The Continuing Downward Slide of TJC


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user 17461

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Jul 20, 2016
I was channel hopping the other day, and landed on TJC. I know the channel has been trying loads of different things apart from jewellery now, but even I was shocked to find Rachel shilling an old staple: the "Sexxy Shoo" perfume with a tacky bottle in the shape of a stiletto shoe.

Like the old bid presenters, Rachel was behaving as if this was a fantastic scent being sold at an unbelievable price. Unfortunately, a quick online check showed that TJC were charging the same as everyone else:

Is a pity to see the channel resorting to level tat. Perhaps the time is nearly up for shopping TV now.
I'm constantly amazed whenever I channel hop on to TJC that there are people out there prepared to pay them a few grand for some jewellery. I can't fathom how anybody would trust them with their cash. It all seems so downmarket and dodgy to me.

As for that Mark fella and his constant acting surprised at how cheap something is, and it must be a mistake....well :/
I'm fairly new to TJC and have only started watching over the past couple of weeks - I enjoyed watching at first but then 'buying' team members appeared alongside presenters and other nonsense started happening. It does remind me of Bid but in a less showy way.

I'm sure I spotted a Makeup kit a few days ago - the quality of said product was dreadful - when it was applied though it kind of looked radioactive?

Last night my heart went out to Stacey Ellis as she was riding shot gun with Amit - I'm not entirely sure how she managed not to thump him one. Amit was constantly interrupting, rude with an aggressive selling technique - he'd be an ideal candidate for if it was still on-air. Stacey was much calmer and likeable to watch.
I don't get why they need a buying team member alongside a professional presenter - if anything, the buying team detract from the buying experience!

It's only been 2 years since I last posted - I had a shopping telly break when went up the spout :mysmilie_15:
Hi Paul_s, I'm afraid TJC have long ago joined the downward spiral that is shopping telly today. I bought quite a bit in the past, and am still wearing some watches that I bought when they did sets of watches, all different wrist straps, 4 for about £12 quid, and although I've replaced batteries, they still work OK. But today you are hard pressed to find any bargains, let alone anything worthwhile. I've bought silver chains and other gifts from them, and been pleased with them, but that was over 2 years ago, I don't like the more recent stuff or the make-up, clothing and housewares 'tat'.
And when the buyers appeared alongside the presenter (why?), I just switched over, because they really annoyed me, talking over the presenter while the presenter stood there, looking embarrassed and like a spare part. Totally cringeworthy. Now I only switch over for a minute or two, just to see what they are flogging. The Rachel Galley stuff is the only stuff worth buying, IMO.

I'm fairly new to TJC and have only started watching over the past couple of weeks - I enjoyed watching at first but then 'buying' team members appeared alongside presenters and other nonsense started happening. It does remind me of Bid but in a less showy way.

I'm sure I spotted a Makeup kit a few days ago - the quality of said product was dreadful - when it was applied though it kind of looked radioactive?

Last night my heart went out to Stacey Ellis as she was riding shot gun with Amit - I'm not entirely sure how she managed not to thump him one. Amit was constantly interrupting, rude with an aggressive selling technique - he'd be an ideal candidate for if it was still on-air. Stacey was much calmer and likeable to watch.
I don't get why they need a buying team member alongside a professional presenter - if anything, the buying team detract from the buying experience!

It's only been 2 years since I last posted - I had a shopping telly break when went up the spout :mysmilie_15:
The Rachel Galley things are very good, the silver quality and weight is incredible and I love her necklace pieces that come with a really solid silver chain. I wear and wear the pieces I bought years ago, so cannot vouch for the quality of the more recent stuff. I think with the scarves, you get people who do collect them - a friend of mine does, she has hundreds, I don't know how she finds room for them all,
I like to watch the Rachel Galley stuff and Lucy Q............I'm amazed at how many scarves they shift, hundreds of them..... and the argan oil, with Alicia Douvall.
I have purchased from tjc, good silver weight earrings etc. i dont really watch as such and i cannot stand it when Amit is on, for starters its going to take longer than my lifetime to get to the flipping final price, plus i dont understand anything he says, in fact i understand more Spanish than his english, plus how many people these days have the time to watch for that length of time anyway.
Surely this channel now only exists to massage the egos of the owners/buyers. They clearly fancy themselves as mini celebrities. And I agree when Amit is on, he is very difficult to understand. It is a shame there isn't anybody there to stand up to him and explain that.
I guess they have diversified to stay in business. There has been a lot of tat in the run-up to Xmas but they still have some nice things if you happen to watch at the right time.
Happy new year to people of the tjc forum

I noticed tjc are selling ''sexy shoo'' a product that bid tv used to sell. This cannot be good surely?
Happy new year to people of the tjc forum

I noticed tjc are selling ''sexy shoo'' a product that bid tv used to sell. This cannot be good surely?

