The Jane plan. Anybody tried it?


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Dec 8, 2016
I'm well aware I may be being suckered in by the promise of an easy way of losing weight!

I must start by saying that I do have limited mobility after having a motorcycle accident a few years ago. I was always hovering around the 13 stone mark. But at the moment I am roughly 15 stone I think. I'd love to even get down to 14 stone as at that weight people thought I looked my best. And to be honest I don't think losing a stone is that difficult to lose in the big scheme of things.

The main con with this diet, is that it is bloody expensive! At least I think so. Even at the special offer of £240 for 7 weeks. And if it does work, then it is costly to follow.

I live alone so trying to buy fresh foods and fruit is a pain in the backside as some of the food inevitably goes off.

This whole pack obviously stays ok to eat for weeks.

Go on, bring me back down to earth :)
Basically its the same sort of idea as Diet Chief which QVC sold. Its big in the US and has celebs paid to push it. Kristy Alley of Cheers went on it and lost loads, then stopped and put it back on quickly.

You will lose weight but you cannot stay on it long term well too expensive for one.

Okay I live alone too, the supermarket low fat meals are better value and eating those you should lose as long as you are not eating between meals. Raw carrots as recommended by the diabetic nurse to be is the best thing you can snatch on if you need something. You can buy the small carrots sticks. Have a treat day(the word is treat not go mad), have a curry a few glasses of wine or what ever. You can join can join Slimming World or the other one if you are good dieting with others. If not(that's me), weight yourself once a month only using the same scales. Nurse said losing 2-4 per month is perfect.
So it's £239.99 for 7 weeks which includes 3 weeks free.

I'll openly say I could be wrong here but the last time it was on weren't they selling 4 weeks for £169.99?

And I don't know how many times Ellie May Clampett Jacks has stopped and started this diet but if it's so great why doesn't she just stick to it if it's so filling, so delicious, so effective and indeed so cost effective?

She doesn't seem to be able to remember what she said the last time it was on. And the time before that, and ........ :mysmilie_59:
That south african female is a nightmare on that diet show all she did was tell everyone her life story as if anyone cares.
I, like so many of a "certain age", have weight problems too. My problem was down to 2 things. First, the early onset of Arthritis in my right knee which stopped my gym trips, and second, being diagnosed Coeliac 5 years ago. Gluten free food, is loaded with sugars and fats, so I now steer well clear of GF foods. My "non medical" recommendation (unlike IW), would be simply, eat a little less of the same, and try to be more active if you can. It sounds simple and it works.
Here is my example. I went to a function in November, and when getting in the car seat to come home, one of my waistcoat buttons popped of with such force, I thought someone had tried to shoot me! It ricocheted all round the car, luckily no one was hurt, but I thought I must do something. I tried the same meals I would normally have, only a smaller portion, so not missing out on the tasty stuff. Also, I did stop having the odd glass of wine in the month as well, but the results were worth it. In the 6 weeks, I had lost 10 lbs. The cost was nil, clothes fit better, although I never did find the waistcoat button! I know it is difficult, but try using your will power before trying expensive diet regimes. Good Luck!
Sorry, not for me. I'd rather cook my own foods and that way I know that there are no additives. The price would put me off too.
I wouldn't dream of it either, even if I did have the money! I think at this time of the year a lot of people want to lose some weight obviously and probably lack the oomph, and motivation to do it, they might see this as an easy way to get on track, as you don't really have any work to do, just bung a few sachets in the microwave, pour a bit of milk on the cereal and you're off. If you stick to it, then I've absolutely no doubt that you'll lose a considerable amount of weight...but WHO in their right minds can sustain spending such an awful lot of money of food for one person, or would want to live on packet meals for the foreseeable future? Dieting is hard work (to begin with at least) 'cause once your mindset has got right into it, you'll find it a lot easier, until eating healthily and eating in the right proportions along with exercise becomes second nature to you! In fact it's likely you'll start to enjoy it, especially when you start to see results! Don't suppose there's an awful lot of joy gained from eating slop from the microwave day in day out, then worrying about where the next couple of hundred quid's gonna come from to get the next installment!
Like I say I've seen the before's and after's on the shows, but I've also seen the "delicious" foods and if you ask me, a lot of it looks like dog food. I guess if you want to shed a couple of pounds quick to get into an outfit for a special occasion it might be a short term solution, but I seriously would rather spend the money on buying a larger dress, make myself a promise and put the change towards buying myself a smaller dress on a later date. Don't do it!!!
I'm with Dave on this one.

Smaller portions, Dont use the lift, park as far away as possible from the shops etc, if possible go for a wander at lunch breaks and tea breaks rather than sit about for 30 mins or 15 mins, drink plenty of water / tea etc before meals so you will feel fuller and if need be snack on obvious healthy food like chopped melon or carrots as stated above and munch away happily for pennies and start drinking different types of teas for a wee something different.

