The dreadful SG - at it again


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Just turned on at the end of a beauty show she was presenting to see about 15 models surrounding her and her talking. My heart sored, surely she was saying goodbye and they were giving her a send off and a cake would make an appearance soon (be still my beating heart). I was so excited at the thought I turned the sound up only to hear her say "see you soon"

S*** what a bummer!
They totally understand what I'm doing and are happy for it. Thanks for the feedback though ��

The above is her reply to a complaint to her about the iPad. What can we say?
I must be alone in liking SG :D

My 'nails on chalkboard' is JF. I have seen her trip herself up with her own lies so many times on various beauty shows that I have NO respect for her whatsoever.
I would never say I hated a presenter - I don't know any of them well enough for that.

I do, however, hate her presentation style. I think Sara takes some beating for rudeness, aggression, ignorance and arrogance. She is only anywhere near bearable when presenting solo. When she is on with a guest I feel enormous sympathy for the guests who are saddled with her. As a sales prevention tool, in my household she is unsurpassed. I've got past the stage of enduring anything more than seeing her face briefly before the channel is switched or the off button is pressed. She's no longer even tolerable on mute. Most distressingly, I think she's beginning to pick up more hours. How I wish her agent would call with a long acting engagement in some far-flung place... or that she would leave for other reasons.

By comparison, I almost find Debbie's antics endearing (only almost).

The only time I have ever pitied Coral the Links of London guest was when she was rendered mute bar the odd cooing sound by the machine-gun delivery of the self-proclaimed expert in everything (so why ever bother with a guest???) drivelling on about precisely nothing relevant to the brand.
I think I've mellowed over the years and Q presenters just don't illicit this kind of strong feeling anymore, but as SuziQ said, JF is such an air-head I tend not to watch her hours: the sniffing, flicking and scratching is distracting before she opens her mouth.
I like Craig's possibly I've crossed over into a weird post-shopping TV reality.
The only time I have ever pitied Coral the Links of London guest was when she was rendered mute bar the odd cooing sound by the machine-gun delivery of the self-proclaimed expert in everything (so why ever bother with a guest???) drivelling on about precisely nothing relevant to the brand.
the LOL presenter drives me CRAZY. She puts emphasis on the wrong words all the time and it sounds so false. It's annoying, because with just a little tuition I think she would be really good, and she's certainly very attractive and well spoken with a love for the brand.
I taped yesterday's Eek show (thankfully - can't handle SG).

Within the first minute poor Alison O'Reilly is introduced as knowing almost as much about jewellery as SG. Alison then had to re-introduce herself as an expert with 22 years experience (through gritted teeth).

Totally useless post, sorry, but I have PMT (again) and that woman drives me nuts. Her foot must have been sewn into her mouth before she started at Q. I'm just shocked she's allowed to present the way she does. I taped the Aurora show, too, but deleted it (with great satisfaction) when I saw SG presenting it. She was rude to the lovely guest last time I saw them together and couldn't put myself through that again.

Does anyone else get a weird road-rage type of anger when they watch certain presenters?

I totally get that too.
It's so strange because I consider myself patient and others often comment on my patience and I am calm and try to be kind in real life and yet... Turn on qvc and I can find myself feeling completely insensed or driven to distraction by some presenter I don't know and their irritating habits!! It's quite irrational! Just the other day I was watching Dale and his smarmy face and condescending manner talking about candles and suddenly I want to punch the man! (Not really but you know...!) I would never say I hate any of the presenters - I don't know them and I don't hate anyone least of all someone innocently doing their job but it is funny how they csn momentarily enrage you!! Still, it's good to have a little rant before switching off and getting on with my life ;)

Not a fan of Sara griffiths and find it really rude when I've seen her order items on air but have to say that dues not in my top 5 of worst qvc presenters! That said I've rarely had cause to watch her...!
It's the voice that gets me every time! Try as I might I can only tolerate a couple of minutes of her, even if it's something being flogged that I find interesting. I can cope with the hair-flicking, but it's that fake, "little girl" voice that drives me crazy...:mysmilie_51::mysmilie_51:
Only Clare Sutton is capable of causing me proper presenter rage-I find her patronising fake and extremely irritating, even her flicky yellow hair irritates me!!

some of the others are mildly irritating including Sara G- but Clare is in a different league for me!
I missed her going and then coming back - was any reason given for her leaving in the first place?

when she left i was relieved i was astonished that there were people heralding her return. i dont like her presenting style and her over verbose vocabulary and not so subtle put down of guests and customers
i dont like sara g shes too full of herself. she treats every hour on qvc as if she is waiting to be spotted for a major role. get over it sara your lucky yo have a job on qvc. this is the one presenter that i do turn off
I would never say I hated a presenter - I don't know any of them well enough for that.

I do, however, hate her presentation style. I think Sara takes some beating for rudeness, aggression, ignorance and arrogance. She is only anywhere near bearable when presenting solo. When she is on with a guest I feel enormous sympathy for the guests who are saddled with her. As a sales prevention tool, in my household she is unsurpassed. I've got past the stage of enduring anything more than seeing her face briefly before the channel is switched or the off button is pressed. She's no longer even tolerable on mute. Most distressingly, I think she's beginning to pick up more hours. How I wish her agent would call with a long acting engagement in some far-flung place... or that she would leave for other reasons.

By comparison, I almost find Debbie's antics endearing (only almost).

The only time I have ever pitied Coral the Links of London guest was when she was rendered mute bar the odd cooing sound by the machine-gun delivery of the self-proclaimed expert in everything (so why ever bother with a guest???) drivelling on about precisely nothing relevant to the brand.

Her voice profile!
Native Northerner. A wide range of accents & characters, including a lovely RP read. Clear, warm & inviting.

Native Voice:

London, Northern, RP, Yorkshire

Documentary Style:
Informative, Reality, Medical

amusing, cheerful, conversational, energy, friendly, clear, warm, positive, smiley, confident, sincerity, engaging, outgoing, upbeat, smokey, concise, intimate, soothing, bright, vivacious, thoughtful, mumsy, mellow, clever

well her own description of her voice is a million miles away from her Q presentation. Talk about trade description.
they forgot to say "frantic voice screeching like a runaway train with long words punctuated to add to her alleged verboseness"!
She is the only presenter I can't stand. Her voice really grates on me and every time she is on, I have to mute the sound. She consistently calls Ralph Rossini "Rolf" which is also infuriating, not only to me, but I am sure to poor Ralph also.

I just wish they wouldn't put her on the shows I like, (Kipling, Honora, Lola Rose, which are just a few).
She is the only presenter I can't stand. Her voice really grates on me and every time she is on, I have to mute the sound. She consistently calls Ralph Rossini "Rolf" which is also infuriating, not only to me, but I am sure to poor Ralph also.

I just wish they wouldn't put her on the shows I like, (Kipling, Honora, Lola Rose, which are just a few).

D W those are exactly the shows I detest her on as well also Bronzo Italia. But if I'm truly honest I just want her off the screen altogether as she has no redeeming attributes at all.
Only Clare Sutton is capable of causing me proper presenter rage-I find her patronising fake and extremely irritating, even her flicky yellow hair irritates me!!

some of the others are mildly irritating including Sara G- but Clare is in a different league for me!

Her hair looks dreadful, she is in the Friday Fashion at the moment.

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