I've read all the above and feel quite happy that it's not just me that found the whole experience tedious. It even made the cricket seem exciting. I did succumb and purchase a couple of fashion items, but they've both been sent back already. Utter tat. Add to that the long delivery times and the cost and it really is a formula to look elsewhere to buy. My problem is that I'm housebound with illness and QVC used to give me a lift. Back when I was working I even used to arrange time off so I could get to see shows! It seems unbelievable now. I'm also put off and irritated by the ever inflating egos of a few of their presenters too and their constant catch words - "on trend" anyone? Gah! (talking of which, I'd have thought the Man of Age would have "dipped his toe in the water" given all the fashion tat that's been on recently! Has he be given the bootie?)