Thanks for the entries, merryone and theresa b. Thanks for the welcome QVC Princess. Everyone here has been really welcoming!
dread (noun): that sinking feeling you get while awaiting your bill/bank statement.
of an age (phrase): old. Note that this term only applies to females. Males are never "of an age", no matter how long they live.
flaaaar (noun): an overpriced artificial bloom made from whatever scraps of nylon and plastic the manufacturer could find. Not to be confused with flowers (real or silk).
beryl (noun): a family of gemstones that includes emeralds, aquamarine, morganite, heliador, goshenite, golden beryl and bixbite. These names can be used interchangably to describe any member of the beryl family (eg morganite is pink emerald, aquamarine is blue golden beryl, goshenite is colourless bixbite etc).
inspired (adjective): copying someone else's design.