Save £££ and dont give your hard earned to a company when you could well do it all by yourself and feel bloody well good rather than doing a one month wonder that arent "that" cheap in my opinion then within weeks its back to scratch.
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I'm with Dave on this too, eat your regular stuff but smaller portions. The portions they give you in this Jane Plan are tiny anyway. The plates are full of extra salad/veg that you have to provide at extra cost! When the plate is 'dressed' with the extra stuff you can hardly see the Jane Plan portion.

Joanne was saying it was only £5 per day...........'what would you normally spend? £15?'.........What??????????? I love how she tries the food when it comes out of the microwave and keeps hold of it to make you think it's so delicious, she can't put it down.

I'm on my own too and batch cook a lot. I do a lot of stews/casseroles and put them in some little foil dishes to freeze.
I think you've hit the nail on the head here: it seems these Plan things do work in the short term, if you follow them as instructed, but as a lifestyle change they are not an option as the weight will just go back on, so (like the lovely? Sally Jacks), you will need to go back on the diet again, and the yo-yoing begins. Jacks was saying she was starting this diet plan tomorrow (i.e. today), but surely she's been on this plan before I seem to recall? The only way to lose the weight and keep it off long-term is to eat less and exercise more - as you've said, this doesn't mean giving up every food you enjoy, just eat it in moderation and lose the weight gradually. Losing a lot of weight quickly isn't good for your body, anyway. The nurse's suggestion about the carrot sticks sounds good to me - same sort of thing, but when I'm trying to lose a bit of weight I like to have celery sticks to snack on.

Basically its the same sort of idea as Diet Chief which QVC sold. Its big in the US and has celebs paid to push it. Kristy Alley of Cheers went on it and lost loads, then stopped and put it back on quickly.

You will lose weight but you cannot stay on it long term well too expensive for one.

Okay I live alone too, the supermarket low fat meals are better value and eating those you should lose as long as you are not eating between meals. Raw carrots as recommended by the diabetic nurse to be is the best thing you can snatch on if you need something. You can buy the small carrots sticks. Have a treat day(the word is treat not go mad), have a curry a few glasses of wine or what ever. You can join can join Slimming World or the other one if you are good dieting with others. If not(that's me), weight yourself once a month only using the same scales. Nurse said losing 2-4 per month is perfect.
I think you've hit the nail on the head here: it seems these Plan things do work in the short term, if you follow them as instructed, but as a lifestyle change they are not an option as the weight will just go back on, so (like the lovely? Sally Jacks), you will need to go back on the diet again, and the yo-yoing begins. Jacks was saying she was starting this diet plan tomorrow (i.e. today), but surely she's been on this plan before I seem to recall? The only way to lose the weight and keep it off long-term is to eat less and exercise more - as you've said, this doesn't mean giving up every food you enjoy, just eat it in moderation and lose the weight gradually. Losing a lot of weight quickly isn't good for your body, anyway. The nurse's suggestion about the carrot sticks sounds good to me - same sort of thing, but when I'm trying to lose a bit of weight I like to have celery sticks to snack on.

Sally has either just been on or just about to start Jane Plan every time it's been on.

And Joanne used to claim she lost weight from the 5:2 Diet, not Jane Plan.

But I can't keep up with these, let's face it, liars. What exactly DO they put their 'weight loss' down to? Is it.......

Tower Steamer
Total Crunch
Kettle bell
Jane Plan
5:2 Diet

And on and on and on .......

Of course the irony is that despite all these pathological BS'ing goons claiming they use all this expensive nonsense they all still look like any average middle aged people you might see in a boozer :mysmilie_59:
I think we should take all their lies with a good spoonful of Flabby's fig powder.

