Strivectin TSV 12/02/2013


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I use LE moisturiser Barbs, for the simple reason that it doesnt make me break out in a rash. I was using Aldi before that but I started to react. If I'm not going anywhere so don't care about looking a bit greasy, and at night I use E45 or Doublebase. Yes! Mineral oil! Call the po-leece!

Over the 3 or 4 years my skin has completely changed from oily/combination to dry and really sensitive. To say that men don't care about ageing is a massive generalisation. The difference is that men tend not to verbalise it, and in the case of the older heterosexual man may not feel able to do something about it for fear of emasculating themselves and being ridiculed. This is how some straight men live unfortunately.

As for the gays,I can tell you they are throwing cosmetics around like nobodies business.
Times may be changing Burlz on the straight bloke versus skin cream front allbeit slowly. My dad has amazed me loving his decleor, even has an extra tube in the car! He's been using it for ages now, don't think he'd be quite so keen if it didn't say "FOR MEN" on it tho lol.
The vainest, most self obsessed people I have ever met were priests.
I know a lot of very appearance conscious, indeed vain men but none of them appeal to me. Just as well, I'd hate to be runner up to the mirror for affection.
The vainest, most self obsessed people I have ever met were priests.
I know a lot of very appearance conscious, indeed vain men but none of them appeal to me. Just as well, I'd hate to be runner up to the mirror for affection.

When I was in Venice a few months ago this was on sale on all of the newstands

They're real priests. Just incredibly good looking ones. It took all my self control not to buy one.
My Dad too Nikki, although he prefers Elemis.

Another generalisation, but most men seem to me to age better than women. I think it must be due to their skin versus women who do change more due to the menopause and the hormonal effects this has.
Or maybe I just fancy older men.
When I was in Venice a few months ago this was on sale on all of the newstands

They're real priests. Just incredibly good looking ones. It took all my self control not to buy one.

Too cute.
Although the first one does look to me like the young priest in Father Ted, can't remember his name.
I use LE moisturiser Barbs, for the simple reason that it doesnt make me break out in a rash. I was using Aldi before that but I started to react. If I'm not going anywhere so don't care about looking a bit greasy, and at night I use E45 or Doublebase. Yes! Mineral oil! Call the po-leece!

Over the 3 or 4 years my skin has completely changed from oily/combination to dry and really sensitive. To say that men don't care about ageing is a massive generalisation. The difference is that men tend not to verbalise it, and in the case of the older heterosexual man may not feel able to do something about it for fear of emasculating themselves and being ridiculed. This is how some straight men live unfortunately.

As for the gays,I can tell you they are throwing cosmetics around like nobodies business.
I think older men don't want to think about skin care. My OH is a builder, out in all weathers and his skin is like rubber, and don't start me on his rough hands. I've tried encouraging him to use moisturisers and hand cream, and for a while he did, but he's slipped back again into the old routine of doing nothing, so i just say nothing now. Whereas i think younger men are brought up to think its good to look after their skin. Mind you in all my years in the hospital, and helping patients wash etc, i don't think i've ever seen a man with a tub of face cream :)
I use LE moisturiser Barbs, for the simple reason that it doesnt make me break out in a rash. I was using Aldi before that but I started to react. If I'm not going anywhere so don't care about looking a bit greasy, and at night I use E45 or Doublebase. Yes! Mineral oil! Call the po-leece!

Over the 3 or 4 years my skin has completely changed from oily/combination to dry and really sensitive. To say that men don't care about ageing is a massive generalisation. The difference is that men tend not to verbalise it, and in the case of the older heterosexual man may not feel able to do something about it for fear of emasculating themselves and being ridiculed. This is how some straight men live unfortunately.

As for the gays,I can tell you they are throwing cosmetics around like nobodies business.

Oh BB I Iove a wee bit of doublebase cream, I use it as a moisturising face mask after my new No7 clarisonicy type face brush,, though its great for my very dry hands too. My other half does use moisturiser on his face, I got him No7 for men & he keeps it in his gym bag, I wouldnt say he uses it all the time but he does use it frequently. He does have great skin though, very young, dare I say it, plump skin, Im quite jealous lol
I understand this dermatologist is a man and from experience I can tell that men don't care much about ageing.
In other words I don't think he would research into ageing, just knows how skin and body work in average individual.

I think someone who is a consultant dermatologist probably haa pretty good grasp of how and why the skin ages and what if anything would prevent it.
Mine said nothing apart from wearing an spf will slow the ageing process down. As he''s a Dr i'm more inclined to believe him than someone who is trying to sell me something.
Keeping your skin moist and supple is the only thing to stop wrinkles setting in. Oh and start using moisturiser and avoiding the sun in your teens. Gently cleanse every night. A couple of women I used to work with in their late thirties who had no idea about skin care were fasinated by my lack of wrinkles and good complexion at age 46 and when I explaind, they dashed out and started buying expensive pots of cream. Nothing changed. Their skin looked clearer as they were cleansing properly but the deep wrinkles and crows feet were there to stay.
Len, off strictly come dancing, is a good example of a man who has aged well, and Gary linekar is an example of a man who's looks have improved with age.
That is very refreshing to know that men do care about ageing, but I don’t see it happening around me so just gave my observation. Sorry if anyone got offended by my post.
I must admit I was very tempted yesterday to try this range.
Then I saw how much skin care I have in my stash, plus I inherited my step-mum's unopened skin care stash when she died a few months ago (she was a worse stock piler than me!) so I have loads to get through already.
I thought if I tried this range and loved it then all these products would go to waste so common sense prevailed.
I hope JBD and others will post their results once they've tried it please.
Hey Red so lovely to see you.
And my stretch marks and turkey neck are quaking
I promise to let you know.
So sorry to hear about your stepmum

Hi J,
Yes I wanted it primarily for stretch marks and although I've not got a turkey neck (yet!) I am getting neck lines. Eek!
It's all downhill...

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