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I am not tarring all from Liverpool and similar cities, with the one brush but the authorities really need to clamp down on those people who haven’t adhered to the rules anyway and going mad to get a night out before curfew rules. Perhaps a water cannon and in a holding compound overnight might put a bit of sense into them but I doubt it.

In the taxi on my way home from getting dressings for Mr L wound, I heard people on J Vine show complaining about their freedom of movement etc and that we should be forced into a herd immunity situation. Well I would use my freedom of movement and put them in the COVID ward at our hospital (without treatment) to ensure the herd immunity theory either killed or cured them.
I don't intend to tar all students with the same brush but it seems to be most places with universities that have had massive spikes. In Sheffield last Tuesday,the day before they went to tier 2, one of the streets near the university was heaving with drunken young people at 5pm
It is really bad in Belfast university area at the best of times but now they are going mad! One student on TV comes out with “you’re only a student once so you should be able to have a proper student experience”
I’d send him to be a bloody student in a care home without PPE .

What in gods name are their parents thinking when they see them on TV and all over FB, do they not think that (1] they need a good slap and (2] why are we paying a fortune to educate this prat we gave birth to?
Hospital today. They thought it was looking good and next appointment will be in 3-4 months. They said I could leave off the crutches as and when I felt comfortable..... That will be a bit of a challenge! Im a bit of a nervous Nelly at the moment. And I havent even been anywhere busy yet.

As London is now in Tier 2 I panic bought a case of wine from Laithwaites today! Well I cant carry it and I can barely spot a delivery slot so why not!?!
Unfortunately it would seem that the parents are of the same ilk. When there was the possibility that they wouldn't be able to go home for Christmas I read comments in the red tops that parents were "going to walk to university and drag them out" and "crawl over hot coals to bring them home ". They seem to be under the illusion that the students are spending all of their time studying and need the break. Beggars the question are the parents not seeing them out for another last night of drinking dressed in next to nothing? I am not saying that they are all like this obviously.
' I don't intend to tar all students with the same brush but it seems to be most places with universities that have had massive spikes. In Sheffield last Tuesday,the day before they went to tier 2, one of the streets near the university was heaving with drunken young people at 5pm'.
The majority of first year students get Fresher's Flu, both our daughters did, which is hardly surprising considering the massive movement of people around the country & how closely they live together in halls of residence so it was a given that this year they'd get the Chinese horror. I assume all those who have tested positive have been fine otherwise the media would have been all over the story of an otherwise healthy 18 year old succumbing to the Plague.
Sheffield has 2 Universities and there are 1200 positive cases.
' I don't intend to tar all students with the same brush but it seems to be most places with universities that have had massive spikes. In Sheffield last Tuesday,the day before they went to tier 2, one of the streets near the university was heaving with drunken young people at 5pm'.
The majority of first year students get Fresher's Flu, both our daughters did, which is hardly surprising considering the massive movement of people around the country & how closely they live together in halls of residence so it was a given that this year they'd get the Chinese horror. I assume all those who have tested positive have been fine otherwise the media would have been all over the story of an otherwise healthy 18 year old succumbing to the Plague.
Wherever you go or live you can see people for whom life has Not changed, sadly. They go through life thinking only of their own pleasure and convenience. These are the people who will prolong the misery for the majority who are trying to knuckle down to the restrictive life we all now find ourselves living.
Wherever you go or live you can see people for whom life has Not changed, sadly. They go through life thinking only of their own pleasure and convenience. These are the people who will prolong the misery for the majority who are trying to knuckle down to the restrictive life we all now find ourselves living.
I shop in a small Waitrose & a local farm shop, go to a couple of garden centres & on the two days when I look after our granddaughter I take her out for a walk. In every situation it's the elderly who don't have any spatial awareness & wear their masks just covering their mouths; disposable ones that looking at colour of them appear to have been reused many times & are worn as chin supports when the people are walking in the street. To be honest none of the measures put in place by any European country have succeeded, all the SAGE boffins are on power trips but never say anything worthwhile, the data from the last six months must show who are definitely at risk rather than the sweeping shielding announced in the spring & the NHS stopped practically everything except for maternity & A&E so had plenty of time, & staff, to prepare for this autumn & winter.
I am not tarring all from Liverpool and similar cities, with the one brush but the authorities really need to clamp down on those people who haven’t adhered to the rules anyway and going mad to get a night out before curfew rules. Perhaps a water cannon and in a holding compound overnight might put a bit of sense into them but I doubt it.

