The Computer Shop TSV - 13/06


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Hi, is there any way of finding out, nearer the time I expect, what the TSV will be on the 13th June. As I desparately to buy a new desktop computer and noticed this and hoped it would be a desktop on easy pay, rather than a laptop.

Anybody know anything, has any comments been made on air at all??
I bet we get another laptop from QVC as desktops sell less these days as people plump for laptops and netbooks.
It will really be a case of wait and see.

Why buy from QVC - you can get 3 easy pay from

sorry just looked and they don't have much choice.
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If it's not a laptop it could be a touchscreen desktop PC or one of those hugely expensive external hard drives.
So would you think it is unlikely to be a standard run of the mill family computer package then, monitor, tower and keyboard. I have seen one at pcworld - a Packard Bell 3317 for £399 so it would be annoying to wait a month and find the TSV is a laptop.
Spooky do you have an Aldi near you? They often have PCs and Laptops and the specs are better than QVC for half the price! Often the computer equipment is Medion which is a really good brand and very reliable.

I'd steer clear of PCWorld....
Take a look at the Dell website :)

Pays to keep an eye out on their offers. I bought one last week which was 50% off!
Got to be honest I know how to work a computer but as to the specification of what one needs I haven't a clue, so pcworld see me as the perfect customer I suppose as they can baffle me with science and clearly lose me! I just want one that has good graphics for games, a good windows package, good size hard drive, fast speed as I don't want to buy one and then find when its all set up that the one I already have was better. But stick a line of them in front of me and they all look the same!!!

To those techy - the Packard Bell 3317 from pcworld, is this a good fast one with good graphics? £399
Spooky do you have an Aldi near you? They often have PCs and Laptops and the specs are better than QVC for half the price! Often the computer equipment is Medion which is a really good brand and very reliable.

I'd steer clear of PCWorld....

No aldi nearby annoyingly but why should I steer clear of PCWorld?
Because I've encountered so many horror stories from people who've been to PC world and if ever your computer has to go back for any reason, it will probably never be the same again.

I wouldn't risk it (I've worked with, repaired, built computers for many years - gave up once the likes of Aldi started selling brilliant ones lol) ;)
The packard bell you're talking about has integrated graphics (not a proper graphics card) so it's unlikely to be that good for games.

This computer would keep you in business for years:

It has a separate graphics card with over 1GB memory, the processor is much faster, it has twice as much RAM and the hard disk drive is enormous!!

It's also got a TV tuner, so you could in theory record all your TV proggies on it with the humungous hard drive. And lots of other things besides.

12 months warranty.

It doesn't come with monitor though - but if you have one already you could use that, or shop around for a good one.

Many people make the mistake of buying what appears to be cheap only to find a year down the line, they are finding it's not good enough or new games won't play.
This one you might pay more initially, but it will last you a lot longer :)
The packard bell you're talking about has integrated graphics (not a proper graphics card) so it's unlikely to be that good for games.

This computer would keep you in business for years:

It has a separate graphics card with over 1GB memory, the processor is much faster, it has twice as much RAM and the hard disk drive is enormous!!

It's also got a TV tuner, so you could in theory record all your TV proggies on it with the humungous hard drive. And lots of other things besides.

12 months warranty.

It doesn't come with monitor though - but if you have one already you could use that, or shop around for a good one.

Many people make the mistake of buying what appears to be cheap only to find a year down the line, they are finding it's not good enough or new games won't play.
This one you might pay more initially, but it will last you a lot longer :)

Thanks ever so much Lottie, but the link won't open, did it have any Windows software installed??
Many people make the mistake of buying what appears to be cheap only to find a year down the line, they are finding it's not good enough or new games won't play.
This one you might pay more initially, but it will last you a lot longer :)

I'll have to agree to disagree with you on this! Unless you just want to word process then most people will find their technology becomes obsolete quite quickly regardless.

Trouble is if you pay top dollar you don't want to trade it in so then sit with it for a long time because of this rather than because it's still great. Trust me I've bought a lot over the years. Buy the best deal you can for the money and then sell it on again before it becomes worthless (as they all do eventually).