Happy New Year! No, it's not the sign of a successful business if you're either shilling Bid-level tat or employing ex-Bid presenters who have proven little or no understanding of honest salesmanship. Hello, Caroline Lyndsay!

Having the buyers on is supposedly because they can do "special deals" that no-one else can do. Unfortunately, Amit and co. are generally incomprehensible, they drag the auctions out for hours with hundreds of ludicrous price drops (so you have lost the will to live, never mind buy by the time they gets to the final price), and are invariably over-aggressive with the viewers and rude to the supposed presenters. They are an instant channel hop to something more watchable.

But if you are a regular viewer of TJC, you realise very quickly that the channel uses lots of tricks to generate sales, most of which completely contradict each other.

These include, but aren't limited to:

1. The buyer sets the price, so when they appear on screen they can do special deals. Or they telephone in at random times to give new lower prices so the "computer needs authorisation for the new price to be input". As you do

2. The presenter "throws a wobbly" and allegedly goes lower than anyone expects. This apparently in no way contradicts 1. It also doesn't contradict the statements by various presenters that they don't set prices, they are employed simply to stand in front of a camera and regurgitate the info TJC wants them to.

3. The producer throws caution to the wind and sets a lower than expected price. This also doesn't contradict 1.

4. The presenter (mostly Best Supporting Actress nominee Mark Gould), despite having sat through the pre-show prep that most other presenters allude to occasionally that they do before every show, will loudly and floridly exclaim their deep shock at how low some items' prices are (as per Sally Jacks and St Peter of Simon). This in no way contradicts 1
But if you are a regular viewer of TJC, you realise very quickly that the channel uses lots of tricks to generate sales, most of which completely contradict each other.

There's Chloe price: that's the price that only Chloe gets. Other presenters do not get access to these special prices because they are not Chloe. Therefore, the other presenters prices are not as good. (or so she'd have you think).

Then you have the 'today only' price. It might be at a lower price next time you see it aired, but it's still technically a 'today only' price ok (yep).

Happy New Year!
There's Chloe price: that's the price that only Chloe gets. Other presenters do not get access to these special prices because they are not Chloe. Therefore, the other presenters prices are not as good. (or so she'd have you think).

Then you have the 'today only' price. It might be at a lower price next time you see it aired, but it's still technically a 'today only' price ok (yep).

Happy New Year!

It's almost as if all the prices are always the same.. the only thing that changes is the words, not the numbers.

Plus Amit is legitimately terrible. He is the Tommy Wiseau of selly telly. Does anyone remember his phase of lavish adverts, starring himself.
Well at least it entertaining! And they do have some real bargains. We can't all afford expensive jewels for ££££ and on the whole it is good value, especially the silver chains. I've had the odd dud but mostly I've been happy with what I've received for the price I paid, and unlike other channels I haven't had stones falling out of rings. I think it's nice that they do a mix of everything, I love my Rachel Galley pieces and if shifting hundreds of ponchos means they can bring something else at a low price that's fine with me. Of course they employ marketing tricks but then so do all retailers, that's what it's all about after all, selling stuff.
Well at least it entertaining! And they do have some real bargains. We can't all afford expensive jewels for ££££ and on the whole it is good value, especially the silver chains. I've had the odd dud but mostly I've been happy with what I've received for the price I paid, and unlike other channels I haven't had stones falling out of rings. I think it's nice that they do a mix of everything, I love my Rachel Galley pieces and if shifting hundreds of ponchos means they can bring something else at a low price that's fine with me. Of course they employ marketing tricks but then so do all retailers, that's what it's all about after all, selling stuff.

you are right but I will always feel that if you have true confidence in your product, you don't need to manipulate me to buy it. Yeah I understand the art of selling is convincing etc. But I mean more as in don't tell me things that re simply not true when held under any remote scrutiny.
Happy New Year! No, it's not the sign of a successful business if you're either shilling Bid-level tat or employing ex-Bid presenters who have proven little or no understanding of honest salesmanship. Hello, Caroline Lyndsay!

