I don`t care how many jobs they have nor how much they earn but I DO care when I want to hear about a product and all they talk about are their books, fb groups, their Mum, their private life or the price of eggs, tweets and so on. Every on screen presentation should put the product first and foremost, afterall that`s what they`re supposed to be selling and I really can`t understand why Q allows them to detract away from this as much as they do because it`s the product and not the presenters books etc which puts money into Q`s coffers.
Granted we don`t want presenters sitting like robots and just regurgitating facts and stats but too many of them go too far the other way and spend 1% of time talking about the product and 99% of the time talking about other things such as their books or fb groups, there should be a balance and very often there simply isn`t. Tell us the facts and stats first, talk about the product, allow the guest to follow suit and then and only then, use little snippets of other things and I mean LITTLE snippets as fillers but only if related to whatever you`re selling, such as how you use it or have bought it etc and keep returning to facts and stats. The number of people who complain about not knowing clothes sizes or shoe fittings or colours or options and a multitude of other things, is growing by the day according to Q`s own facebook page. Many a time someone complains that by the time the presenter has read out the sizes, the customers option has sold out. Do Q`s powers that be, never watch their own TV channel I wonder ?
I totally agree with you in the highlighted areas, Vienna. It happens so many times that it is very annoying.
After all, we watch the channel in the hope of knowing about the products and seeing how they look on real models. Sometimes the presenters and the guest talk so much on subjects unconnected with the product, the model is not even shown wearing the product and the time allocated for that item is over and they move on to the next product!
Sometimes I have my laptop on ready to type in the product number so that I can read the product description on the web.......and there too, I feel like screaming because they have not uploaded the images!!!!!!!!:mysmilie_455:
Some of the presenters spend most of the time talking about how much they love the product , how many of the products they have (Jill Franks) and they don't have time to let us know about the product :angry:
If some of the presenters do take their "day time" job seriously, they would have the sizes of the fashion items, but more and more times now they ask us to check the on the web, "or ask the phone operators" when you order"..............why should the operators know the sizes when the paid presenters don't.
More often now the fashion items have silly sizes, like chest size 24 inches or such and the presenters (mostly Debbie Flint)will say, "order your high street size" or in some cases "order two sizes and choose the one that fits and send the other back"
Don't they know how much it costs in double P&P!!
I have asked the 0800 504030 operators and the lovely people do not know anything other than what is on the web. If the presenters did not do their "homework", for heaven's sake, measure the item on air, like they used to do!