If you want to do gaming then yes make sure it has a dedicated graphics card for sure and also that it has a minimum of 2gb ram and preferably 3gb depending on budget.
I'll have to agree to disagree with you on this! Unless you just want to word process then most people will find their technology becomes obsolete quite quickly regardless.

Trouble is if you pay top dollar you don't want to trade it in so then sit with it for a long time because of this rather than because it's still great. Trust me I've bought a lot over the years. Buy the best deal you can for the money and then sell it on again before it becomes worthless (as they all do eventually).

If you want to do gaming then yes make sure it has a dedicated graphics card for sure and also that it has a minimum of 2gb ram and preferably 3gb depending on budget.

The specification of my current pc has the following down against Video/Graphics Card - ATi Radeon 9550 LX 256MB AGP but that means diddly squat to me, he he. The Hewlett Packard A3317 from PC World says this - ATI Radeon HD2100 graphics - are they different, which is better??

I am thinking that where the current graphics card just works automatically will I see a poorer quality with this other HD2100 one, cause basically I wouldnt even know where to begin with upgrading as I wouldnt know what a graphics card looked like if it bit me on the bum!!
I'd take a look on amazon, they usually have some pretty good price on good computers

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Regarding graphics cards depends if you want to game or REALLY game! Online shoot em up games for instance are particularly demanding and you will appreciate a good card. Check the hardware requirements of the games you enjoy.

Remember although the graphics card takes the load it's not just about this and overall performance will be governed also by the chip and ram.

Perhaps think about why you are replacing your current computer and that should help point to your needs.

Many people get fooled into paying for a Porsche when all they want to do is pop to the shops in computer terms. Pay for just a bit more than you need right now and it should serve you well :)
The one I was trying to link to is on the medion site and is £479

Your packard bell doesn't have a dedicated graphics card, the medion one does - and it comes with extra memory too.
The packard bell uses what's called a graphics chip which in turn will use part of your RAM (memory) to function and that in turn takes that memory away from any programs and games that you might want to play.
That packard bell would be fine if you wanted to just post on here, surf, do a bit of ebaying and basic photomanipulation - but it would be no good for games, which is why I was recommending something a lot better - but for an excellent price :)

If you go to the medion site using this link,

You will see a little piccy of the tower - click on that and it will take you to full details.

QVC Addict, I bought a laptop (DTR) over 4 years ago and at the time it was a pretty top spec - it's still singing and dancing now. Out of all the people I help out with PCs who've bought a pretty bog standard one (like the packard bell for example), I don't know one that hasn't replaced theirs once or more in that time ;)
QVC Addict, I bought a laptop (DTR) over 4 years ago and at the time it was a pretty top spec - it's still singing and dancing now. Out of all the people I help out with PCs who've bought a pretty bog standard one (like the packard bell for example), I don't know one that hasn't replaced theirs once or more in that time ;)

As I said we will agree to disagree! I also have an old laptop still in use but life not as simplistic as this because depends on what we demand from our technology. I simply look at it in terms of cost per year.

No don't buy the absolute basic on offer because poor investment usually but paying double is equally a false economy. What you are usually paying for at top end is the latest technology which frequently can't even yet be utilized properly - allegedly to future proof yourself. All that happens is that the technology gets cheaper and your purchase has then depreciated big time.
Sorry Lottie and QVC Addict I didnt want to cause ructions!:1:.

The pc I have now has been hit by a huge virus which has wrecked it, lesson learnt big time - my Anti Virus ran out 6 weeks ago and at the time I couldnt afford another £50 to renew it so now I am having to find loads to replace the whole thing!!!. PCWorld looked it up and said I bought it in 2005 and it was £680 plus installation so with software too it cost approx. £800, so I feel I was seen coming as like I say I clearly come over to them that I dont know what they are on about. The £400 one yesterday therefore seemed a bargain cause it was half that price. I have thought about just buying a new hard drive and replacing the software but that really adds up too so I may as well buy a whole new pc and then I get another warranty too.

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