They did that with me once too after a series of returns. Whether they like it or not, they’re subject to the distance selling laws and as you can’t see, feel, touch or smell the item you are effectively buying blind. I’ve had some absolute horrors sent to me and, regardless of what they say, QVC know they send out used/worn garments. I had a Saturday job when I was at school (remember those

) in one of the most popular young fashion stores at the time (showing my age now). It was famous for girls buying outfits, wearing them on the Saturday night, and then trying to return them. As I was only a mere Saturday kid I wasn’t allowed to refund anyway but we were made to smell the garments under arms and round the neck and inspect them

. Any odour and that was it a definitive sod off you’ve worn it. The state of some of them you wouldn’t believe. You’d probably get attacked today for refusing. Worked tho. Faced with it stinks and it’s covered with white deodorant and perfume they eventually backed off and stomped out. We used to inspect it before it wrapped to make sure they couldn’t say it was done when they bought it. Thinking about it, they’d probably just nick it today. Wear it then flog it on eBay or Vinted.
QVC postage charges are an absolute disgrace. I think that’s where they make up their profits. Anywhere else it’s one flat charge no matter how much you orders they charge for each and every single item. It’s outrageous when you think about it. Anyone buying 5 items could end up forking out up to £30 in postage. Not a bad way to boost profits!