That Dress


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Sleeveless = quicker & cheaper to make, I'm sure that's the reason so many dresses on Q don't have sleeves. And then they can flog you a bolero or cardi to cover up!

Jude xx
Nicky-j I would refer you to the book published for the Queen's Jubilee entitled ' The Queen's knickers' in which you can see the many and varied designs she has for her public outings - it even has a pair for parachuting out of a helicopter ( no doubt worn on the opening night of the Olympics. My personal favourites are the Christmas ones.
I hope Justine doesn't have any 'moments' in her red poly/elastene, or she could end up like Tony Blair did a few years ago , absolutely wet through under the conference lights !!!!!!
made me think how much I would hate to be in the public eye (not that it is likely to happen!). She looks great in that dress, but oh imagine the stress of choosing what to wear and the flack if the media don't like your choice.

Q are doubtless sending her some complimentary Kim and Co and a few Butler and Wison "cute animal" necklaces, now that would give her some unflattering press.

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