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I called someone back into the loo at our local garden centre earlier this week & 'asked' her to wash her hands. I wiped the door handle she had touched with soaped up paper towels & then dried it. Forget the current virus, the look I received was enough to kill me instantly. If there's one thing that's now obvious to everyone it's just how dirty people are.
We go on cruises and I have found the worse people for not washing hands or by passing the hand gel at food venues are the over 60's. Not all, as I am 71 and abide by the rules, but some seem to think rules don't apply to them.
I would like to hope that this just might make airlines think about how badly they clean the aircraft but I’m afraid that once the worst is over it will be back to a plastic bag being passed around. I’m always astounded at the state of aircraft no matter at what point of the day you travel. Is there no legal standard of cleaniness for this? Even in normal circumstances I rarely come back from a flight without a cold as everyone seems to splutter and cough.

is there any possibility that yummy mummies just might stop their brats jumping all over tables and seats in cafes after walking in god knows what - that really gets on my chesticles- my mother would have killed me stone dead if I had dared to do that.

Aircraft & brats drives me mad too.
It's more than just a garden centre... Has the most fabulous tea room, a gift shop & the best plants I've ever bought. Apart from York & our home it's my favourite place in the UK. Spending a couple of hours there, having one of their amazing scones & then bringing back something beautiful for the garden, is my idea of bliss.
Oh dear. I'm sensing upset? I only called it a 'Garden Centre' because you did, albeit with 'our local' preceding. I'm sure it's very nice (dirty lavatory patron excepting). I asked about the location in case I fancied a visit & farmyard was , of course a joke (much needed in dark times). So-reeee, Miss.🌈
I hope everyone stays safe, stays healthy or at worst gets this virus only mildly.

Figures from infected areas across the world seem to bear out that the elderly and those with underlying health conditions are most at risk. I have friends with asthma who are being extra cautious.

I'm due to fly to Tenerife shortly, so just keeping an eye on both UK and Spanish Govt announcements.

I've become very conscious of what unconscious habits I have, and others, too. I am trying not to touch my face under any circumstances. My handwashing game has improved. I haven't bought extra anything and by the sound of it I needn't bother trying now!

US Prez announcement of Europe travel ban is consistent with WHO stating Europe is now the disease epicentre but the exclusion of UK and Ireland has more to do with golf clubs and hotels than anything else IMO.
Unfortunately May, just seen Spain has banned all flights to mainland Spain, Balearic islands and the Canary Islands. Some flights been turned back mid flight. We are due to go to the Canaries mid May,not sure if it will go ahead as a lot of speculation it could last for months.
The USEPA has released a list of all cleaning products that will kill it.

Anyone here know if any UK agencies have released a similar list?

In the meantime, I'll be found wading through it out of interest...
I don’t think you can beat bleach . Watered down it is still effective and won’t damage surfaces .i also use the Domestos spray bleach. In the end you are only as good as other people’s hygiene. I have a son at home who is out and about so I worry that he could pick it up. But he has to get on with life.His hygiene is good.
I visit Venice at least once a year and have a live webcam of St Marls square on my iPad. Normally it is teaming with people but at the minute there is 1 person and 2 policemen there. So sad.

I have 3 trips to Eunope already booked long before this started so I have my fingers crossed that it has calmed down by the first in June as worried about my annual insurance policy which was in place when booked but will need renewal before travel which has never been a problem for the past 20 years but not sure about now.
Yes we have 3 booked for this year, the first is mid May but I am resigned to the fact it will be cancelled. Next is early July and another mid September. We have travel insurance with our bank and paid our age extension last week. It is not due until the 23rd of March so hope it will be ok. Saw somewhere one large insurance company has stopped offering travel insurance,not sure if it is correct or just a rumour.
Did you see the item about your phone? Apparently the best way is just to use liquid soap and a damp cloth obviously making sure not to get wet. If you think about it people touch their phones all the time whilst putting them down any space space they have (including the bloody loo) and then touch their face.

Oh yuk!
Slightly longer post.