As to losing weight I think that we can enjoy all foods but just eat smaller portions.Eat slowly and enjoy food.Exercise by-as others have said- walking when possible,cycling ,swimming.Use less fat to cook food.The plans are expensive except for short term,especially as they don't include everything for the meal.
I think the appeal with these diets is that it's all done for you, so you don't have to worry about / constantly track what you're eating, you're really paying for the convenience. Always thought the Diet Chef meals looked pretty meagre, and I'm not a big eater. The biggest con has to be that Lighter Life diet (notice they've dropped the Lighter for Life, probably on account of the fact that people don't remain lighter for 5 minutes!!) I don't know anybody who hasn't piled all the weight back on the second they've reverted to eating proper food again. Our neighbour lost and regained 10 stone in a matter of months. There's no clever science to it, it's simple starvation. Of course you're going to lose loads of weight, but it's not sustainable, as you can't live on shakes and cuppa soups indefinitely. I think one of the main reasons that obesity is such an enormous problem is that, unlike smoking or drinking, you obviously can't just cut food out, so you have to learn to manage it instead. For years it was all about eating a low fat diet, but - now diabetes is starting to cripple the NHS - they're on a big drive about cutting down sugar. It is obviously harder for you to keep your weight down if you have mobility issues, as - not only are you not burning off as much - but your resting metabolic rate would be slower. Would you be able to go swimming? I think making small, sustainable changes is better in the long term than quick fixes. Good luck with it, let us know how you get on! :)
I eat smaller portions of food with a reasonable amount of veg do 2rounds of my local park sometimes twice a day and that keeps me fit not smoking helps as well i guess.
Salleh was selling the Tower health grill on the midday hour, a sixty minute deal. She said 'don't think you can't buy one of these if you're on the Jane Plan diet. I've just started the diet today and I'm buying one of these' :mysmilie_5:
Salleh was selling the Tower health grill on the midday hour, a sixty minute deal. She said 'don't think you can't buy one of these if you're on the Jane Plan diet. I've just started the diet today and I'm buying one of these' :mysmilie_5:

Hang on, didn't Salleh say that she was "starting the diet today" yesterday? In which case she's lying but we could have guessed that anyway :mysmilie_59:
Let's face it, Sally Jacks is yet another failed 'entertainer' with a talent for BS'ing. She was even BS'ing when she was a replacement of a replacement in bloody Bucks Fizz as from the evidence online she mostly just mimed. She's pretty fake, even her name is fake. Harmless enough in the most part though, except when encouraging people with bad credit to get in even more debt.

But when it comes to diet, health and fitness I think it's the atrocious Rick Hay that should be called on. We've had to listen to this knarled little wombat for years now, pretending to be something special when all he comes across as is a shill who endlessly flogs cheap fitness gadgets on Britain's most downmarket shopping channel however, where are his visible results?

Just look at him. Would he get away with it in Australia I wonder? :mysmilie_59:

Firstly, it's not easy but after you break that mind set and change, it's easier and when you start to see the changes it becomes easier to stick to. I would say smaller portions, healthy snacks, plenty of water/juice and walks for 20 mins a day if that's possible...Works for me. If you fancy something have abit of it rather than thinking about it for days. The Jane diet does seem steep for what it is.

Anyway...indeed Jacko did mention she was starting the Jane 5:2 diet yesterday.
If we didn't already know she's full of carp then we do now.

I don't know if anyone else saw the fashion show big gob did on Monday with her telling us all how to pronounce French words...Including "Moet" with her adamant it's pronounced "mowet"...I've no idea if she's correct.

IW, keeping bulls***ers employed since the year 2000.
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This is where the presenters totally lose credibility - everything is the best ever, has changed their lives, changed their families/friends' lives, etc. etc. until the next similar thing comes on, and then they repeat it all over again. They must think their audience are complete idiots. I realise they are there to sell, but it seems they don't realise, or don't care, what a figure of fun they become by pretending that each and every product is the best ever. As for Jacks, at present I can't make up my mind whether I dislike her or Dee Knees the most of the females. Jacks shrieking and screechy voice is bad, but De Knees seems to be getting worse, she talks in such a drawn-out drawl that she sounds half asleep: I just saw a bit of the Lavitta fashion hour, and was hoping she'd finish saying the words.."meeediummm is a sizzze 16-18" before the 10 o'clock news came on.

Sally has either just been on or just about to start Jane Plan every time it's been on.

And Joanne used to claim she lost weight from the 5:2 Diet, not Jane Plan.

But I can't keep up with these, let's face it, liars. What exactly DO they put their 'weight loss' down to? Is it.......

Tower Steamer
Total Crunch
Kettle bell
Jane Plan
5:2 Diet

And on and on and on .......

Of course the irony is that despite all these pathological BS'ing goons claiming they use all this expensive nonsense they all still look like any average middle aged people you might see in a boozer :mysmilie_59:
Well, I suppose someone had to give them a job (why, do I hear you ask?) :giggle:
Firstly, it's not easy but after you break that mind set and change, it's easier and when you start to see the changes it becomes easier to stick to. I would say smaller portions, healthy snacks, plenty of water/juice and walks for 20 mins a day if that's possible...Works for me. If you fancy something have abit of it rather than thinking about it for days. The Jane diet does seem steep for what it is.

Anyway...indeed Jacko did mention she was starting the Jane 5:2 diet yesterday.
If we didn't already know she's full of carp then we do now.

I don't know if anyone else saw the fashion show big gob did on Monday with her telling us all how to pronounce French words...Including "Moet" with her adamant it's pronounced "mowet"...I've no idea if she's correct.

IW, keeping bulls***ers employed since the year 2000.

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