The Real Pie QVC rip off.


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Aug 3, 2014
So it's spoil yourself Saturday then, yet QVC still rip their customers off. Just had a mooch and caught The Real Pie Company with Simon Dairylee and decided to have a mooch on The Real Pie Company website, they're offering free p&p this weekend so firstly QVC are taking p&p when they shouldn't be because they're sent direct, but the biggest rip is order number 805913 £22 plus £6 p&p for the six vegetarian selection, yet on The Real Pie Company's website £18.60 free p&p. I really hope customers challenge why they're basically stealing (in this case) £6 off them I'd be annoyed if it was me.
Good research, shopperholic. Trouble is, the QVC faithful will just buy from watching the presentations without looking anywhere else, including the obvious (to us on here anyway) RPC website. Hopefully some brave soul will post something about the RPC website offer on Facebook so at least a few people will realise and make the right choice before the info gets taken down.
Thanks Andi, yes you're right the die hards would buy poop on a stick if it was on QVC. I wonder would they buy in the first shop they hit on the DHS (if they'd ever dare venture in to one) or would they shop around to see if they can get what they're looking for cheaper? With QVC and the world of shops at your finger tips, it's the same difference.
Thanks Andi, yes you're right the die hards would buy poop on a stick if it was on QVC. I wonder would they buy in the first shop they hit on the DHS (if they'd ever dare venture in to one) or would they shop around to see if they can get what they're looking for cheaper? With QVC and the world of shops at your finger tips, it's the same difference.

Ha ha - I dread to think what state that would arrive in, but I would look forward to the complaints on Facebook when orders were not received in time for whatever occasion they were bought for.
Ha ha - I dread to think what state that would arrive in, but I would look forward to the complaints on Facebook when orders were not received in time for whatever occasion they were bought for.

Knowing my luck Andi, if I was still a customer I'd have got someone's return. :puke: :mysmilie_17:

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