In the taxi on my way home from getting dressings for Mr L wound, I heard people on J Vine show complaining about their freedom of movement etc and that we should be forced into a herd immunity situation. Well I would use my freedom of movement and put them in the COVID ward at our hospital (without treatment) to ensure the herd immunity theory either killed or cured them.

I'm with you there.

Boris & Co can put in as many restrictions as they like but it boils down to personal choice. Those who don't give a **** will just carry on as normal. And who's going to police restrictions? Some people are caught and fined but very few and far between.

All these face recognition cameras should be catching the people flouting rules and put a fine through their letterboxes. Then warn them that they'll be charged for any following hospital visits.

Okay, so this will never happen but the biggest flouters in my street are the ones who clapped loudest for the NHS in the summer.

I read a post on Mumsnet earlier this week (I rarely go there but a Google search pointed me to an answer I was looking for and then I got sucked down the internet rabbit hole for an hour...). A woman was moaning that her husband wanted to visit his brother the following weekend and she wasn't comfortable because it would break the rule of 6. He was whinging that her not going would make him look bad. Then he gave her the silent treatment for days.

Loads of answers saying don't go then the story unfolded a little more. Turns out the brother is an NHS doctor, his wife an NHS nurse (iirc). They live in a small flat and during the get-together, the women end up inside with the kids while the men sit on the balcony with whisky and cigars. The family is of Indian descent hence the pressure for the wife to go and the 'making him look bad' to his family.

Lots of answers including the glaring ones pointing out if she doesn't go but lets him take the kids he will have to look after them so no cosy drinks on the balcony. I was relieved to see a lot of sensible replies telling him to go on his own as a small flat with lots of people is a large risk. Add in the fact that they work in a hospital and it's a no-brainer.

I was deeply disappointed to see that NHS employees are willing to flout but not surprised. If the amount of flouting on my quiet street is an indicator of what's happening nationwide it's no wonder it's spreading again.

I've been on a personal lockdown since the end of February, my OH has had to go out to get groceries when we were unable to get deliveries but we've taken it seriously as I was on the shielding list. It took a while and several arguments for him to understand how afraid I am of Covid even though he knows I'm dead scared of normal flu - I've had a few relapses after infections and each one I've not recovered fully from. I'm bloody fed up with living like this but I have to put up with it for my health's sake. I'm bloody fed up with hearing people moan about restrictions when they're not even following the rules to start with!
Our youngest daughter is a manager at a Sure Start hub and her husband is in education at the local prison so have both worked throughout lockdown. One of their neighbours is a nurse and has held barbecues throughout the summer. Even having her elderly mother attend to celebrate a birthday. Then people wonder how patients are getting it while they are in hospital.
We live opposite a mosque and in the beginning I was pleasantly surprised to see a note on the door telling them that they were closed due to the current situation. But now they have returned, masks worn as chin straps. Hugging and shaking hands. I have noticed that they now bring a prayer mat as a precaution 🙄
Does it stem from that badge of entitlement that most people seem to wear today.

Since Mr L’s operation I have had to do things I would not have done otherwise such as using taxis and being indoors with my friend who is helping me out but I keep it to the minimum and wear PPE but then it appears to be ok for Tesco to let their driver to deliver without any PPE so I’m doing the best I can.
Oh, the badge of entitlement wearers. How I love those people. Not!

Then there's the I didn't know badge wearers. The lack of personal responsibility people who managed to get us into a nanny state.

I could go on but the entitled are particularly irritating.

I've loved hearing tales from childhood here. They were really happy times for most of us despite being very happy. I'd love to thrust the whingers back to those times for a few weeks to see how they cope. I get particularly annoyed by anti-vaxxers and antibiotic abusers as these were considered wonders when I was a child as my parents and grandmother would talk about how terrifying it was if someone had an infectious disease or a nasty infection.

