That Tree Peony TSV..


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Jun 26, 2008
If anyone else bought it - how are yours coming on? Mine are growing quite well, even though they're in a bit of an exposed spot. I don't think I'll be getting any dinner-plate sized flowers this May though cos they're not even a foot high yet. I was wondering if you could feed them with tomato fertilser to encourage flowering and growth?
Tomato fertiliser will encourage flowers, calico, but for this year at least, I'd be tempted to go for a nitrogen based fertiliser. [Most of the usual, bog-standard fertilisers are stuffed with nitrogen, just check the label.]

It's just so that you encourage good root formation for this season, so that you have a strong, healthy plant which should withstand any adverse weather much better.
It means fewer flowers this year, but more in the long run.

By the way, aren't the tree peony's leaves pretty, even without flowers? I've planted two this year and I'm really impressed!
Mine are doing ok, they are leafing up well but my normal peonies are only just getting their leaves. They will all probably get a spurt on with the better weather, I've given mine some plant food twice so far but I don't really expect much in the flower line this year. Good luck.
Mine are coming on, all 3 are looking good but one is slightly better.

Im really eager to see these flower x
Thanks Sublime :) I can't wait til it's big as it's going to be a glorious plant - I can just tell!
I'm gonna get the nitrogen based fertiliser and a tomato one too for my other flowery things.
While I've got you, what's the fastest-growing ground cover plant? I want to stop the blasted weeds having all the fun :rolleyes:
Calico, I have 5 hardy geraniums in my garden and they have grown quickly and spread massively. In fact I have just cut some back. They cover a wide area if you want them to and they flower all summer. Weeds just don't have a chance with them.
My tree peonies are doing okay but there's no sign yet of any activity in the pots containing the hibiscus plants I bought. I'm hoping they do something soon as I wanted to give a couple as birthday presents!
Calico, I have 5 hardy geraniums in my garden and they have grown quickly and spread massively. In fact I have just cut some back. They cover a wide area if you want them to and they flower all summer. Weeds just don't have a chance with them.

Ooh thanks for that catzrool. I'll check them out as they sound exactly what I need. :1:
My tree peonies are doing okay but there's no sign yet of any activity in the pots containing the hibiscus plants I bought. I'm hoping they do something soon as I wanted to give a couple as birthday presents!

I ordered some tree hollyhock/hibiscus things from QVC but haven't got them yet. Are they the same as yours?
Item no- 561524
I love those plants and hope they survive in my windswept garden.
My tree peonies are doing okay but there's no sign yet of any activity in the pots containing the hibiscus plants I bought. I'm hoping they do something soon as I wanted to give a couple as birthday presents!

Sarah, I bought the hibiscus plants and mine are not showing any signs of life yet either. Fingers crosses they come good as they looked fantastic!
.....ooh, ooh, pink and white have buds but no show on the red

Im soo excited now lol
Sob! I'm budless, but I have some info on those Hibiscus plants !
Apparently, they don't 'wake-up' til around May and are still asleep right don't panic folks!:1:
Mine have lots of leaves and leaf buds but no flower buds it's still a bit early for these.
Did anyone order the 100 bulb set, summer flowering. I still haven't got mine yet.
Update. I've looked today and have 6 flower buds, none on the red yet. still no sign of the 100 bulbs yet.

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