Having the buyers on is supposedly because they can do "special deals" that no-one else can do. Unfortunately, Amit and co. are generally incomprehensible, they drag the auctions out for hours with hundreds of ludicrous price drops (so you have lost the will to live, never mind buy by the time they gets to the final price), and are invariably over-aggressive with the viewers and rude to the supposed presenters. They are an instant channel hop to something more watchable.

But if you are a regular viewer of TJC, you realise very quickly that the channel uses lots of tricks to generate sales, most of which completely contradict each other.

These include, but aren't limited to:

1. The buyer sets the price, so when they appear on screen they can do special deals. Or they telephone in at random times to give new lower prices so the "computer needs authorisation for the new price to be input". As you do

2. The presenter "throws a wobbly" and allegedly goes lower than anyone expects. This apparently in no way contradicts 1. It also doesn't contradict the statements by various presenters that they don't set prices, they are employed simply to stand in front of a camera and regurgitate the info TJC wants them to.

3. The producer throws caution to the wind and sets a lower than expected price. This also doesn't contradict 1.

4. The presenter (mostly Best Supporting Actress nominee Mark Gould), despite having sat through the pre-show prep that most other presenters allude to occasionally that they do before every show, will loudly and floridly exclaim their deep shock at how low some items' prices are (as per Sally Jacks and St Peter of Simon). This in no way contradicts 1
Mark gould is the worst presenter ever with his shock 'I know I'm in trouble for this, who cares' little acts and that stare into the camera like he is possessed. Also such a bossy attitude with his customers, almost like we are lucky to have him. Can you imagine him ever making the grade of qvc? Not ever, best actress of face of shock ever!
I’m not sure who TJC think they are fooling with the all the constant drama. You only have to watch any presenter for a couple of weeks to spot the stock phrases, repetition and in some cases, the hysterics. I watched QVC for the first time in ages and couldn’t believe the difference in delivery. No one was shouting at me, banging on desks, berating me for not buying, earnestly telling me that the price on screen was down to them and no one else and talking and shouting over each other. It was a joy!!
I was channel hopping the other day, and landed on TJC. I know the channel has been trying loads of different things apart from jewellery now, but even I was shocked to find Rachel shilling an old staple: the "Sexxy Shoo" perfume with a tacky bottle in the shape of a stiletto shoe.

Like the old bid presenters, Rachel was behaving as if this was a fantastic scent being sold at an unbelievable price. Unfortunately, a quick online check showed that TJC were charging the same as everyone else:

Is a pity to see the channel resorting to level tat. Perhaps the time is nearly up for shopping TV now.
Just came across this thread as I realised Mark hasn't been on TJC for a week and has disabled his insta account.

I only found Gems and TJC during lockdown and working from home. Obviously I am usually at work every day so never watched these channels before. I was fed up with the news of the pandemic and during work also got fed up watching stupid afternoon films, hence I found shopping channels.

Had no idea many of these channels had the same presenters over the years, Mark has mentioned Ellis and others follow each other on social media. Gems comes across as better more affordable jewellery in within a few months I had made many purchases. TJC on the other hand have more outrageously expensive pieces with the odd Rachel Galley and Lucy Q in between, which I have also purchased.

The one thing TJC do well, is skincare and I have tried many of their products which are much more affordable than high street or department store prices. They do offer some tat as regards clothing and homeware items, which Gems do better but I find it strange Mark and Rachel went from Gems to TJC and that Stacey went from Rocks & Co also to TJC. I understand more Ellis going from TJC to Gems but that's another story.

Does anyone else think it strange to move from Gems to TJC? I also agree with you all as regards the duo presentesr. Makes viewers think the main presenter is incapable of carrying a four hour show on their own.

(I miss Laura the most but following her on insta I knew why she couldn't pass up on following her career and relocating. She was the most honest and came across as really genuine. I remember Carmel on QVC, she is pleasant and does get dumped with items Chloe would never showcase, which makes me wonder why Chloe is even on tv. I don't thinik her face fits that channel.)

