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Flying Pigs

Registered Shopper
Jun 28, 2008
Greater Manchester
Praise when it is due- they have refunded my money for the Collexia hairdryer TSV from October last year. I didn't take it away on holiday and when I got home and used it for the first time in a fortnight the 2nd fan was making a really weird sound and it was really loud. Stopped using it straight away. I thought it would be just my luck to be past one year but when I checked it was just within so I phoned CS who said send it back and I even got Hermes collecting it directly so no P & P. I think that is praiseworthy. Thanks QVC!
Having been pleased with the first pair of Emu slippers I bought on TSV in 2010, I ordered a second pair about this time last year. Like many people I found that this new pair were of a really inferior quality. By February (I only started wearing them Christmas day) the heels were bare, and chunks of sheepskin was just balling of them every day. By mid March I was furious and decided to email QVC about the slippers, as by then there were loads of other disgruntled people leaving bad reviews. I had a very quick email advising me that if I wanted to return them, they would send me a return label and I could have a full refund-so I did. Within a week I had my money back.

I have also returned jewellery and they have been good with that, too.

The one large ticket item I bought that was awful though (an IQON PC that was absolute carp, the company actually folded due to the rubbish TSV) I had an almighty battle over. I stopped my easy payments because they were not getting back to me about the problem, and then sent me a letter threatening a debt collection agency. Thanks to someone on here giving me the CEO contact details however, I was able to finally sort things out, and was refunded within a week of the PC being returned.

It's interesting how they can get it so very wrong, sometimes, and other times so very right!
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Thats great because a lot of things now they are saying they will only take back up to 6 months but it used to be a year

Huh, they can say that all they like but if something is a piece of cr*p 8 months down the line & not performng as it should, they are legally obliged (as the retailer) to do something about it!
I returned an item I'd had for nearly a year as it was clearly not functioning correctly, they were excellent about it actually, picked it up & refunded me in full, didn't even have to do the Sale of Goods Act bit, blah blah blah!

I've also returned a 3 piece suite I bought years ago from a well-known high street retailer, that after several months had cushions that had gone all saggy & wouldn't stand up no matter how much I plumped or fiddled with them; snotty oiks in CS were really unhelpful.....they were considerably more helpful when TS came out, photographed it & agreed it was indeed a piece of poo, (as expensive sofas go! lol)....they refunded me in full!

Never give in to BS & apathy is my motto! Though it is generally not a good idea to stop making payments, as then retailers tend to get really ar$ey & start focusing their attention on that instead of sorting out your problem! :nod:
I had the Genius Air Fridge thingy from last November and recently noticed it appears to have stopped working. Assumed it was the batteries but changed these and still no joy - it seems to be a connection. Emailed them about it asking for a replacement or refund and here is their reply:

Thank you for you reply.

I am sorry to advise that this Genius Air Plus Preserver and Fridge
Deodoriser is outside the 6 month guarantee we offer on it so we could be
unable to arrange a return.

The vendor for this item is called "Genius GMBH" and they can be emailed at
[email protected]. As they are not UK based they may be unable to
offer further assistance.

If we can help with anything else, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes

Customer Care team

Shall I reply quoting Sale of Goods Act??? The total was over £27.
@ Liz Greggs. I have one of the Fridge Air things. Strangely it does not work on the high setting (display panel goes blank) but works on the low setting. You could give it a try with new batteries.
I had the Genius Air Fridge thingy from last November and recently noticed it appears to have stopped working. Assumed it was the batteries but changed these and still no joy - it seems to be a connection. Emailed them about it asking for a replacement or refund and here is their reply:

Thank you for you reply.

I am sorry to advise that this Genius Air Plus Preserver and Fridge
Deodoriser is outside the 6 month guarantee we offer on it so we could be
unable to arrange a return.

The vendor for this item is called "Genius GMBH" and they can be emailed at
[email protected]. As they are not UK based they may be unable to
offer further assistance.

If we can help with anything else, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes

Customer Care team

Shall I reply quoting Sale of Goods Act??? The total was over £27.

Lizregs - this is typical 'fob off & bog off' tactics, referring you back to the manufacturer & quoting a guarantee time; a guarantee is in addition to , not instead of your statutory rights as a consumer!
You do need to be prepared to show, if necessary, that the item was inherently faulty when you bought it (by virtue of the fact it has only lasted such a relatively short time, even if it didn't become apparent until now!), or has developed a fault caused by faulty or damaged components & obviously the item needs to have a considerably longer than 6 months expected life time.

Maybe try giving Trading Standards a call & ask them how you should phrase a letter in reply to this? I had to take a small electrical item back recently (2 days before I'd had it a year....are the bl**dy things programmed to fail almost dead on 12 months or something, you have to wonder sometimes, don't you? lol) - at first they did the 6 months guarantee thing but I wasn't having any of it & insisted it was faulty & was not going to just 'go away' with this....they gave me back my money! (It wasn't worth them having repaired so a refund was the only option!)

See the basics of the Sale of Goods Act here:


p.s. My tales of I did this/I did that make it sound as though I am constantly returning things hither & thither but far from it, I return relatively few things either bought online or on the high street but if I do need to exercise my pathetic little consumer rights, I blinkin' well will as I refuse to chuck money away on pants items, so there! LOL
Lizgregs - I do apologise, I accidentally missed out the 'g' in your name, so sorry! What a dimwit! So rude! I just didn't see it but looked again just now & it's clear as day! I must've blanked it out this entire time you've been posting! :doh:
KWC - don't apologise, I'd never even noticed!!!!! My friend has a little boy who is just turned 3 years old and he couldn't say my name properly and needed to distinguish me from 3 other Liz ladies in his life so for a while earlier this year I was Liz Eggs. Quite cute really.

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