Tat sellers having babies


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Times are so very different these days, new mums need the cash for the childcare, hair, nails, brows, lashes, botox, fillers, makeup, beauty products, beauty tools/equipment, beauty box subscriptions, bags, shoes, spa treatments, gym memberships, personal trainer sessions, coffee shop visits, drinks with the girls, girlie breaks away, latest phone and the up to date fashion looks etc, etc.
After all they need that up to date relevance on their social media platforms, so they achieve the comments on how good they look and just what brilliant mothers they are.
Of course, they could always try spending time with their children.
Lord, people now farm out their Dogs to daycare!!
Of course, they could always try spending time with their children.
Lord, people now farm out their Dogs to daycare!!

That would be a novelty ! (and teach them how to use a knife and fork, get them out of nappies, and teach them 'please' and 'thank you'.)

PS when watching a film (American or UK) or a drama or a soap, just notice how often the kids ask for something without saying 'please'. Answer: its all the time. Scriptwriters clearly have no manners or good upbringing themselves.
Mr L who is basically a well mannered person, since using Alexa he has started “barking“ orders to me in the same voice! Needless to say it gets up my nose and I soon sort him out.

When directing A I always say please and thank you, much to the amusement of everyone else , but I feel that if you get used to shouting out orders it wouldn’t be long before you would forget the manners hammered into you as a child. On the plus side “she“ often says “you’re welcome” to me but never to him!
Has anyone noticed the number of stories in the papers recently where young children have been killed because their ultra selfish parents/step parents just wanted time to themselves, the children were in the way and were simply got rid of through cruelty and neglect. What kind of world are we now living in where children/babies are treated as disposable items and why on earth doesn't SOMEONE step in before the worst happens?

I'm going to give a shout-out for all the young mums I know - my daughters, their friends & our neighbours. They all work, most have returned to work on part time hours, they do care about how they look but also feel like that about their children & their homes. The only children who don't say please & thank you are the ones who can't talk & all those who are at school were toilet trained before they started reception. Yesterday we went to the Black Country Living Museum & there were several schools visiting; the children were delightful, they were polite & listened to the guides without interrupting or becoming distracted. There was one super group that was always in front of us & we told their teachers how impressed we were. Not all parents are self-centred, ignorant or feral & the children we saw yesterday had far better manners than most of the adults I come across.

Has anyone noticed the number of stories in the papers recently where young children have been killed because their ultra selfish parents/step parents just wanted time to themselves, the children were in the way and were simply got rid of through cruelty and neglect. What kind of world are we now living in where children/babies are treated as disposable items and why on earth doesn't SOMEONE step in before the worst happens?

Heart-breaking. I always ask where the extended family are when I read about these horrific crimes. However, when you have a judge who returns a child to an abusive home after she's been in the care of loving grandparents & then the worst happens you realise that those officially 'in charge' are as much to blame as those who do the actual crime.
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Once set of our neighbours seem to have no control of their children and if anything half encourage their antics yet otherwise they seem to be decent enough people.

Maybe it’s me but letting an 8 year old climb on to the house roof and climb up to sit on the ridge tiles just doesn’t sit right. Or letting them hang on to the back of their van whilst they are driving away down the street. Even in my childhood when we allowed a lot more freedom to climb trees etc wouldn’t have accepted that.

As with everything lots of good people but unfortunately many more no so, and as each generation becomes less well behaved there is only bad habits to pass on and accepted decency becomes diluted each new generation.

Older people aren’t always great either!
Was that Ellie Butler? God knows how on earth her grandparents must have felt knowing that judge sent their darling grand daugter to her death. Too sad to even think about.

Was that Ellie Butler? God knows how on earth her grandparents must have felt knowing that judge sent their darling grand daugter to her death. Too sad to even think about.

Yes. That beautiful child's death, & the unhappiness she must have endured before it happened, is one of my black bat moments on nights when I can't sleep.
I read a paper on babies cognitive development...Jist being they should be with Mommy until 2yoa. Everyone had differing opinions here - I'm just reporting the facts (of the paper)

Eight pounds......Yikes!

My middle neph was NINE & very long with it.
Was it a mother or any human? What was the remit of the study? I have kids who have had stellar academic results (all A* at A level), the very top UK unis and careers and I worked. Would be interested in the 'facts' being reported. We do indeed all have different opinions, but if women decide to return to work I don't think it's our right to comment on their personal decision.
That would be a novelty ! (and teach them how to use a knife and fork, get them out of nappies, and teach them 'please' and 'thank you'.)

PS when watching a film (American or UK) or a drama or a soap, just notice how often the kids ask for something without saying 'please'. Answer: its all the time. Scriptwriters clearly have no manners or good upbringing themselves.
Blimey, I 've never noticed, but will be on the look out now. I have noticed that 'please ' is massively 'English' & out of fashion. More & more now, humans omit the please & overthank...It's too subserviant...(for the 'I can do anything/I love me' types There are plenty of languages
Was it a mother or any human? What was the remit of the study? I have kids who have had stellar academic results (all A* at A level), the very top UK unis and careers and I worked. Would be interested in the 'facts' being reported. We do indeed all have different opinions, but if women decide to return to work I don't think it's our right to comment on their personal decision.
It was a few years ago now, so I can't remember it all. IIRC it was something to do with the development of one of the lobes of a childs brain (maybe frontal?) I don't recall the remit, but I believe it was peer reviewed & phsycotherapy related - focussing more on emotional intelligence/likelihood of mental illness in later life, as opposed to academic intelligence.

Both my parents worked also.

Glad that you are pleased with your childrens achievements - there will always be exceptions to any rule, or study.
Sorry, but I can't remember commenting directly about 'womens personal decisions' within this thread ? (Maybe I did & just can't find the post.)
As for general comments about personal decisions,including those of women - STF is rammed full of these (Huntley, Julia, Jill, Weddings, children, Claire Sutton, & so it goes on)

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