The art of speaking non-stop


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Jill Franks and Micael can do it, I can't. But how do they do it? And who else are good examples of the "art"? I can't think of enough things to say.
Jill Franks and Micael can do it, I can't. But how do they do it? And who else are good examples of the "art"? I can't think of enough things to say.

JF does it by just repeating what the guest has just said!
Wonder do you just have to be a good liar? Seems half of what they all say is just rubbish and the other half is how to order.
Whatever they say, most of it is based on repetition. Listen to Chloe, for example, and hear how many times she shouts "oh eight hundred" at you during presentations. I find it particularly irritating. And the fact that, according to her, delivery is in "three to five days." In your dreams love.

Another irritation was from Debbie Greenwood. As much as I liked her, it used to drive me up the wall when she's repeated the item twice every time!
I'm not sure if It is an art, or a skill, I guess it is a gift - as in "Gift of the gab." But other than a shopping telly presenter, a market stall trader or I guess a salesperson in general I am not sure it would be a trait that would be seen as an advantage to have in life.

That is being able to ramble at length over a product - making it sound like it is the answer to all your problems and you cannot be without it. Some are better than others at it - You haven't really got the time to think about what your saying, you just have to put your brain in gear, open your mouth, and go for it, which makes for some classic drivel, and faux pa moments, half the fun being watching them trying to back track when they say something they then realise they shouldn't have.
My late ma-in-law knocked spots off this lot..she didn't even stop to breathe! When OH took her home whenever she'd been here, I used to joke I'd better get the sweeping brush out, we were knee-deep in words..
Kim from Kim & co she just goes on and on and doesn't seem to need to breathe at all
Also Keeley from Elemis, talks so fast she literally trips over her words and can't seem to get them out properly, because she is talking way too fast.
I have Spoken English qualifications (thanks to the pretentious school I went to) and it's definitely a skill that can be learnt. Test youself, use a kitchen timer set to a minute (3 minutes if you're feeling confident), open a magazine at random and talk about a picture until the alarm sounds. The rules aren't as strict as in "Just a minute" deviation is ok, but keep to a minimum hesitation and repetition.

I read somewhere that babies and toddlers are fascinated by fast speech and talking slowly and deliberately isn't necessarily the best way to focus their attention.
I agree Akimbo I have always said that the job they have is not easy. I also think the speed of speech has something to do with the amount of data the brain is trying to process at once (not all of it useful). The more data, the quicker the thinker has to be. The quicker the thinker the faster the talker. I reckon Sara Griffiths must have so many thoughts and ideas popping into her head at once that she cannot get them out quick enough. Not all of it will necessarily make sense but for people like that (I am one, sadly) they need to say it to "get it out" so the brain can make space for some more carp. Ahem..I mean info. They are a bit like the robot "Number 5" from the movie "Short Circuit". My daughter is going to be the same, I just know it.
I did that, akimbo, and I actually managed to keep going for a full minute on some internet security package. In fairness, I was talking absolute rubbish about the product and repeating myself but I didn't have item numbers etc to fill in time as they do on QVC, so I think I'm up for the job. Yessss!!!
Not only is Micael speaking non stop through YC this morning, he has just done the 'Oh my god it is limited stock! oh no I shall miss out!'malarkey over the in car fragrance sticks. He is now desperate that they get more advanced orders in....... I do hope he manages to get this item during his break between shows as he MUST be genuine (not!).
I think half of them must have their brain in neutral, and just hit the 'gabble' button. Even when they read the product description, their emphasis is often appalling, as if they don't think about context - they just reel off a litany of garbage!
Also Keeley from Elemis, talks so fast she literally trips over her words and can't seem to get them out properly, because she is talking way too fast.
There are a few guests like that. The worst for me is the Nails inc blonde with the huge black glasses. I've never heard someone talk as fast as her. It's so quick I genuinely can only pick up on half the words.

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