The Pet Photo Thread!


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Jun 24, 2008
I love looking at animal photos online and knowing many members here have much loved animals, birds, fish, arachnids and reptiles etc. Why not post their photo here for all to admire. All welcome, past or present.

To kick off here's my two 3 year old rescue pussers Salem and Sabrina:


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Lovely! I like the way one (Salem?) is showing off, rolling over, provocatively showing their tum, and the other (Sabrina?) is looking at the camera, just saying "What??!".
...are you sitting comfortably?...then I'll begin!

She's ignoring him! He wants her to play pounce so that he can beat her up! He doesn't realise he's twice her size and weight (or maybe he does!). He can be a bit of a bully but backs off when she hisses at him! He's a bit of a bully to me too! He doesn't like my head to be lower than him (WTF?) and will miaow and biff me on the head! It makes picking him up a bit tricky. He's become very vocal and opinionated in the past year, announcing he's home when he pops in and is very impatient, but he never begs for human food ever. Mr Akimbo was told not to give Sabrina treats but has created a mini-monster who won't let him eat fish or chicken without lots of unsolicited cupboard love from her. Unlike Salem Sabrina doesn't miaow, just "broops" which is the noise they make to each other when they're on friendly terms.
She's ignoring him! He wants her to play pounce so that he can beat her up! He doesn't realise he's twice her size and weight (or maybe he does!). He can be a bit of a bully but backs off when she hisses at him! He's a bit of a bully to me too! He doesn't like my head to be lower than him (WTF?) and will miaow and biff me on the head! It makes picking him up a bit tricky. He's become very vocal and opinionated in the past year, announcing he's home when he pops in and is very impatient, but he never begs for human food ever. Mr Akimbo was told not to give Sabrina treats but has created a mini-monster who won't let him eat fish or chicken without lots of unsolicited cupboard love from her. Unlike Salem Sabrina doesn't miaow, just "broops" which is the noise they make to each other when they're on friendly terms.

I'm moving in with you next week. They both sound even lovelier from your description of "Life With Two Proper Feline Characters"
Could someone remind me how to post photos please?

You click on the little "Insert Image" icon in the toolbar at the top of the reply box which is third from the right (on mine anyway) and is like a pointy cornered square. Assuming you are posting a photo which is on your computer/tablet, you select the From Computer tab then click Select Files at the bottom and Upload when you've found the one you want to insert.
Ok, here goes ....
Two pics of my lovely doggy, Blue, who is now 2 years old, and one of my puss cat, TC. Not sure how old puss is, but we've had him 8 years now, and we think he was about 12 - 18 months old when he decided to make his home with us! The ones of Blue were taken on holiday in Ireland last week.
I love all of them & will search for one of my 'little prince' - Mr T's description, not mine.
Pick-a-lily what beautiful pictures of a very beautiful pair! Blue reminded me of a spaniel called Dorcas I used to walk when I was at Primary school; my Dad didn't want pets so I'd "adopt" all the neighbours' animals.

Both my cats visit an elderly lady cat (looks a lot like TC) in a garden that backs on to ours - Sabrina just sits with her whereas Salem jumps out of the bushes to make her jump multiple times a day! He's a "character" alright!

We've had a series of house bunnies, before the cats, and they have been an absolute joy if you have the time to spend with them (not left in a pokey hutch at the bottom of the garden). Here's our beloved Hugo relaxing in his litter tray!


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It’s been a stressful few days. Our cat was admitted to vet hospital on Monday with acute urinary retention. He had an operation today to remove stones from his bladder, and in the process they found other issues. Long story short, it doesn’t look good for him in the longer term, assuming he makes it through the night and home tomorrow, as is hoped.
He arrived as a stray almost exactly 9years ago, and has lived the life of Riley with us. On his X-ray this week, the vet tells me there are old fractures of pelvis and hip, so the poor lad had been through it by the time he came to us.
We tried very hard to make him a house cat, but he’s always retained a semi feral reluctance to get too close.
Just hoping we can get him home tomorrow, so that he can live out his days in peace, and in surroundings he’s at least familiar with.
Hi Pick-a-lily, I've only just seen this post so I'm sincerely hoping your TC is ok. I just came to the drop to post sad news about one of our cats.

It’s been a stressful few days. Our cat was admitted to vet hospital on Monday with acute urinary retention. He had an operation today to remove stones from his bladder, and in the process they found other issues. Long story short, it doesn’t look good for him in the longer term, assuming he makes it through the night and home tomorrow, as is hoped.
He arrived as a stray almost exactly 9years ago, and has lived the life of Riley with us. On his X-ray this week, the vet tells me there are old fractures of pelvis and hip, so the poor lad had been through it by the time he came to us.
We tried very hard to make him a house cat, but he’s always retained a semi feral reluctance to get too close.
Just hoping we can get him home tomorrow, so that he can live out his days in peace, and in surroundings he’s at least familiar with.

Hi Pick-a-lily, I've only just seen this post so I'm sincerely hoping your TC is ok. I just came to the drop to post sad news about one of our cats.


Yes, how is your cat, P-a-L?

And, Akimbo, really sorry to hear there’s sad news about yours.

Aww, thanks ladies! TC ended up spending 5 days in the hospital, but lives to fight another day! He came home on a 'special diet', which, of course, he refused point blank to touch! It took him a while to settle back down, but I'm pleased to say he's back to his old self.
He's so feisty, they had to give him sedation every time they needed to examine him, which added significantly to the costs, and he's not insured, so it cost me £1600.
Sorry to hear you have sad news Akimbo.
I think it's terrible how much loving pet-owners get charged. I know we can't expect vets to do these things for nothing but even so.

I'm pleased TC came through his ordeal. Deep down, he knows what you did for him and he appreciates it really.

Best wishes to you both.
That's brilliant news P-a-L. My friend has a semi-feral cat that disappears to her "other home" for months at a time, the cat comes home with injuries, ear mites and fleas so I'm passing on Sabrina's unused flea and worm drops to her.

I still have Salem, Sabrina's big brother and even though they were never very close they started sleeping next to each other towards the end.

We didn't have insurance either so our bills totted up to around £2000 even though the vet didn't charge for some items (it makes me appreciate all the meds and treatment I've had with the NHS over the years!)
Agreed, veterinary bills give you a whole new perspective on the NHS! I will say though, it's a darn sight easier to get an appointment with the vet. Ours was brilliant, I rang very early to make an appointment, and the vet answered the phone himself. He asked a few pertinent questions about symptoms and said 'bring him straight away I'll see him now'. He also warned me that costs would mount up quickly for an uninsured pet, and was very honest and transparent throughout. TC is not remotely grateful, by the way!

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