After about 6 months of lockdown I did return to work a few days a week and was glad of the break. Both channels become very repetitive, TJC have poor customer service but Gems seem to be miles ahead in that field. They are similar but do some things differently with Mark always getting a dig in somewhere about every other shopping channel. I first shopped with QVC over 10 years ago and still think they are the most professional even though I think they need to get rid of the 4 over bearing and up themselves presenters...really time they moved on or retired.

So there you go, that's how I am now a jewellery connoisseur and a skin care junkie.
Just came across this thread as I realised Mark hasn't been on TJC for a week and has disabled his insta account.

I only found Gems and TJC during lockdown and working from home. Obviously I am usually at work every day so never watched these channels before. I was fed up with the news of the pandemic and during work also got fed up watching stupid afternoon films, hence I found shopping channels.

Had no idea many of these channels had the same presenters over the years, Mark has mentioned Ellis and others follow each other on social media. Gems comes across as better more affordable jewellery in within a few months I had made many purchases. TJC on the other hand have more outrageously expensive pieces with the odd Rachel Galley and Lucy Q in between, which I have also purchased.

The one thing TJC do well, is skincare and I have tried many of their products which are much more affordable than high street or department store prices. They do offer some tat as regards clothing and homeware items, which Gems do better but I find it strange Mark and Rachel went from Gems to TJC and that Stacey went from Rocks & Co also to TJC. I understand more Ellis going from TJC to Gems but that's another story.

Does anyone else think it strange to move from Gems to TJC? I also agree with you all as regards the duo presentesr. Makes viewers think the main presenter is incapable of carrying a four hour show on their own.

(I miss Laura the most but following her on insta I knew why she couldn't pass up on following her career and relocating. She was the most honest and came across as really genuine. I remember Carmel on QVC, she is pleasant and does get dumped with items Chloe would never showcase, which makes me wonder why Chloe is even on tv. I don't thinik her face fits that channel.)

After about 6 months of lockdown I did return to work a few days a week and was glad of the break. Both channels become very repetitive, TJC have poor customer service but Gems seem to be miles ahead in that field. They are similar but do some things differently with Mark always getting a dig in somewhere about every other shopping channel. I first shopped with QVC over 10 years ago and still think they are the most professional even though I think they need to get rid of the 4 over bearing and up themselves presenters...really time they moved on or retired.

So there you go, that's how I am now a jewellery connoisseur and a skin care junkie.
Most of the presenters are Sub Contractors and will go to whoever offers the best package. I remember when Ellis was on Ideal World, she vanished over a problem with her new contract. As if by magic she appeared at TJC, all mention of Queen of The Beanie Babies gone. Not long after she decamped to Gems TV, so I’m presuming she was offered a better contract. It’s like any industry, companies poach staff all the time. I think all the channels would love to be QVC, with all its faults, it is still the most professional. Gemporia have gorgeous ads, some beautiful pieces and collections, but some of the presenters are unwatchable, and they are certainly sailing close to the wind with some of their claims. TJC has descended into farce, it doesn’t know what it wants to be, unbranded electronics, unknown beauty brands, cheap clothing and the same uninspired jewellery. And the train wreck of presenters and buyers talking over each other, a guaranteed turn off for me.
Most of the presenters are Sub Contractors and will go to whoever offers the best package. I remember when Ellis was on Ideal World, she vanished over a problem with her new contract. As if by magic she appeared at TJC, all mention of Queen of The Beanie Babies gone. Not long after she decamped to Gems TV, so I’m presuming she was offered a better contract. It’s like any industry, companies poach staff all the time. I think all the channels would love to be QVC, with all its faults, it is still the most professional. Gemporia have gorgeous ads, some beautiful pieces and collections, but some of the presenters are unwatchable, and they are certainly sailing close to the wind with some of their claims. TJC has descended into farce, it doesn’t know what it wants to be, unbranded electronics, unknown beauty brands, cheap clothing and the same uninspired jewellery. And the train wreck of presenters and buyers talking over each other, a guaranteed turn off for me.
Ceteum, opatra, filorga, truth 818 etc are not unknown beauty brands.

You leave quite harsh comments on many forums I’ve noticed.

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