Oh, you cat lovers, I know what you mean! My beloved cat loved it when I held her like a baby, lifted her up and kissed her at the right ear/neck soft, downy spot. I said to her, "How many times have I kissed you there? At least five times a day, that's --- a year, --- years, --- kisses."The sweetie lived over 19 years. A few days before she passed, she jumped on my chest on my bed, licked my closed eye, then the other, then about five licks on my chin. She knew I loved her, and was telling me the same. And, she used lay upon the clothes cupboard shelf, and lower her head for a kissy between her ears, when I walked in the room. She shouldn't have been up there, she knew it, but how could I resist such a gesture? Wrapped around her paws, I was. Ah, bless all furry hearts here and in our memories.