Mr B did a short stint as a postie a couple of years ago between jobs (They were very sorry to loose him as he was brilliant). It's not as easy as you think & hard work - many leave after a few weeks/months, some on the first day - however you essentially get paid to walk & he lost about a stone despite eating normally/lots of bananas.
He bought home the PDF (button presser thingy) that they use to scan tracked mail & enter the codes, so I gave it a clean with my Dettol kitchen cleaner. Oh my word it was filthy!!!! Took about 8 rub & wipes to make the cloth come off clean....yuk yuk yuk. Must be hard for Posties now. Mr B said he hated touching dirty letterboxes. Some wafted out dope fumes - The homes with loads of white goods/DFS show rooms in the gardens were worst.

He had so many funny stories. I loved it when we'd see each other in the eve, as I was dying to know that days occurrences, often involving naughty pups/cats/dogs/odd members of the public.
Be nice to your postie. Obvs its tricky right now, but it's hard for them if they are dying for a wee or something or the weather is boiling hot/freezing cold. Remember them at Christmas. They do a good job & get loads of grief from managers & customers. They will 'look after you' if you have a regular one & treat him well.

Oh, God, YES! I always check my seat now (though germs don't show, I don't want. to put my bum on a muddy footprint). A while back I started taking a refillable 30ml spray bottle (eBay) filled with Dettol spray (just pump it in from the nozzle) so I can clean the table off before eating and the loo before using it. I use the disabled loo if available (and doesn't have a dodgy man with an armful of shopping in it - I strongly suspect he was shop-lifting - he got in before me but I had a feeling he wasn't disabled so knocked hard. He came out immediately and gave me a look to freeze hell, too, before going into the baby change next door). The disabled loo must have an invisible sign saying"**** here" that I can't see as almost every time I use one the previous user has left at the very least skids all over the pan. Some don't even bother to flush.

Anyway, I digress. And agree. WTF is wrong with these people leaving their precious kids walk all over chairs and even tables?! Or run around so other people carrying trays of hot drinks are terrified kid will bump into them and get a head full of boiling drink over them. Or run around with a drink and spill it all over the floor that mummy sees but does nothing about so someone can slip and fall, pouring hot drinks over themselves.

WTF happened to common sense and decency? It's a great shame this virus wouldn't target idiots!

FAB POST (again).
Letting kiddies stand in trollies/on the checkout area/on tables /chairs is inconsiderate/selfish/jolly bad manners/stupid.
My Mom would have 'had a word' if I'd done that. Goodness knows what the kids step in, if awful dog owners haven't cleaned up.
My Obie is allowed in many cafe's now. He is a Springer so can be exuberant, but he HAS to sit or lie down nicely under the table/in a corner/on my feet. And he does. We NEVER feed him anything from the table, even at home. If we save him a sausage,from thje cafe/pub, it's wrapped in a napkin & given him outdoors. Obie is an animal & imo behaves better than these children. Obie's intelligence level is meant to be that of a 2 year old (of course I think he's highly advanced, lol) so he's of the same mentality & better behaved than the brats.
I love (well not literally) my regular postie. He was a very young man when he started but is showing bits of grey so you can see he has been at it a long time! He always greets us by name and is very good about leaving our parcels safe and in return we try to be as accommodating for neighbours.

in summer he is in shorts and sports a great tan but in winter the poor soul is often in full weatherproof suit.

worth his weight in gold.
I've just tried to put in an online order for home delivery with Sainsbury's which I do every 2 weeks. Nothing available for 3 weeks. Mind you I bet that most of the order wouldn't have been delivered anyway. Ah well, back to shopping in a shop. Yikes!

Cartoon stock cubes 89361418_1021649655.jpg
I love (well not literally) my regular postie. He was a very young man when he started but is showing bits of grey so you can see he has been at it a long time! He always greets us by name and is very good about leaving our parcels safe and in return we try to be as accommodating for neighbours.

in summer he is in shorts and sports a great tan but in winter the poor soul is often in full weatherproof suit.

worth his weight in gold.

They totally are.
I love (well not literally) my regular postie. He was a very young man when he started but is showing bits of grey so you can see he has been at it a long time! He always greets us by name and is very good about leaving our parcels safe and in return we try to be as accommodating for neighbours.

in summer he is in shorts and sports a great tan but in winter the poor soul is often in full weatherproof suit.

worth his weight in gold.

