Theatre trip - Has anyone seen return to the forbidden planet?


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Jun 24, 2008
A good friend of mine works at our local theatre and often gets free/cut price tickets. Last week she called and asked me along to see Return to the forbidden planet, I'm not a great fan of sci fi stuff, but she was so excited I didn't really want to say no, that and the fact I hadn't seen her for a while and thought "why not!" I knew it was a comedy, and like most people I love comedy, so hoped that would be enough to entertain me, that and the fact it was supposed to be full of 1950's rock n' roll hits which I also love.
The cast all played more than one musical instrument, eg the female lead hopped from playing trumpet, Saxophone and drum, and male characters also jumped between electric guitars, drum and clarinets - no mean feat - I was really impressed - amazed even. The jokes were AWFUL, and for me didn't even fall into the category "so bad they were good" For example being set on a spacecraft, and the play loosely based upon Shakespeare!? "To beep or not to beep, that is the question" had everyone falling around - I did manage to pull off an extremely convincing fake laugh, to show my friend my appreciation, and another joke regarding the lead female's prom dress which she had purchased many moons ago from that exclusive, high class store- wait for it - Primark!!!! It was very silly, and even its most silly moments - cast grappling with the tentacles of a rubber monster, I had to dig really deep to find a way to convince my friend (who would have really wanted me to enjoy it) that I was!
The musical numbers, very much like the dreadful film Mamma Mia (another one I saw with a friend and had pretend I was loving!) were shoe horned into the performance, the musicians were talented without question, though the singing was screechy and awful, and I soon found myself becoming more and more irritated by what became for me little more than a self indulgent "look at me, aren't I amazing, especially the guitar riff than seemed to go on for about 20 minutes!!! Then there was numbers where the audience was instructed to get on their feet and "make some noise" and at regular intervals to flap our arms around in the air to get the spaceship moving!!!! Sorry mate - but it was my idea of HELL and I can't tell you, so I've had to let it go on here for the sake of my own sanity.

I looked up some reviews on line earlier - surely just one person found it annoyingly self indulgent and unfunny - not a soul, in fact I couldn't find a single bad word written about it. So it must be me, do I not like to have fun, am I afraid to let go, do I just "not get" farce? but hey, I don't think that's true. The last couple of stage shows I saw "The full monty" and "One man two guvnors" were fantastic and I left the theatre with that warm glow that you get! My friend did actually notice me yawning on a few occasions, but I think I managed to convince her that it was down to a combination of a hard day at work and my age lol! and not due to the fact I was bored and wish I could have teleported myself onto the bus home!

My question is this - Has anyone not enjoyed a film or play that they should have done? and pulled off an Oscar worthy show of "I'm having a great time here - let's go and see it again next week?!"
I can't stand farce and Victoria Wood had a funny sketch that included "Whoops! There goes my bloomers!" Maybe she doesn't like it too! Look on the bright side merryone, you've seen it, hated it and got the t.shirt, cross it off the list. My family thought the Full Monty was dire. Get yourself some Madam Butterfly tickets, go by yourself and be in raptures, wonderful stuff. Life is too short to watch rubbish, indulge yourself!
I can't stand farce and Victoria Wood had a funny sketch that included "Whoops! There goes my bloomers!" Maybe she doesn't like it too! Look on the bright side merryone, you've seen it, hated it and got the t.shirt, cross it off the list. My family thought the Full Monty was dire. Get yourself some Madam Butterfly tickets, go by yourself and be in raptures, wonderful stuff. Life is too short to watch rubbish, indulge yourself!

Funny you should say that was actually thinking about getting Madame Butterfly tickets for hubby's birthday x Thanks for the advice, though to be fair I normally love rubbish...Dirty Dancing, Grease...bring 'em on lol!
I loved that show so much, I've seen it twice, mind you I also enjoyed, The Buddy Holly Story and Dreamboats and Petticoats! I've been to see "The Play that Goes Wrong" twice and I'm going to see the sister show on Saturday, "The Peter Pan that Goes Wrong", and yet "regular" farce in the style of Brian Rix (Whitehall Farces, if I remember rightly, on telly many years ago) did used to leave me cold, maybe it is because TPTGW was "live" theatre and we near the front thought something was going to land on us..... However, I am just as happy at Gilbert and Sullivan, Shakespeare, Chicago (another one I've seen at least twice, locally and once in London), saw Pygmalion last year too, Alistair McGowan (sp) was a revelation! However, Mad Max II had me trying to get up and leave halfway through, I found it gratuitous and so upsetting and some film with Clive Owen, Natalie Portman, Julia Robert and Jude Law had me wanting to slap each of the main characters and tell them to get their heads out of their narcissistic, navel staring backsides, now that I absolutely detested and if I hadn't sat through it I would have demanded my money back.

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