The Ali Young Ring...


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To be honest I would have expected that ring in gold and diamonds to be more than £1000 does that mean the quality will look poorer than the diamonique version?

I'm intrigued now as it is a style of ring I like but like others the AY connection has put me off so far.
Maybe its AY way of preventing the buyer from booking a tropical holiday, therefore protecting them from sun damage by blowing the budget on a ring with diamond chips :mysmilie_17:

Dave Bradford's pinkie ring didn't get a diamond version, and his DQ version was very popular, if my memory serves me correctly

QVC milking it I guess.
I actually preferred Claudia's ring - a little less blingy.

I have both, and I agree. I don't have a problem with the AY connection, as no-one I know in real life has any idea who she is! I just prefer the less is more design of Claudia's these days. Ebay - now there's a they actually sell?!
they could do real gold with diamonique i would like that. all my old fav qvc rings are real solid gold
I`m just waiting for DF to bring out a ring. One shaped like this ( i ) and then just like the Pope, her followers can kiss it everyday !

Yes DFs ring will have her website, fb groups and Twitter address and book launch dates inscribed on it, just incase anyone in Britain has actually missed it. The AY ring is ridiculously priced, if you go down the dreaded, despised den of eniquity that is "the high street" you can get some great priced jewellery, and the second hand shops have great prices for diamonds and gold, you'll get so much more for your money at half the price.
There's hope for us all when a shopping tv presenter, who happens to be a "resident beauty expert" with no visible qualifications, diplomas or certificates, yes I'm talking about you Alison Young, gets elivated to having an embarrassingly over priced diamond and gold ring made in your honour, why does she deserve this honour you may ask?...............well she's a resident beauty expert with no qualifications, diplomas or certificates of course.
There's hope for us all when a shopping tv presenter, who happens to be a "resident beauty expert" with no visible qualifications, diplomas or certificates, yes I'm talking about you Alison Young, gets elivated to having an embarrassingly over priced diamond and gold ring made in your honour, why does she deserve this honour you may ask?...............well she's a resident beauty expert with no qualifications, diplomas or certificates of course.

Do you know for sure that she has no qualifications, diplomas or certificates?
Well, if she has, they were probably gained in the 80's and with the progression of techniques, are probably long out of date now !
they could do real gold with diamonique i would like that. all my old fav qvc rings are real solid gold

Years ago they used to do that, in fact I own a platinum ring with a diamonique solitaire (oh oh on second thoughts it may have been platinum clad)
Do you know for sure that she has no qualifications, diplomas or certificates?

Erm?.........well I've been watching QVC for twenty one years now and I'm assuming that because she loves bragging about being "qualified" for thrirty years in the beauty industry, that she'd jump at the opportunity to show her qualifications off when she's on QVC and because I've never seen her produce any in twenty one years, I'm assuming she hasn't got any, could be wrong though but I don't think I am.
I don`t care if she has a shed full of diplomas or not. The ring has been done to death in the eek version and I wouldn`t want to pay a grand for a diamond version when if DF had her way, every lollipop lady, friend, neighbour, dog walker and so on are walking around wearing a cheaper version of it. I`m sure for the price there will be far more original pieces out there and better quality to boot.
DF (I think it was her on the diamond spectacular with the man in the blue tank top) was selling it yesterday and said that all ready 8 people had reserved theirs and that the details were on the bottom of the screen if we wanted to rush to buy it before the full presentation as it was in danger of selling out.
Who does she think we are I don't know many people who would buy a £1000 ring on a Wednesday evening on a whim even if it was on easy pays which meant you could get it home for only £250 plus P&P.
Come Q get real most of us just don't have that sort of money sat in our bank accounts to buy jewellery with even on easy pay, and if I did I would want to at least see it in real life and try it on as the studio lights does funny things to gem stones.
Can you imagine the Hermes delivery driver throwing it over the back gate only for the dog to take it and bury it or leaving it on the door step in full view of the road just sat there waiting for someone to come along and remove it for them selves. both of thes have happened to me in the last year so quite freezable.
I see AY is being credited with designing the ring.

Poor Tova don't even know she has been plagiarized!!!

She in the early days 90s, did say she had trained at Clarins and went on to be a trainer for them. The thing with these professional bodies they do renew training, well I know someone who works for Elemis and they have to go on training a number of times a year to keep them up to date on technics(sp) for facials and products. I doubt AY has up dated her training since she moved to QVC.
the beauty trade is notoriously poorly trained alison young is lucky that she has a better paid job with none of the physical graft involved with beauty treatments. the decleor clan looked very sullen at the beauty bash. alisons done well all power to her
Even some very young utube channel million+ hitters 'make up with me' can knock spots off AY with all their wizardry 'cut crease eyes', & various hair & make up hacks
Of course, AY would claim to be the inventor of these techniques, but decided to keep it a 'trade secret' ??:mysmilie_19:

The biggest change to AY since the start of her broadcasting, in my view was her emotional change - from the moment she met her husband, she changed from what it seemed was, a commited men-hater, quite vile with her comments 'oh I haven't got time for that boyfriend rubbish' to literally melting like a love sick teenager when she fell in love, and this love truly transformed her into nicer personality - she actually smiled on air, and laughed.. which was a shock

I remember at the time during a discussion a colleague agreeing, 'its because she's finally getting some' :cheeky:
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