the most overused descriptive word


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"Tailoring" that one gets me every time, "Butchering" would be more to the point!
"It's a steal" - I wouldn't even steal most of the stuff they sell!

Brissles opened up with "excited" and when I hear them say that I think "No you're not" , let's face it whether you're presenting a plastic bucket or a luxury skincare brand, you're gonna get paid whatever. I work in retail and nobody "wets their knickers when a new brand appears on the shelves" . Perhaps their excitement boils down to the staff discount they get, or the possibility of a freebie!
Speaking of discounts did anyone see the picture on JR’s blogging thing showing her son/DIL engagement ring? From Allison Reilly apparently.
Speaking of discounts did anyone see the picture on JR’s blogging thing showing her son/DIL engagement ring? From Allison Reilly apparently.

Of course she would, she got her own from AR. No doubt at cost. (I'm only surprised she didn't tap up Simon Wilson. She could have got one with a duck on - in a choice of 5 colours).
I rarely watch for long and don’t see many different presenters but going on past observations of certain presenters:

Alison K - “mighty” and “extraordinary”
Chloe - ”Coming up on the way”

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