I used to have a lovely postie, who would chat away about all and sundry when I saw him. Then when the post office moved to posties using the wheeled contraption to put the post in to save their backs, he was moved to another area as he did not drive and just used his bike for his deliveries.

So then we got a new young postie, who I have now finished training up. He would open the porch door and fling the mail onto my porch mat where everyone wiped their feet. I have a box for post, but he would ignore that and fling the mail onto the mat, including anything fragile as well. I asked him not to do it, and he would stop for a while and then resume. In the end, I wrote to the post office and they had a word with him and he no longer does it.

I wish I had my old postie back though.
I used to have a lovely postie, who would chat away about all and sundry when I saw him. Then when the post office moved to posties using the wheeled contraption to put the post in to save their backs, he was moved to another area as he did not drive and just used his bike for his deliveries.

So then we got a new young postie, who I have now finished training up. He would open the porch door and fling the mail onto my porch mat where everyone wiped their feet. I have a box for post, but he would ignore that and fling the mail onto the mat, including anything fragile as well. I asked him not to do it, and he would stop for a while and then resume. In the end, I wrote to the post office and they had a word with him and he no longer does it.

I wish I had my old postie back though.
He would have had a good telling off.
Aircraft & brats drives me mad too.

Oh dear. I'm sensing upset? I only called it a 'Garden Centre' because you did, albeit with 'our local' preceding. I'm sure it's very nice (dirty lavatory patron excepting). I asked about the location in case I fancied a visit & farmyard was , of course a joke (much needed in dark times). So-reeee, Miss.🌈
Good grief, NO. I did a paraphrase of the M&S advert because in my opinion
it's the best of the best.
Well done you. I can't believe how dirty some people are either. Yuck. Did she wash her hands Twilight??
Yes she did. I considered singing the chorus from 'I Will Survive' but she probably would have hit me so I just watched her, I could see part of my reflection & I looked really judgemental. I was the child who shouted at people for hitting their dogs & I've told mothers to move their babies out of direct sunshine. My Mr T sometimes finds it hard to be out with me o_O
Good grief, NO. I did a paraphrase of the M&S advert because in my opinion
it's the best of the best.
Yes she did. I considered singing the chorus from 'I Will Survive' but she probably would have hit me so I just watched her, I could see part of my reflection & I looked really judgemental. I was the child who shouted at people for hitting their dogs & I've told mothers to move their babies out of direct sunshine. My Mr T sometimes finds it hard to be out with me o_O

Well I like the cut of your jib.
This is an extract from someone living in Italy - let’s hope to heavens we won’t be like this:

“We are confined to our houses all day, except to buy groceries, visit a doctor or pharmacy, buy a newspaper or take a walk in an uncrowded place. We have to carry a certificate justifying our need to be outside. We can download and fill out the certificate ourselves, but if we're found to be less than truthful, we can be fined or put in quarantine.
All shops, bars, and restaurants are closed. All public gatherings are forbidden, including weddings and funerals.
If it helps to slow the contagion, I don't mind it.”
When are you due to fly to Tenerife? I'm going there too at the end of April and flying with Tui. I'm actually hoping that it's cancelled because instead of looking forward to the holiday I'm actually feeling pretty nervous. Ok, we might get there ok, but if something happens, will we be stuck out there? Will I even be able to relax properly and enjoy the holiday as I should....will loads of things be closed anyway. I'm sorry to paint a picture of doom and gloom over something as wonderful as a holiday..but if the holiday company cancels then I'll be entitled to a full refund and book again hopefully at another time. Jet 2 have stopped flights to spain and the canaries...I wonder whether or when other companies will follow suit?

That went well! I was due to go with Jet2 next weekend. I'm now contemplating a staycation!
Insurance wise you probably stand a good chance if you were due to go this week, however for those who have paid a deposit with the balance due next month for travel in June it’s a big decision do you cancel and lose deposit or hold off and although perhaps flights on but the destinations are like the Marie Celeste.

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