The Amit-A-Thon


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Apr 8, 2013
NE England
Looks like he's on for several hours today from 8 a.m. I've become quite fascinated with the man. I love him in the cheesy adverts, particularly the one where he's supposed to be scouring the globe for gems in some obscure location and it's patently obvious he got a Day Return to the coast to film the ad. The scene where he's fondling a huge lump of a bit of cliff-face in close-up is mildly disturbing to say the least. Also, the one of him in a balloon several thousand feet up peering through a pair of binocs...he is quite the David Niven in Around The World In 80 Days !

One thing you have to admit is that he is a selling machine when he's on screen - like a bloody shark. I love the way he regularly interrupts the regular presenters and eagerly await the moment when one of them gets so hacked off they take a swipe at him !
I noticed this when I was channel hopping on Sky and thought at first glance the Amitathon was a new gem stone ! I had to look twice. The jewellery channels keep introducing all sorts of new gems after all...........Nothing to do with my eyesight of course!
Sorry, but I struggle to understand a word the man says.

I caught 5 minutes of him the other day when he was presenting with Gemma. Honestly, how she got through the shift without stabbing him through the heart is beyond me.
I thought Sara G was bad at interrupting people on Q, but she's got nothing on Amit.
I'm not keen on Amit. His terrible English and total lack of charisma beggar belief! He always looks shiftily about him and doesn't know how to have a conversation. I wouldn't be tuning in as it would be more of a vomit-a-thon with that horrid little man. I wonder how many people's lives he ruins by paying them 2 rupees a month for hard labour in Indian sweatshops.
Love Amit
He's so original his English is heavily accented and very fast, yes pretty unintelligible but he REALLY knows his gemstones and a teddy bear quality which is impossible to resist.
If I was buying I'd want Amit with me.
Rock on Amit
I can't understand what he is saying most of the time so it's difficult to work out if he knows his gems or not.If he really is the chief buyer then he ought to know them.
Amit is a guilty pleasure of mine.

The man is a charisma vacuum, BUT... I dread to think what tjc's advertising budget is, as the man's adverts are amazing.

My personal fave was when he got to dress up as something out of Miami vice.

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