hardcore stuff that cannot be shifted.
to be honest some of the savings are really pitifull as low as £3 off and the offerings are poor..take kipling bags in the stores up to 50 % off still full price at qvc so much for sale time.. only the real hardcore stuff that cannot be shifted.

Totally agree with you!
Most of it is either complete tat or has about a quid off. The worst sale ever. Along with hours and hours of fashion then craft etc. Me too has switched off.
I think it's laughable they can call this a sale. Most of it seems like you're just saving the P+P and they probably couldn't sell most of that rubbish half price at a car-boot.
Dire indeed.
Can't be bothered with it.

Hi :wave2:,
I can't be bothered with the QVC sale. I haven't watched it at all. I looked at the offerings on line and they were pitiful, so I decided to give it a miss. I used to really look forward to the QVC sales, but the present savings are derisory and the majority of the goods have been hanging about in clearance for ages. The P&P costs and extended delivery times are also putting me off buying from QVC. It all seems a bit desperate and tacky - I wonder if QVC are feeling the pinch with the credit crunch/recession and so they are having to cut corners. I know a lot of people are buying much less in the way of luxuries, so expensive skincare, jewellery and the like are quite low on their list of priorities.

I also think that this is why details of TSVs are "leaked" early these days to tempt people to buy. It is all a bit sad, but QVC won't lure back customers with the tat they are offering in the sale and by increasing P&P and taking longer to deliver goods.

I have just read my post back and I sound very disillusioned with the whole QVC shopping experience and thats accurate, because I am. I became very disillusioned with Ideal World a while back and I don't bother with other shopping channels, so perhaps I will have to find another hobby - I have just bought a Wii Fit, so that would be a healthy option!

Does this mean I can become a F.A.R.T.?

I haven't even bothered to watch the past 2-3 days since the sale started.

And when I do watch these days it's only for OPI, Leighton Denny, Nails Inc or Honora. Otherwise I don't watch it at all now, certainly nothing like I used to years ago.

Oooh Plint........... what's the Wii Fit like ?
I haven't bothered to switch this sales malarky on - am just getting used to not watching QVC - could start a new trend!:sleepy:
I must have missed something essential, are you all trying to tell me there is a sale????????
On QVC??????:wink2:

I had not noticed:sleepy:
This is doing my head in....

The only advantage to shopping with QVC now is that it's easy. Membership is set up and you can order on line in a few secs. But, it's all cheaper elsewhere now, you can buy on line at often a fraction of the price.

It just takes more effort, and sometimes I'm a bit lazy and it's easier to just to go to QVC. But, like everyone else says I'm watching and buying less and less. I've finally figured out that the jewellery isn't great quality, when I first started watching I really thought it was and that I was in the know...

I'll probably always watch a bit of QVC but I've wised up to it all. It just takes a bit of time and too many duff purchases first, one day the penny just drops...!!!!!
I haven't bothered to switch this sales malarky on - am just getting used to not watching QVC - could start a new trend!:sleepy:

I haven't watched anything since Friday (well except about 5 minutes yesterday morning to check out the craft TSV).
Wii fit....

I haven't even bothered to watch the past 2-3 days since the sale started.

And when I do watch these days it's only for OPI, Leighton Denny, Nails Inc or Honora. Otherwise I don't watch it at all now, certainly nothing like I used to years ago.

Oooh Plint........... what's the Wii Fit like ?

Hi Sue:hi:
The Wii fit is great, but I hope I can be bothered to get it out and use it!
I am gutted because I am on holiday when Ralph is on QVC with his next TSV - bummer!

Since they say confession is good for the soul, I have to confess to falling off the wagon today by ordering a Suarti ring. I've never ordered from the Suarti range before and I didn't even go through quidco...I am truly ashamed. It was in the sale but really I know that is no a penance I shall clean the airing cupboard out. :(
Since they say confession is good for the soul, I have to confess to falling off the wagon today by ordering a Suarti ring. I've never ordered from the Suarti range before and I didn't even go through quidco...I am truly ashamed. It was in the sale but really I know that is no a penance I shall clean the airing cupboard out. :(

Well I give up. Do you not want the f.a.r.ts help. Here I am at 11.20 at night going through these threads trying to stop people buyihg things willy nilly and suddenly we have a confession. You could have sought help earlier but you just went ahead and bought the ring. Well it will take more than cleaning out the airing cupboard to redeem yourself. I will set Bet on to you, she is in charge as our leader is obviously otherwise engaged buying hair stuff.
I'll probably always watch a bit of QVC but I've wised up to it all. It just takes a bit of time and too many duff purchases first, one day the penny just drops...!!!!!

I've watched QVC since it started & sadly don't appear to be 'cured' at all! :blush:
I understand the principle of what you've written above obviously & have no trouble explaining it to others, I just have some difficulty putting it into effect myself! :giggle:
I've watched QVC since it started & sadly don't appear to be 'cured' at all! :blush:
I understand the principle of what you've written above obviously & have no trouble explaining it to others, I just have some difficulty putting it into effect myself! :giggle:

I think we all suffer those problems!:giggle:

Agree about sick of sales - almost glad to see hosepipe TSV (almost)!:smirk:
Sorry if this has all been said before, but all this sales malarky is doing my head completely in. Hours and hours of relentless sales goods, and I would think that most of it is stuff that hasn't sold that well, the fashion is terrible and poor presenters living Groundhog Day.

This is what shopping channels do really badly; piling it all on in one go. So much so that we all get bored. How much Quacker and Kim and Co. can they sell? I just think it seems really dated and very '80's... also a bit desperate.

Maybe it's just me, but with all this on I've turned to Ebay. Sorry QVC.

Its' amazing the amount of QVC (and other shopping channel) stuff that appears on Ebay. Why don't they just send the stuff back ?
In a word.....or several!

Its' amazing the amount of QVC (and other shopping channel) stuff that appears on Ebay. Why don't they just send the stuff back ?

In a word - apathy. Sometimes, I think people just allow the returns period to elapse and then realise the stuff isn't what they want and it is too late to send it back, so it goes on to Ebay. Either that, or the return postage is high and if you sell things on Ebay, the buyer pays the P&P.

Personally, I put the bits of TSVs I don't want on Ebay, but that's different, as you can't very well send a couple of bits of a TSV back and ask for a partial refund! I used to give the bits I didn't want to friends and family, but in these days of recession, and in my case retirement, I make what I can on the unwanted bits and that offsets the cost of the TSV bits I do want.

I think we all suffer those problems!:giggle:

Agree about sick of sales - almost glad to see hosepipe TSV (almost)!:smirk:

Things must be desperate if you're happy to see a flat hosepipe! I had hoped for a really good day of stuff after the dismal sales. A day of Richard 'garden gnome' Jackson really does not fit the bill:dull::dull::dull:

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