The bug which has been going around QVC


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It's been in the paper most of the week. Around 300 of 1800 passengers affected. I've been lucky enough to avoid it. It happens everywhere now, particularly at all inclusive hotels, it's just cruise ships get the worse press as you're confined to the ship. Hospitals are probably the most dangerous places of all. Horrible at any time but gutting at Christmas.
I have a emetaphobia so the 'V' word really makes me panic. I did have a couple of days of it in July after not being sick for close on 15 years (my worst nightmare) so could I be immune now?
Bensmum - I sympathise, I am very squeamish, not quite phobic, about sickness :sweat: :sweat:

Luckily I seem to have a strong stomach and haven't (so far!) caught the norovirus.

Amazed at how many people don't wash their hands after going to the loo!!!!
I work in a hospital, and this week in the next ward we've had the norovirus, and now on our
ward we have c dif. Not good. I think you build up a resistance working in these places, and
i've lost count of how many times i've washed my hands. I heard also, not to keep your toothbrush
in the bathroom, as when you flush the chain , from the toilet , millions of germs go everywhere,
so i now have to remember to take the toothbrush with me when i want to clean my teeth. But
where do you draw the line. You can get paranoid, and some germs can help you build up a
resistance i think
.... I heard also, not to keep your toothbrush
in the bathroom, as when you flush the chain , from the toilet , millions of germs go everywhere,
so i now have to remember to take the toothbrush with me when i want to clean my teeth. But
where do you draw the line. You can get paranoid, and some germs can help you build up a
resistance i think

Always flush with the lid down.
According to Charles Gerba, PhD, a professor of microbiology at University of Arizona in Tucson, flushing the toilet with the lid up is not wise. "Polluted water vapor erupts out of the flushing toilet bowl and it can take several hours for these particles to finally settle -- not to mention where," he says. "If you have your toothbrush too close to the toilet, you are brushing your teeth with what's in your toilet."
I have a emetaphobia so the 'V' word really makes me panic. I did have a couple of days of it in July after not being sick for close on 15 years (my worst nightmare) so could I be immune now?

I had this phobia - until during a rocky period of my life I started drinking. I think throwing up quite regularly after a session helped a lot as it was an sort of unreal while it was happening (I'm a terrible over thinker). It paved the way as all my (seven) pregnancies were like Kate's, where I couldn't raise my head without being sick. Each time I'd lose 1.5-2 stone in a matter of weeks. I had to ban everyone and everything as even people's deodorants would make my heave. Brushing my teeth was like running a marathon. Unlike Kate, I was told to get on with it, it was normal. Sadly, I lost every baby by 13 weeks so have no idea if it would have put me in hospital. Not posting for sympathy here as I'm sure I'm not the only one who's gone through this.

Anyway, that was a very long-winded way of saying that I was a wreck at the thought of being sick until I had the choice to think about it taken away (being a non-drinker previously, the throwing up bit was a HUGE shock!).
I work in a hospital, and this week in the next ward we've had the norovirus, and now on our
ward we have c dif. Not good. I think you build up a resistance working in these places, and
i've lost count of how many times i've washed my hands. I heard also, not to keep your toothbrush
in the bathroom, as when you flush the chain , from the toilet , millions of germs go everywhere,
so i now have to remember to take the toothbrush with me when i want to clean my teeth. But
where do you draw the line. You can get paranoid, and some germs can help you build up a
resistance i think

My daughter's college class were told not to use the hand driers in public toilets as they take the surrounding hair with germs and then direct it at your hands - she is working with the public in an industry where hygiene is important. Sounds very like the 'tooth brush/flushing the toilet with the seat down' advice.
My daughter's college class were told not to use the hand driers in public toilets as they take the surrounding hair with germs and then direct it at your hands - she is working with the public in an industry where hygiene is important. Sounds very like the 'tooth brush/flushing the toilet with the seat down' advice.

I never use those hand driers, never, ever.....disgusting things, gawd knows what nasties could be lurking in all that nice, warm, damp air.....ugh! :sweat:
I have a emetaphobia so the 'V' word really makes me panic. I did have a couple of days of it in July after not being sick for close on 15 years (my worst nightmare) so could I be immune now?

I had a fear of being sick for years untill I had Hyperemesis with my 1st pregnancy, I was so ill, like alter ego said, any smell made me violently sick, inc deo, showergel and ALL foods, even water (I swear I could smell it) I landed in hospital for 2 weeks being drip fed! Same thing with my 2nd pregnancy.
I had a fear of being sick for years untill I had Hyperemesis with my 1st pregnancy, I was so ill, like alter ego said, any smell made me violently sick, inc deo, showergel and ALL foods, even water (I swear I could smell it) I landed in hospital for 2 weeks being drip fed! Same thing with my 2nd pregnancy.

Me too Latchi. I was in and out of hospital on a drip for two of my pregnancies for a couple of weeks at at a time. Awful! I looked like a walking skeleton (actually I couldn't walk I was so weak I crawled to the toilet to throw up!) I weighed well under 6 stone. And the thirst!!! I dreamed about liquid I was so thirsty. It was a nightmare. I remember smelling ice cold milk in the hospital and it smelt like I was in the middle of a cowshed snuggled up to a warm cow!! I developed the sense of smell of a bloodhound.
I don't have emetophobia but my daughter does and she's been very affected by it. It ruined her life for a good few years. She copes better now, but she's panicking about these sickness bugs. She was half joking today that she's going to buy one of the masks for when she has to go out in public. It wouldn't surprise me if she did!
I had a fear of being sick for years untill I had Hyperemesis with my 1st pregnancy, I was so ill, like alter ego said, any smell made me violently sick, inc deo, showergel and ALL foods, even water (I swear I could smell it) I landed in hospital for 2 weeks being drip fed! Same thing with my 2nd pregnancy.

I sympathise I was in hospital on bed rest due to hyperemesis for my ENTIRE pregnancy , I lost so much weight despite being drip and tube fed I was 6 stone when I went into the delivery suite

DD was impatient and was determined to make an early entrance , 4 weeks premature actually

I was so ill it was untrue, needless t say I was advised to have no more pregnancies , and didn't
I don't have emetophobia but my daughter does and she's been very affected by it. It ruined her life for a good few years. She copes better now, but she's panicking about these sickness bugs. She was half joking today that she's going to buy one of the masks for when she has to go out in public. It wouldn't surprise me if she did!

I know how she feels. People don't realise just how much it affects your life.

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