Times have certainly changed for the better. It's a shame people haven't.
Back in the day we all had very low expectations. Our parents considered themselves extremely lucky to have a secure job, a roof over their heads and basic food on the table. Everything else was a luxury to be cherished. When I married 1971 we had nothing much but better than the previous generation when they married. As time as gone on the idea of cutting your cloth seems to have disappeared, they seem to be able to sleep soundly with tens of thousands of debt hanging over their heads and seem to be quite happy adding more and more debt knowing they will just walk away from it if necessary. I know it was a relief once our mortgage was finished even though we were comfortable enough it was on my mind as it represented the roof over your head the most important thing, as you can live on beans if need be.
Our Dad died when he was just 35, leukaemia. My brother was 11 and I was 8. Our Mum had a widowed mothers pension and a cleaning job. We didn't have a TV, car or telephone. I think that is why I am able to budget and be grateful for what we have. We too own our house mortgage free and it is a wonderful feeling. I often mention to our daughter that instead of running to the food bank for her "clients" that she might try teaching them budgeting and birth control instead 🤬
Our Dad died when he was just 35, leukaemia. My brother was 11 and I was 8. Our Mum had a widowed mothers pension and a cleaning job. We didn't have a TV, car or telephone. I think that is why I am able to budget and be grateful for what we have. We too own our house mortgage free and it is a wonderful feeling. I often mention to our daughter that instead of running to the food bank for her "clients" that she might try teaching them budgeting and birth control instead 🤬
How awful at any age but particularly so young. A very hard lesson but your mum has given you a good grounding in being self reliant.

I have very strong views on birth control but not having family (not by choice) I dare not express them as I have had some shocking backlash.
There are many things from my youth that I wouldn`t have liked my children to have had to deal with. Cold houses without adequate heating, outside toilets, no bathroom and sharing a bed with my sister being just some of them but there are hopefully many things I`ve brought forward and tried to instill in them.
Living within your means, striving for a good education and good jobs, only having children if you really want them, working hard and saving hard for the things you want, accepting that nobody owes you nothing for free and trying to avoid anything but essential debt such as a mortgage to name but a few. Thankfully my sons are now all grown men and they obviously took on board the examples myself and my late husband tried to show them.
Sadly I see many teenagers even within Mr V`s family who want everything and they want it NOW. Expensive clothes, money in their pockets to spend as they please, a car outside the front door as soon as they pass their test, holidays abroad and the freedom to come and go as they please, do little if anything to help out at home and barely bother to find a job or a way to earn their own money. I don`t actually blame the kids for their behaviour and attitudes, i blame the parents for allowing it.
We live next door to rented property and there have been several tenants over the time since i married Mr V and moved here. It`s a nice house a 3 bedroomed semi and in the almost 10 years I`ve lived here each tenant has been unemployed, a single parent with a child or children and living off benefits plus having their rent paid by the State. The current Mum of 3 never has a cig out of her mouth, her boyfriend never has a can out of his hand and the 3 children are bawled out every 5 minutes and the one word they hear constantly is F-ck.
I daresay like previous tenants they will move on sooner rather than later and I shudder to think how those kids will turn out. Our greatest wish is for the house to eventually go up for sale and a halfway decent person or people to buy it and turn it into a proper home instead of a doss house the way some of the tenants have treated it.
Does it stem from that badge of entitlement that most people seem to wear today.

Since Mr L’s operation I have had to do things I would not have done otherwise such as using taxis and being indoors with my friend who is helping me out but I keep it to the minimum and wear PPE but then it appears to be ok for Tesco to let their driver to deliver without any PPE so I’m doing the best I can.
There were a couple of medical facts said at the start of all of this that to my mind are more reassuring than all the thousands spouted by every expert/boffin/politician since March - 'Close contact is defined as being within approximately 6 feet of someone who is positive for COVID-19, including those who may not yet be showing symptoms. Experts say that contact with someone positive for the virus for about 10 minutes or longer can result in transmission'. This is why people who work in retail haven't been dropping like flies & passing someone in the street isn't an issue. My son in law works in a very large high school in Birmingham, they've had over 40 members of staff & hundreds of students away from school after testing positive, he's been with them every day since 1st September & is fine. I've just come back from lunch with my daughter, her best friend & three others to celebrate a new job - bestie is a nurse & moving to a hospital closer to home & a role in cardiology. I written about her before, an amazing person in every way & after working in an ICU treating covid patients she knows what she's talking about; unless the delivery man was infected & coughed into your face several times, or decided to snog you within an inch of your life, you're not in any danger.

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