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Well Twilight, I was in bed last night and heard some serious shrieking and carousing going on over Putney Hill. It certainly didn't sound as if there was any social distancing going on! (And goodness knows where they were all hanging out as the pub is shut for a refurb. unless they were just on the Heath.) I thought to myself "and they want to put the over 70s under house arrest!!"
I hope you and your parents stay safe.

How realistic is it for a couple in a small house, or even worse in a 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom flat to have one person self isolate in the way they are recommending .
+Thank you, fortuantly our house is slightly bigger than 1 bed/1 bath :) but still, if it is the case of 4 months that is a long time!
It’s all very well London MP and people with extended families rabbiting on about this but what of folk living by themselve in the sticks - who is going to “deliver” things to them.

if I hear once more about using sanitizer I will punch the TV - are they living in the real world where there isn’t any for love or money? I’ll bet the health secretary isn’t short of supplies and will fill his fat arse in the H of P restaurant.

+Thank you, fortuantly our house is slightly bigger than 1 bed/1 bath :) but still, if it is the case of 4 months that is a long time!

For 4 months Ill have to choose between death from the virus, killing Mr L or just dying of boredom.
Well I bet Dominic Cummings, whose idea this is, isn't short of sanitiser, people to help him, room at home to self isolate. In fact if I see him on TV my screen will be in danger too. As far as I am concerned, the sooner they quarantine him and his ageist ideas, the better. It will be very interesting to see how many people over 70, like these retired doctors they want to get back into the NHS, are suddenly allowed to be an exception to the rule.
Well I bet Dominic Cummings, whose idea this is, isn't short of sanitiser, people to help him, room at home to self isolate. In fact if I see him on TV my screen will be in danger too. As far as I am concerned, the sooner they quarantine him and his ageist ideas, the better. It will be very interesting to see how many people over 70, like these retired doctors they want to get back into the NHS, are suddenly allowed to be an exception to the rule.
The Beeb's just said that the self isolation concept was suggested by scientists.
i completely agree. It has made my blood boil and it doesnt even apply to me. Are we to expect armed guards patrolling to do age checks? Dominic Cummings had this idea; they should isolate him for four months!
Ah yes Dominic Cummings the unelected government advisor.
Ah, bless you, you are lovely. Hope you are ok yourself. It’s nice to be missed. I guess I have just found myself with not much to say on here for some reason. Hardly ever see QVC so feel I have nothing to add to the discussions about presenters. I am buying less from the great Q but do selfishly look at the forum to learn about deals now and then - indeed I have bought a couple of things as a result so thanks as ever to various posters. I apologise for my furtive visits without ‘speaking’.

Anyway, I was looking for a little refuge from all the news at the moment and then was tempted back by this thread title as Stockpile is my middle name. I am secretly hoping the antidote for the virus will be a beauty item or make-up. I am at least ok for handwash!
a beauty solution to not touching your face may be a full face of warpaint. After taking the time and trouble to apply it, you don't want to smudge it....but it hardly needs to be a Q brand!
People spouting on TV are living in a 1950’s world when we were in an out of each other’s houses looking out for each other. In the real world people are ,at best , on nodding terms with neighbours.

Anyway just imagine being in Tescos buying 6 of everything and saying they are for old and vulnerable neighbours/family - you would be lynched.

Its getting like something out of a George Orwell novel where the weak will go to the wall and then the wealthy and healthy will kill each other fighting for supremacy.
It's got so bad in Italy, that they are talking about not being able to provide intensive care beds to the over 80s, and having to make hard decisions regarding who will benefit (ie survive) most, from the available medical care. So, basically having to decide, who lives, and who dies.

I think this is what's behind the self-isolation of the elderly population. I hope they are going to do it properly, with care packages set up for shopping, medication, etc, not to mention dealing with the mental health issues that isolation can cause.

I'm sure (most) people mean well, with their offers to help, but I imagine that the over 70s, especially those living alone in the sticks, would prefer to have their welfare properly organised, and not just left to the kindness of neighbours, on an ad-hoc basis, neighbours who may be called away at any time, to deal with family emergencies, leaving the isolated neighbour, high & dry. (Apologies for the very long sentence. And over-use of, 'neighbour'.)

We can only hope that the govt. is already planning something of this ilk.

My mum is 77, and housebound, but if she wasn't, she'd be under orders from me, to stay put! We live in different countries, and I, also, am housebound. She has a regular care package in place, so she does have some help.

There certainly are worrying times ahead.
Vienna not familiar with the scents . Which would you say was the least perfumed. TIA
Can`t help you with that LATI cos this is the first time I`ve ordered the hand sanitiser but for Mr V I ordered the dettol fragrance because I doubt he`d like a fruity/floral or more feminine pong. He`s an old style bloke lol

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